So I'm in the process of applying for some jobs that have PT requirements. These generally consist of pushups, pullups, situps, and a 1.5 mile run. The running is fine, because it doesn't interfere with my normal routine (I run 30-40 min after my workouts usually).
However, the only way in the past that I've been able to quickly and efficiently increase the number of pushups/pullups/situps I can do in a row is by doing them almost every day. I'm just trying to figure out how I can do that and still do my normal workouts.
My routine looks something like this:
Sunday: Back/Biceps/Abs/Cardio
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps/Cardio
Thursday: Abs/Extended cardio
Friday: Legs/Shoulders/Cardio
Will doing the above while also doing the pushups, pullups and situps every day result in overtraining and actually negatively affecting what I can do during PT testing?