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Thread: Dumbells at home or Barbells at the gym?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    San Diego

    Dumbells at home or Barbells at the gym?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm 54 and have spent the last two years getting in shape with P90X at home. All the weight training is with dumbells. Anyways I'm looking to go to the next level.

    Is there any significant advantage to barbells over dumbells? I don't have room at home to set up a barbell area. I'll join the local gym if barbells are the way to go.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I would suggest utilizing both free weight dumbbell and barbell. They both serve different benefits. Dumbbells allowing you to balance the weight and target your stabilizer fibers. Barbell provides a method in which you can really pack on the weight and use this for mass purposes (although both are great for mass) Additionally, if you have any imbalances, they can be corrected with Dumbbells, where as Barbells targets each side equally which could make the more dominant side more pronounced.

    To get the best of both worlds, use both.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If you have room for a rack of dumbbells at home you should have room for a barbell. I use dumbbells and the barbell exclusively at my house. I am a BIG fan of dumbbells and free weights in general for a lot of reasons including what HP said about the balancing aspect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I have had great results with barbells. LOTS of mass. But when I mix it up with dumbells I can break past new points.

    My BB ovewrhead press was stuck at 185X5. After training with 80-95lb dumbells for overhead press, my bb overhead press went to 225 x 10.

    So definately use both

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    San Diego
    Thanks everyone I will be checking out the local gym. I have a small, tricked out one bedroom house and the only room for regular excercise is the bedroom. The dumbbells are enough clutter (neat freak...maybe a little OCD) ..there is no way I'm gonna add a bench, barbells, etc. Three days a week at the gym would be okay, cardio at home.

    BTW those in Hawaii....SUCKS but surf pro Andy Irons died suddenly yesterday from some virus from a recent trip to Puerto Rico. 32 years old on top of the world, wife pregnant with first son..TRAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP brudha!
    Last edited by DeniZen; 11-03-2010 at 08:10 AM.

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