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Thread: Contest Prep cycle and contest prep help

  1. #1

    Contest Prep cycle and contest prep help

    This is going to be my first competition on july 24th of this year and i will be competing again august 8th.
    Stats: 23 6' 2 235 10% bf
    AAS History: 1st cycle 500mg enanthate 10 weeks. (2007)
    2nd cycle750mg cypionate 10 weeks. (2009)

    This will be my third cycle and i am not sure what to run for the contest and when to take it. What should i do for between the two shows? will my diet/carb/sodium loading have to be the same as if weren't taking AAS? im confused but my dream is to get on stage. I've been workin out for ten years taking 2 weeks off a year at most. All help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Im gonna try and post a pic tonight

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Paradise By The Dashboard
    Post your diet, your split, for sure a pic and then I can help.

    In the meantime....

  4. #4

  5. #5
    1. 4 Scoops protein

    2. 6 Eggs
    1 Cup oatmeal

    3. 8 oz chix
    1 cup brown rice

    4.(PWO) 4 scoops protein
    60 gram dextrose

    5. 12oz Lean beef
    2 cups Brown rice

    6. 8oz Chicken
    1 cups brown rice

    7. 4oz Tilapia
    2 Slices WW bread
    2 TBLS Natty PB

    TOTALS: 360Grams CARBS/ 119.9Grams FAT/ 514.6 grams PROTEIN

  6. #6
    My split Right now I'm Doing DC training I switched back to high volume, when i cut in the spring and kept that going until about 2 weeks ago. It went like this.

    Monday: Am- Quads PM-Hams and calves
    Tuesday: Chest/Tris
    Wednesday: Back/Bis
    Friday:AM - Quads PM-Hams and Calves
    Saturday - AM-Shoulders and Traps/PM- Superset Arm workout

    I will be going back to something similar to that. I won't be able to do two-a-days because I no longer work at a gym. Right now

    Monday - DC upper Body -Chest/Shoulder/Trap/Tri/Back Width/Back Thick
    Tuesday - DC lower Bis/Forearm/Calves/Hams/Quads
    Wednesday - I deadlift on this day 4 sets pyramiding the weight up. from 12-4 reps
    Thursday - same as monday
    Friday - same as tuesday.

    This has really worked well for me in the past i did DC for years and it pretty much built the body i have today. Im open to any and all suggestions reguarding all of this, as i dont know shit about contest prep or competing. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    looking thick bro

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    looking thick bro
    i hope thats a good thing hahaha. I've been clean for a while can't wait to get back on some shit.

  9. #9
    LBS id be really interested in your advice. Thats one hell of an article

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Paradise By The Dashboard
    I'll help however I can.

    What are your true questions?

    July of NEXT year, I assume you meant?

    You have a solid foundation. I'd suggest running one more short bulker and then prepare to start contest prep 16 weeks out which means cardio every morning, 109% clean diet, switch to fish yada. Let's discuss then.

    For now, Diet looks good. I might drop the bread, but otherwise it's solid.

    I can't comment on your training. DC is not my style. I subscribe by more volume.

    Between the two shows is easy. You will hopefully be 5-6% Bf, you eat whatever the hell you want the weekend of the first show, and then get right back on your two week out contest prep diet (high pro, low carb, moderate fat). Bur let's discuss then.

  11. #11
    perfect thank you

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