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Thread: HGH Question

  1. #1
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    HGH Question

    Hey guys Ive done alot of research on this and Ive found varying degrees of answers. Im gonna start HGH this month and was gonna start with 2iu's 5/2 for as long as I have the cash flow to keep it coming as it is coming through HRT and it is not cheap. Im sure it's legit HGH since it is coming through the clinic but my question would be is 2iu's gonna do anything for me as far as size/fatloss.

    Im currently 6'2'' 245lbs 17%BF wanting to build some real size. I was gonna start the HGH then add in my cycle which will consist of:
    Test Cyp-600mg/Weeks-1-10
    Deca 300mg/Weeks-1-10

    Any advice greatly appreciated...

  2. #2
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    hope you have enough for at least 6 months...

  3. #3
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    2ius won't do crap for you unless you're elderly or female.

  4. #4
    Like D7M said, 2iu's is not going to do much. You need to be hitting 6-8 if you want to see some muscle growth.

    jing jai

  5. #5
    If you don't have enough HGH to make it worth your while you're just gonna waste your money. You're gonna get plenty of anabolic results from the test and deca. Save your money on the HGH. Invest it arimadex or some other AI or SERM in case of gyno. Make sure go got good PCT lined up.

  6. #6
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    I've got the HCG, Arimidex and Clomid on hand. I am able to get it for a whole year, but only 2-3iu/per day for 5on 2off...

  7. #7
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    If you guys dont think Im gonna see anything from 2-3iu's day im not gonna do it. . .

  8. #8
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    One more question about this, with my IGF-1 being around 366 right now with no supplementation of GH would the GH raise it to a decent level were I would build or does it not work like that....

  9. #9
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    24 and 245 pounds and you want more size? My gosh... Please continue to eat right and train and you will end up a STAR!
    YOU WILL....please hold out for the HGH for now. PLease.

  10. #10
    Your IGF level is good for you age group. I wouldn't add more HGH at this point, no need.

  11. #11
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    I'm 51 years old and had a baseline level of IGF-1 at 158 ng/ml. I take 2 iu/day and that puts me right at where you are now. When I cycle I will bump my HGH dose up to 4iu/day.

    I believe that HGH is effective and worthwhile for me, but my situation and goals are likely different than yours.

  12. #12
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    Do you guys think I should just run a GHRP-2/ CJC1295 Combo as from every i've read wont shut down my own production?

  13. #13
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    I understand now diet is absolutely essential in getting big or cut whatever your choice is, but honestly if you want to big really big you have to supplement with something correct?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsr183 View Post
    I understand now diet is absolutely essential in getting big or cut whatever your choice is, but honestly if you want to big really big you have to supplement with something correct?
    Quality big or Quanity big?....2 different looks. Natural looks better with a natural foundation underneath to create size before adding synthetics. IMO

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsr183 View Post
    Hey guys Ive done alot of research on this and Ive found varying degrees of answers. Im gonna start HGH this month and was gonna start with 2iu's 5/2 for as long as I have the cash flow to keep it coming as it is coming through HRT and it is not cheap. Im sure it's legit HGH since it is coming through the clinic but my question would be is 2iu's gonna do anything for me as far as size/fatloss.

    Im currently 6'2'' 245lbs 17%BF wanting to build some real size. I was gonna start the HGH then add in my cycle which will consist of:
    Test Cyp-600mg/Weeks-1-10
    Deca 300mg/Weeks-1-10

    Any advice greatly appreciated...
    what you need is legit gh. 4-5 units a day for growth. it happens very fast ofcourse it depends on how much natural gh you produce because EVERYONE IS different, if you are over 30 and produce very little amount of gh naturally you will see growth and big difference in quality within a very short time period, 2 months or less, if on aas with gh you will see it within 14 days, you heard that right,

    most people who use it are not serious bodybuilders and have no intentions to be serious bodybuilder (serious bodybuilder doesnt mean you compete!), im tellin you right here and now that if you use gh with test tren and eq at 4-5 units a day you start seeing changes in your physiqe within 10-14 days of the gh start, muscle fibers are created in extremly fast rate, jaw open up, delts open up, wrists thicken some mainly from water bloat but not only, you just grow like you were at 17.

    6-8 units is very serious growing into the big boys level of 240-250 lean , over 10-15 units of legit gh is a serious competitor that lives off bodybuilding.

    rest assure the only difference between then physiqes and now physiqes is growth hormone. insulin didnt make such a big difference when it comes to quality development, only development of big guts and you know who they are when you see them.
    Last edited by mighty1; 11-19-2010 at 08:18 AM.

  16. #16
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    im also of the opinion you can grow off 2-3 units of gh if used for longer periods of time, unlike 4 units or over that can be used for short periods of time and grow you, 2-3 units should be used for somewhat longer 4-6 months, ofcourse aas is a must.

    you need to remember that the moment one reduces his bf and remain same weight------> that someone grew a little in size. it happens very fast with 4 units and over and slower with 2-3 units but it always happens on gh otherwise we would all look like frank zane at best 185 5% on stage. look at what we got now on stage...and they aint winning no mr olympia lol
    Last edited by mighty1; 11-19-2010 at 08:27 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    what you need is legit gh. 4-5 units a day for growth. it happens very fast ofcourse it depends on how much natural gh you produce because EVERYONE IS different, if you are over 30 and produce very little amount of gh naturally you will see growth and big difference in quality within a very short time period, 2 months or less, if on aas with gh you will see it within 14 days, you heard that right,

    most people who use it are not serious bodybuilders and have no intentions to be serious bodybuilder (serious bodybuilder doesnt mean you compete!), im tellin you right here and now that if you use gh with test tren and eq at 4-5 units a day you start seeing changes in your physiqe within 10-14 days of the gh start, muscle fibers are created in extremly fast rate, jaw open up, delts open up, wrists thicken some mainly from water bloat but not only, you just grow like you were at 17.

    6-8 units is very serious growing into the big boys level of 240-250 lean , over 10-15 units of legit gh is a serious competitor that lives off bodybuilding.

    rest assure the only difference between then physiqes and now physiqes is growth hormone. insulin didnt make such a big difference when it comes to quality development, only development of big guts and you know who they are when you see them.
    Would this happen with HGH alone? or is Test needed in combination with this type of growth?

  18. #18
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    it depends on your natural test production, usually with gh alone the main thing that happens get lean and grow in direct relashion to dose, for some women 2 iu of legit gh is ALOT and they grow off it those are women who are on aas or have high natural test, but in general if doing hgh by itself low dose it will only grow you from leaning out, slow slow growing,

    when having in your blood the drug TREN ACE inaddition to hgh (along with test and eq/deca/primo as base) the GROWTH is very prominent it is becoming 3 dimentional very fast, you become a beast but nasty one, you start getting lower in bf while at the same time ADDING lean muscle not only growing as a result of leaning out but you MULTIPLY the process by the drug tren and test who blow up those new muscle fibers very fast from within, and the eq that slowly coming from behind and make them mature and developed.

    thats just how it works, most will never tell you that, i just like to tell it like it is, so people will understand that genetics has very little to do with being big and lean, there are lots of chemicals involved with what you see around you these days, natural big and lean means 6'3 210 9-10% lol
    Last edited by mighty1; 11-19-2010 at 08:43 AM.

  19. #19
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    I think it depends on your natural production of growth hormone(age) that determines if 2iu a day is beneficial. 2iu's for a 45 year old vs 2iu's for a twenty year old would be significantly differnet(IMO)

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    it depends on your natural test production, usually with gh alone the main thing that happens get lean and grow in direct relashion to dose, for some women 2 iu of legit gh is ALOT and they grow off it those are women who are on aas or have high natural test, but in general if doing hgh by itself low dose it will only grow you from leaning out, slow slow growing,

    when having in your blood the drug TREN ACE inaddition to hgh (along with test and eq/deca/primo as base) the GROWTH is very prominent it is becoming 3 dimentional very fast, you become a beast but nasty one, you start getting lower in bf while at the same time ADDING lean muscle not only growing as a result of leaning out but you MULTIPLY the process by the drug tren and test who blow up those new muscle fibers very fast from within, and the eq that slowly coming from behind and make them mature and developed.

    thats just how it works, most will never tell you that, i just like to tell it like it is, so people will understand that genetics has very little to do with being big and lean, there are lots of chemicals involved with what you see around you these days, natural big and lean means 6'3 210 9-10% lol
    thanks bold above...the operative word is "growing" my question I have asked here until my face is popping RED is this: if someone wants to look smaller as in not adding surface which HGH does, then would you suggest to stay away from HGH altogether? Because every time I see the word "grow" ( hgh? duh!) I think well perhaps HGH is NOT for someone who actually wants to LOOK SMALLER? please clarify this
    bottom line: Have you EVER seen anyone use HGH and end up looking smaller? as in shrunk in size? thanks!

    and yes the is a bit of a hyjack but I want to hear this while I can....thanks and sorry to get off track..but maybe helpful to someone else! I hope

  21. #21
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    Mighty my IGF-1 as it stands right now is 366ng/ are you saying with 2-3 iu's on top of my IGF-1 being at a decent range already I will see the "muscle fibers are created in extremly fast rate, jaw open up, delts open up, wrists thicken some mainly from water bloat but not only, you just grow like you were at 17", your saying I would add some significant size if in conjuction with my Test/Deca???

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    thanks bold above...the operative word is "growing" my question I have asked here until my face is popping RED is this: if someone wants to look smaller as in not adding surface which HGH does, then would you suggest to stay away from HGH altogether? Because every time I see the word "grow" ( hgh? duh!) I think well perhaps HGH is NOT for someone who actually wants to LOOK SMALLER? please clarify this
    bottom line: Have you EVER seen anyone use HGH and end up looking smaller? as in shrunk in size? thanks!

    and yes the is a bit of a hyjack but I want to hear this while I can....thanks and sorry to get off track..but maybe helpful to someone else! I hope
    no. hgh will always grow you lean, now if you talk about number on scale going south then yes i see it alot with gh use only....but as we all know there are plenty of light guys looking bigger than heavier guys, the growth gh cause is lean growth of pure muscle, nothing other than pure 100% beef. the growth is also in specific places where muscles are located while simutaneously tighten your mid section and reducing your waist line, unlike slin that blow your stomack up... gh by itself along with aas only grows you lean. gh is the reason bb is what it is now days.

    to your question directly, gh will grow anyone, male or female, it will never make you look smaller, not even at 2 units.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsr183 View Post
    Mighty my IGF-1 as it stands right now is 366ng/ are you saying with 2-3 iu's on top of my IGF-1 being at a decent range already I will see the "muscle fibers are created in extremly fast rate, jaw open up, delts open up, wrists thicken some mainly from water bloat but not only, you just grow like you were at 17", your saying I would add some significant size if in conjuction with my Test/Deca???
    igf levels change, how do you know you are 366 at all times? its like blood pressure, always changes but within specific parameters, usually has a lot to do with age, if you are in your early 20s you wont see as much as if you are in your mid 30s, thats why guys at mid 20s use higher doses and become the monsters you see now days.

    anyone grows off legit gh, you will grow on 3 units a day it will just take longer to notice, and by longer i dont mean a year, at the 2-3 units a day it will take around 4-6 months, 4 and higher it will take half the time, but when on aas and gh you start seeing changes after a week, you FEEL changes after a day or 2. its gh guys, it is exactly what its name says: growth hormone, thats why it costs so much, and the only reason you get it cheaper from china is because they are poor living in a shit hole of a country when it comes to human rights and freedom, so when they sell it to you for 150bucks, that same gh in US would go for 4-5 times the price due to big pharma and capitalism so youd pay 600-1200 for the same gh which in return will be stored better and wont have to travel long.
    Last edited by mighty1; 11-19-2010 at 10:57 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    no. hgh will always grow you lean, now if you talk about number on scale going south then yes i see it alot with gh use only....but as we all know there are plenty of light guys looking bigger than heavier guys, the growth gh cause is lean growth of pure muscle, nothing other than pure 100% beef. the growth is also in specific places where muscles are located while simutaneously tighten your mid section and reducing your waist line, unlike slin that blow your stomack up... gh by itself along with aas only grows you lean. gh is the reason bb is what it is now days.

    to your question directly, gh will grow anyone, male or female, it will never make you look smaller, not even at 2 units.
    Thank you, Mighty1. Smaller versus leaner are two different things. I get it.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-19-2010 at 12:02 PM.

  25. #25
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    trs, for what it is worth, i am on 4 iu 5/2 and weigh a lot less then you. I plan to run for 6 - 9 months. My goal is weight loss so I recently added clen. If you decide to start the gh, you will want to ramp up. I went up too fast and had to drop off until the tingy / numbness in the hands went away. The first month, I was really retaining water, but that seems to have gone away. I do alot of cardio, so that helps. Good luck!

  26. #26
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    Mighty1 another question, when taking HGH is the 4-5iu range for 5/2 is is necessary to eat clean or just make sure to get the calories (protien) in?

  27. #27
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    OP: You have a lot of growth hormone now at 24.

    Eating right and training correctly will do wonders at this point since you already have an edge with your own hormones. Please reconsider your plan and wait a few years before taking HGH.
    It will pay off in the long run by using what you have naturally.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-20-2010 at 07:39 AM.

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