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Thread: Kelevra’s training log & results

  1. #1

    Kelevra’s training log & results

    Here ya go, some info on me, maybe some will learn something, others just a laugh.
    Back Ground & Stats
    Age: 35
    Height: 6,2
    Weight: 275
    BF%: 19
    Cycle Exp: 1
    PCT Knowledge: lots of reading
    Training Exp: 15 years

    I have been lifting since I was close to 20 years old. I was genetically very athletic although like many youth I had no clue of how to eat or really anything else. Like many kids I wanted to be a freak. I didn’t know much about gear then. Accept the stories of terrible side effects and the ETC. I didn’t know how to get it and frankly was actually scared of it. This of course was a good thing.

    After a few years of struggling to gain any muscle I started to learn about protein intake and soon to follow how to eat carbs. I then began to put on a few pounds and gain some strength. Of course the immaturities of my early 20’s (late nights and beer) contributed to the lack of progress. The hit 190 drop to 180 routine. Some might be familiar with that?

    I finally hit a calm in life around 23. Between 23 and 24 I started to make solid gains. This was all due to more focus on diet and training. The 190’s came and went and a comfortable 210 was actually pretty easily obtained. No not shredded at 3%, but a nice comfortable10-12%. (Can’t really remember exacts) This was of course due to the starting to put the focus on diet and training instead of the previously mentioned immaturities.

    After a roller coaster of a first year in marriage, job changes, and moves I was able to sit in for the long haul. From the age of 25 to 28 I went from that comfortable 210 to a beefy 270. I had a peak of about 276, but of course that came with some fat. I started to clean up the diet and settled in around 270. This was a strong thick 270 @ about 18-19%. Yes, a bit on the fat side, but mind you this was completely without any gear. Not even a pro hormone touched my system. And I could actually afford very few supplements other than protein.

    I tell this back story not only to set up for the reasons and results of present and future progress, but to let the kids out there know that gains are available naturally. Take advantage of them. At 20 years old I rarely did squats or dead lifts and the bench I could occasionally do a few with 225. At 28 years old my best lifts were 225 for 25 reps and 385 for 3 on bench, dead lift was 405 x2, and squat was a deep 315 for about 8. Natural gains are very possible.
    Last edited by kelevra; 11-20-2010 at 08:24 PM.

  2. #2
    I was still missing some info even through those peak years. I didn’t know how to rest. My body eventually started to ache and started to reject anything to do with training. I never had any major injuries however the pains in shoulders elbows, and other joints became a frustration. The rigors of constant cooking also became a burden.

    Over the course of the next several years I dramatically reduced the amount of time I spent in weight rooms. I would put together a few months of lifting and then on to something else. I played in some sport leagues and generally just tried to become healthier again. An outlook for overall better shape instead of strict size and strength. Finishing a degree, family man, job opportunities, some contracting with the military, they all took part in the neglect of a good consistent training regimen. I will say this. For the joints, it was a welcome time off.

    Now this isn’t going to go the way most guys recommend it to be. Probably a bit against the grain if you will. Some months ago I started to study the use of gear. I started to have the old hunger to gain, but it was far more controlled. No more monster syndrome. Now in my mid 30’s I had more maturity and a consistent life. I have, for the most part, the children we are going to have and now don’t have to worry about the financial commitments for the use of gear. I mentioned children as originally it was a large concern of mine.

    The shape I was in was not OK with me. 34 years old @ 264 pounds and too much fat. I didn’t have much ambition either. I felt constantly fatigued. Really felt like a steaming pile of shit. MISTAKE ONE. I should have probably done blood work at this time. As my body shape, fat content, and general feeling dictated. I was probably already suffering from low natural test. Who knows? Like I said, I should have done the blood work.

    Cheaters sometimes win. I had been studying AAS for a few months and was realizing more of the benefits if used properly. Besides the muscle gain, the other benefits at the time were actually more appealing. Increased libido, energy, fat burning capabilities. Drugs like Deca’s ability to help joint pain. All these things added up to my conclusion. BE SMART. Don’t go to heavy too fast. Know what you are taking and how to do it. Understand the side effects, risks, and how to minimize them. And understand PCT.

    I had a friend who I knew had used before. I approached him and heard his stories. Although he used to improve athletics, he was my similar age and had no bad experiences with gear. We talked it over and collaborated ideas then made the order.

    Into the first cycle. I had a different outlook. I would be smart, but I certainly wasn’t in the shape everyone was recommending to be in before I started. My answer to this was age, lifting experience and intelligence. Now I will say that not everyone will agree with what I do however the words have been echoed over and over. “You have to listen to your body.” I can tell you now that I wouldn’t have done it different other than the mistakes I have outlined. I hate to say for certain because I’m normally a pretty motivated chap, yet if I didn’t start with gear I very well could have continued the trend of a steamy pile of crap.

    The cycle. MISTAKE TWO. Although I don’t really feel this is a big one, I could have started with a Test only first cycle. I chose Test C, Deca, And Dbol. Yes, I agree. A bit much for a first cycle. The reason I say it was a mistake is due to the rapid returns of strength. At times, in the 1st few weeks, I felt like I could bench press a truck. I did acknowledge this and adjusted. I worked hard. Very hard however I knew when to not push it. No room for stupid injuries. I did relish in the returns and actually it motivated me to take it further (fitness wise) than I imagined that I would. I counted calories, re vamped diets, and even started cardio.

    Now a few mistakes or things I should have done different, sure. Yet the rejuvenation it made for me was remarkable. I have stopped contracting and just stuck with my local job that allows me to commit the time and effort toward my goals. My diet and training are tuned in better than ever. I continue to learn and gain ideas from the site daily. I now not only have a better understanding of diets and training, I am also learning how to rest. For now I will continue to refine. I’m making slow quality gains in muscle tissue while removing fat. I plan on taking advantage of this as long as I can. I will see where it goes, but I even have thoughts of a competition sometime down the road. You know? It is real nice to feel like yourself again.

  3. #3
    After reading the info, I felt like a short burst type cycle may be best for me and my goals. Although I would not be on long enough to gain all benefits from the gear, I liked the idea of getting my feet wet and being done before any nasty side effects could take place. This would also give me a chance to practice PCT and see how bad my body shut down and how hard it would be to recover. MISTAKE. I probably would have ran the Test and Deca on out to week 8 and then tapered off. I will say that I, at this point, am very satisfied with the current outcome.

    Weeks 1-5 Deca @ 400mg Weekly Mon & Thrs Pin.
    Weeks 1-5 Test C @ 400mg Weekly Mon & thrs Pin.
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg daily 10mg split am, noon, pm
    Nolva 10mg daily throughout.

    I feel like I made some nice gains in the short time. The complete turnaround as my fitness level is concern was the biggest. Body weight had a peak of 16 pounds. From 264 to 280. Of course I felt this was too rapid. I cleaned up the diet more and settled in at a comfy 11 pound gain. 264 to 275. As for strength, it was ridiculous & fast. I really had to watch my lifts as I could easily over do things and avoiding injury is always high on my list. I’ll say again, “I had to be very careful of the strength I gained”. As I had not been close to the totals in my past for some time. In week 7 of training and 2nd week of PCT I double 355 on bench, Dead lifted 315 for nice clean sets of 4, and squatted 315 for a good deep set of 3. For my size these certainly should be better and will be, but I continue to take things slow to avoid injury.

    My last full dose of Deca and Test came at the beginning of week 5. I tapered the dose to half at the end of week 5 and started HCG at 250 iu Every Other day at the beginning of week 6. I continued HCG at that dose through week 7. I also continued Nolva at 10mg Daily through that time.
    I am currently at the beginning of week 8.
    The start of week 8 brought Nolva up to 40mg daily and the addition of Clomid @ 50mg daily. Most recommendation have higher clomid however I will try this at first. I also added trib @ 1200mg daily.

  4. #4
    The workout.
    I do a five day split and then 2 days off.
    While on cycle I did far more sets. Once I have entered into PCT I have reduced over all sets however I am keeping weights heavy to help retain strength. I will continue this probably for most of PCT.
    Mon- Back, on cycle. I always start with dead lifts. 2-3 warm ups with progressively heavier. I go up to a comfortable weight for 3 sets of 3-4 reps. I then pull out 4 sets of pull-ups till failure. I then jump over and knock out 4 sets of lat pull downs. I keep the rep range between 10 and 14 for pull downs. If I get to heavy, I can’t get a good cramp in my back. I then go back to a row for a good center back hit. 4 sets of bent over barbell rows normally the 6 to 8 rep range. Final movement is cable row. Back to mid reps as I feel them better. 4 sets of 12 to 16 reps. That is 20 sets and takes about an hour.

    Probably a bit much, but I reduce that when off cycle. During PCT, I have dropped down to only the dead lifts, 4 sets of pull downs, and 4 sets of rows. That is it. I keep the weights heavy to retain strength, but reduce overall work load to reduce chance of over working.

    Tues-Chest On cycle. I normally start with the old flat bench. I don’t have any probs with barbell bench and feel I get great work from it. I do a standard progression up. First 3 sets are really just warm-ups. I cut off a few reps before max fatigue. Right now a typical day would look like 135 x 20, 225 x10-12, 275 x6. I then move to 315 and do 3 sets of 4-6 reps. On to incline dumbbell press. 4 sets of 6-8. I normally pick one more lift for upper chest and knock off another 4 sets of 10-12 reps. While on PCT I have been doing simply the first 2 lifts and done.

    Wed-legs On Cycle. Squats first & I never skip them. Similar to bench routine. I progress up with heavier weights for a warm up and then will hit 3 heavier working sets. My gym has no Hack squat at this time so I move over and use the smith for 4 sets of 8-10 reps. On to leg press. Another 4 sets of typically progressing heavier weights however sometimes I do feel better to just churn out some reps here with moderate weight. 4 sets of ham curls 12-16 reps and 4 sets of extensions from 8-20 reps rap up legs. As for during PCT. Squats, ham curls, & extensions have been it.

    Thr-Arms On cycle. I can give the lifts I use however reps and weights very so much during Bi’s it’s hard to explain. Ultimately I do what muscle wants that day. Sometimes it is heavy sometimes lighter with reps. I start wirh standing barbell curls and hit 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Alternating Standing dumbbell curls for 8-10 reps and then an isolation movement or cables for 4 sets of 12-14 reps. Tri’s get started off with skull crushers normally. I do like close grip benchers however I feel better when doing a fatigue set after the skull crusher set. The EZ bar feels better to my wrist than using the strait bar. 4 sets between 6-10 reps with 8-10 reps of close grips after. Next is either over head dumbbell ext, or over head EZ bar extension. 4 sets 8-10 reps. I like both. I go moderate weight with nearly all tri’s movements. I wrap it up with the old cable extension. I lighten it up some here as my tri’s are normally about to burst by now. 4 sets 10-12 reps.

    About every 4 weeks I like to change which I do first. EX- 4weeks I’ll start with bi’s and then 4 weeks I’ll start with tri’s. While on PCT I do standing barbell curl and a dumbbell curl. 8 sets total. And for tri’s I go with my skull crusher routine and then to the cable. About 8 sets total.

    Fri-Sholders On Cycle. 4 sets to warm up rear delts. 20 rep range. I then go into either barbell or dumbbell press. I try to go heavy, but moderate weight is safer for this muscle I think. 4 sets of 6-10 reps. I get a little extra upper chest cheat as I’ll do barbell incline next. My chest day was early in the week and incline is a good stressor for the front delt as well. 4 sets of progressively heavier. 8-16 reps. Side raises are next. I go small weight here for good form. 4 sets 8-12 reps. Back to the rear delt for 4 sets of 10 to 12 on the cables. 4 sets of shrugs finish the day. I like the dumbbells. 110’s are the biggest we have so I’ll do 4 sets of 20. PCT is actually about the same routine. Accept I might throw out one movement or reduce the sets to each movement.

    I was doing 15 min after workout while on cycle. Due to reduced sets of PCT I have started doing about 25 min. I never spend over an hour 15 to an hour 20 in the gym.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Good detailed read brother. Seems like your a big momba even without the juice!! Wish I could be like that One thing I would like to point out is you should run test C for at least 10 weeks since it doesnt really show results until week 3. Also deca doesnt really kick in until week 4-5 so that should also be ran for 10-12 weeks (Then 2 more weeks of test since the deca ester is longer). If your looking for a short burst cycle then use Test Prop which you will feel in only a couple of days. Glad to see you had your PCT right and still got good gains from your cycle. If you decide to run another cycle go dbol for 4 weeks and Test E for 12 weeks. Keep up the work brother.

  6. #6
    Yes, I agree now. I could have used gear more suited to what it was I was thinking. The next Cycle I have planned in a few months looks very similar to what you have laid out.
    Thank You for your input. It is very appreciated.

  7. #7
    I’m more than likely not going to do an update every day. I like its benefits of a journal and the ability to reflect on what was done, yet I certainly don’t think anyone will find something interesting every day. However I will keep things update frequently due being in PCT. Everyone knows you’ll make gains while on, but I find it to be the challenge to keep them. I am very excited of that challenge.
    Day 1 of week 8, Back Day. It would be nice to have a save point in life. So when shit went wrong you could just reload from check point! Spent nearly 12 hours in ER today with family. Dosen’t make for the best meal day, but the good news is they are getting better. You gotta love protein shakes for a day like today.

    Well the diet really sucked and I was in the gym at close to my normal bed time, but I got it in. The good news it wasn’t terribly disappointing. I did run into some fatigue after dead lifts. More than likely due to the lack of carbs today. I pulled out 2 warm up sets and then did a 315 x4, bumped to 365 x2 and then back to 315 for 4. 4sets of revere grip pull downs with progressively heavier weight and then 4 sets of dumbbell rows. 6-8 reps. It had been a minute since I have done dumbbell rows and I forgot how I liked them. I think too many beginners just see the motion and really don’t get the feel of the dumbbell row. I’ll be doing them more often again. No time for cardio this night had to head home for some decent chow. Looking forward to tomorrow. Chest day and some strait up barbell bench is always a good test of the strength.
    I’m out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    I do hope you are doing a lot more research before you think of doing another cycle..Not to restate what I hope you already realize but IMO your cycle and your pct are SH!T ALL...Total waste of gear,money and time.
    This forum and its members are a wealth of info..spend a little time surfin the threads and asking questions and you will be prepared to make proper choices.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    I do hope you are doing a lot more research before you think of doing another cycle..Not to restate what I hope you already realize but IMO your cycle and your pct are SH!T ALL...Total waste of gear,money and time.
    This forum and its members are a wealth of info..spend a little time surfin the threads and asking questions and you will be prepared to make proper choices.
    Other than the short duration of the cycle, the lowered amounts of clomid during PCT, and the things i have already mentioned above, please express a more detailed opinion of what you think is shit. The general label of all shit doesn’t do much good especially since 90% of the info used has come from this site and the opinions of its members from the threads they have written. I’m certainly open for criticism however I would appreciate if it is a little more useful.
    Thanks Mate

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    Other than the short duration of the cycle, the lowered amounts of clomid during PCT, and the things i have already mentioned above, please express a more detailed opinion of what you think is shit. The general label of all shit doesn’t do much good especially since 90% of the info used has come from this site and the opinions of its members from the threads they have written. I’m certainly open for criticism however I would appreciate if it is a little more useful.
    Thanks Mate
    Heres a layout for what PCT should look like.

    HCG 250iu 2x a week through cycle (or less with this cycle)

    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50 (Or 4 weeks if you want but clomid can cause some sides)

    You should start PCT 2 weeks after last test shot and DO NOT run HCG during PCT. HCG should only be ran up until you start PCT because it can actually hender your recovery.

  11. #11
    I didn’t run HCG throughout, but could have. Will next time for sure. I see guys on the forum throw it in between week 4-6. Looks like personnel preference. I feel it prob doesn’t need to be started in the first week, but soon after and throughout I’m sure would be best. I didn’t want to run HCG throughout PCT so while still under the time frame of the ester for Deca and Test C (what ruffly 14-17 days after last pin?) I started HCG at 250iu eod for that 14 day period. I was on Nolva that time frame, but upped the Nolva to the 40 at the end of that 14 day period. I also started Clomid at that 14 day mark as well. I see the typical dose is what you have outlined however it was not a long cycle and I felt that the 50mg of Clomid would be good enough. I also read on the forum where it doesn’t always take as high of dose as some people use standard. And of course as you pointed out that Clomid can cause some sides.
    I may have misspoken earlier, but I don’t think I was far off from what you have outlined. I will continue the 40 of nolva and 50 of clomid for the next week and a half. Then down grade to 20 nolva and 25 clomid for those two weeks. It’s outlined below.
    Last Pin Day 1-14 HCG eod @ 250iu with Nolva @ 10mg ed.
    Last Pin Day 15-28 Nolva @ 40mg ed & Clomid @ 50mg ed
    Last pin day 29-42 Nolva @ 20mg ed & Clomid @ 25mg ed
    A question. With the shortness of the cycle do you think I need to carry out the full 4 weeks or could I drop off the last one? I would like to have a couple of weeks without anything in system to do blood work?
    Thanks For Your comments blaster

  12. #12
    Day 2 of week 8 Chest
    OK, still trying to update often as I’m trying to catalog loss or maintenance during PCT. I was pretty on target with diet today although I was still a bit fatigued from a long night without much sleep. Shoulder was a bit sore so I stopped at 315 for the heavy set of barbell flat bench. Started with 135 x 20, 225 x 12, 275 x6, and then 315 for 3 set of 6. Kept good form, but was heavier than I would have like, but overall a satisfying lift. The shocker was when I stripped off the 315 and dropped down to 225 for a last set. It was nasty and sloppy, but tasted good. I was able to knock out about 28 reps at half to ¾ movements with 225. Real nice pump in the pecs. I hit 3 set of dips next. I like to lean a bit forward with them on chest day occasionally. Rep range was 8-10. 2 sets of 16 with cables wrapped up the day. Body weight is still holding and strength seems to be good as well. Finished with 20 mins on cross trainer for cardio. By the machine I burnt off about 365 calories.
    Last edited by kelevra; 11-20-2010 at 09:44 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Kelevra, I wasnt trying to be harsh,just stating what I see..The shortness and improper timing of cycle and pct simply make it a waste of money gear and time as I stated..Look into the esters of deca, and tes for that matter,you will find out that 4 or 5 weeks is not sufficient time for either of these to positively affect your body..basically you just shut down your hpta for nothing.The strength and weight that you got were from the Dbol not from the tes or deca.Which I am sure you will shortly lose..All I was tring to tell you was that you need to do a lot of research before you try and do another cycle..IMO...

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Kelevra, I wasnt trying to be harsh,just stating what I see..The shortness and improper timing of cycle and pct simply make it a waste of money gear and time as I stated..Look into the esters of deca, and tes for that matter,you will find out that 4 or 5 weeks is not sufficient time for either of these to positively affect your body..basically you just shut down your hpta for nothing.The strength and weight that you got were from the Dbol not from the tes or deca.Which I am sure you will shortly lose..All I was tring to tell you was that you need to do a lot of research before you try and do another cycle..IMO...
    I appreciate your concerns and thoughts. I guess only a little more time will tell if I will lose what I have gained. This will be the 4th full week from Dbol. This is the main reason I’m doing a detailed log of PCT. I can catalog strength and weight loss or gains.

    Thanks For Your Time Mate

  15. #15
    Day 3 of week 8 Legs
    Well I made it through the big 3 lifts this week as I did squats first today. 2 warm up sets brought up 315 for three working sets. First was a set of 4, but didn’t feel like I got them low enough. Second set was 3 reps, but lower. They didn’t feel greet either. It has taken me longer to get my squat form comfortable. Took a bit of a rest and rebounded nicely with a good deep set of 7. It’s amazing what good form can do for you. I finished off with 3 sets of 16 on ham curls and about 6 sets of extensions. Rep range there was from about 12 to 20.

  16. #16
    Day 5 of week 8 Arms/ Shoulders
    I missed day 4 for job training. Although it was still a very physical day.
    I combined bi’s, tri’s and shoulders today. Normal bi movements. 4 sets of 8 on strait bar curls followed 4 sets of 8 -12 reps with alternating dumbbell curls. Skull crushers / with close grips. 4 sets of 8-12 on the skull crushers and tri cable pushdowns for 4 sets of 10. For shoulders I warm up rear delts first with 3 sets of 20. I then moved to smith press. Completed 4 sets of 10-16 reps. Moved to 4 sets of 10-12 side raises on the cable. Finished off the day with 3 sets of 20 with dumbbell shrugs.
    For the day it felt real good. Body weight was up a bit. Due to the physical nature of the previous days training I dumped the diet that day and ate everything I could find. I say that, but the worst thing I ate was a can of ravioli and some granola bars. I had a huge pump in my arms this day. It felt real good. My shoulder lifts were also stronger. I think due to the warm up of doing arms beforehand.
    For the week it was solid. No losses and maybe even a few gains. There was some adversity to deal with for diet and lifting schedules. Overall I’m pleased with the week.

  17. #17
    Diet Talk
    Below is my normal chow routine. I have the calories and macro’s listed somewhere. I might put that down later. This meal plan has helped me stay fairly even with body weight, yet I have also increased strength some. At this time it has been somewhat picky for me. I do not want to cut yet although I probably should. However at 275 and 19% BF bulking isn’t an option. Don’t get me wrong I would love to be three bills, but not at the sacrifice of even higher fat. I will continue to try and refine my body mass, the slow meticulous process of increasing muscle and reducing body fat. My muscle memory has helped me out with this so far however the gains can’t come forever. Once I hit the wall, I’ll then have to address if I need to lean up some before continued mass building or if my fat content has decreased enough to continue gaining size. My goal is simple. To gain 25 to 30 pounds of lean body mass.
    Meal 1
    2 spoons Peanut butter & water
    2 scoops whey n water
    Half cup oats in one cup milk
    Meal 2
    Cup oats
    3 whole eggs, 3 whites
    1 toast and 1 scoop whey
    Meal 3
    2 turkey burgers & 1 cup rice
    Hour later 1 scoop whey
    Pre WO
    2 scoops whey & half cup oats
    Post WO
    1 scoop protein blend in 1 cup milk with banana
    Meal 4
    1 Cup oats, Rice, or cream of wheat
    Sirloin, chicken or more turkey.
    Hour later
    1 scoop whey
    Bed time
    2 scoops of protein blend and a few slices of deli turkey

  18. #18
    This will be week 9 total & week 3 of what I’m calling a maintenance phase. That is of course trying to keep the gains from the cycle. As a brief recap, I have simply just reduced the total working sets after the cycle. I have kept all weight heavy, but don’t train as many sets per body part. I hope this will allow me to keep the strength and size gains and not fall in to the possibility of over working while on PCT.
    This is the 10th day of PCT and i will likely cut doses of Nolva and Clomid for the next 10. It has been 31 days since last full dose of Test and Deca. Although I was not very motivated today, I have felt good and weight has held fairly consistent. I was down 1 pound today, but I had a very up and down week last week. I plan on carrying out one more full week of the lowered sets and then I will more than likely enter a 2 week period of priming before next cycle. That is the rough outline. I still need to get blood work done before then and some other things. We’ll see how it falls together.
    So week 9 day 1 Back
    I have been dragging ass all day. I just soon have went home and slept, but had dead lifts to do. Finished 2 warm up sets and pulled out 3 sets of 4 still with 315. First 2 felt crappy, but 3rd was nice. Hit 4 sets of 8-16 on lat pull downs and 3 sets of 10 one arm dumbbell rows. That normally would have been it, but I knocked out 3 sets of 16 on the low row cable. I was glad I threw in the extra sets today as it was a good pump and a wake up.

  19. #19
    Sometimes it’s the obvious things we miss. Other than my Test levels returning to mortal I have been making a mistake with my weekend eating habits. Due to being on the fat side of life I was not eating, but 100 grams or less of carbs on the weekend. That was leaving 2 days of not much carbage before day 1,2, & 3 workouts. Those happen to be the toughest days as well. Deads, bench, and squat. So no more low carb weekends. I will keep them close to the same as they are during the week.
    On to week 9 day 2 chest
    Decent day. Haven’t felt super motivated this week, but I’m getting it done. Warmed up as usual. 135, 225, and 275. Pushed out 2 sets of 7 with 315 and attempted a double with 365. Got one solid with the 365, but the second I needed a touch of help. Again this week I finished off bench with a burn out of 225 for close to 30 reps. Those felt super. Like they were 135. 3 sets of dumbbell incline and 3 sets of cable raises and that was it.
    Week 9 day 3 legs
    The gym is closed for the holiday. Its 24 hour so we can get in, but they lock up strait bars. Did smith machine squats, leg ext, and ham curls. Solid workout with an intense pump on the quads. I can’t compare to regular squats as for strength, but it felt like a solid lift. I will say even today I still feel lethargic. Body weight is still on spot and strength has not seemed to slip. As my bench workout would show. However I do feel like the mortal levels of test have returned and I’m fast approaching the need for a break.
    Last edited by kelevra; 11-25-2010 at 10:02 AM.

  20. #20
    To finish up week 9
    Lifts went fine and nothing really to report. Body weight is still holding fast. As I am closing in on the finishes of my PCT I now have to decide what is next. I’m not going on a cutting cycle yet. I won’t actually cut while off cycle. At least at this time that is my thinking. However I wouldn’t mind losing a bit of fat before the next cycle. I’m thinking of a short period of carb cycling and adding some morning cardio about 3 days a week. I want to do this, but I would like to reduce protein intake for a short time as well before my next cycle. Another thing I have run into is 450 to 500 grams of protein a day. At a body weight of over 270 and a lean mass over 220 that either way is a lot of protein. Yeah, that is 450 on the low side and 550 on the high. Previously I have been in taking about 340 proteins and about 370 on the carbs. Last night I constructed a diet that consisted of 500 pro, 150 fat, and about 130 carbs. Total of about 3900 calories. That is about the same calorie total I have been on. I might try this diet for about 10-14 days and see where I go. I think I can also take the carbs down a few more.
    I still have some to learn on how my body reacts to different diets.

  21. #21
    Week 10 Total
    Roll up this week. I have lowered the carbs and increased proteins dramatically. Calories are still around maintenance, but mostly proteins. I felt it in the gym. I’ll be doing a body comp test soon so I should be able to get some results. I seem to have lost some fat however there are always those days. Wieght has held firm.
    I have focused more this week on how I’m lifting rather than how much. I’m trying to learn how to effectively work the type 2 fibers more efficiently.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Sydney, AU
    Read thru everything. Not knocking your short cycle, I'm already gaining weight and feeling stronger after 14days on test enth and Eq. Both of these are slower acting from what I understand, dunno how many times I've read that eq takes at least 8 weeks to kick in etc. so it should be run for at least 12. Then there are guys who say keep cycles to 8 weeks. To each his own I'll just stay in tune with what's going on in my body and I'm sure you're doing the same. Lift strong.

  23. #23
    I am definatly a noob at cycling,but i have been lifting awhile. I agree with find what works for you. Now ill say that there are the rules that cant be broke and make progress. Those foundation principles. Like you have to eat propper to gain. But outside of those principles it becomes person dependant. I should have used some shorter esters gear and could have went with just Test E and the Dbol. Test P maybe even better for a short cycle. But i learned from that. This cycle i'm thinking of is a longer duration run. It worries me to shut down hard, but i'm sure i'll learn from that. The gains may be well worth the extra time.

  24. #24
    Week 10 through 11and a half.
    I have been messing with my diet the last week and a half. The results of the high pro diet were good. I lost about 4 pounds over the 7 days and felt like it was some fat. Did not loose any over all size, but the strength ruduced rapidly in the gym. Now week 11 i have reduced protiens to about 200 a day and am just below maintance for total calories. I have increased cardio to about 30 mins after work outs. For lifts i have decreased wieghts and increased reps. On chest day this week i warmed up with 135 and 185. I then settled in for 4 sets of 18 with 225. Other lifts have been similar. i'm hopeing this will give the body a small relief from stress and let it be ready for hard work starting next week. I have been stopping most sets about 2 reps short of failure. Call this week a rest week so to say. I am trying to reduce fat slowly, but reallty just getting a rest. From both lifting and eating.
    I will post more about the new cycle later. At first thought i will proabbly being doing a blast as outlined by Ronnie Rowland. 8weeks 2weeks then 8weeks. Then by PCT. I haven;t completly decided yet. I still have a few days.

  25. #25
    tot fat sat fat tot carbs sugars pro cals
    Peanut butter 2tbsp
    milk 1 cups
    oats 1cup
    whey 1 scoop
    26.5 7 77 17 47 705

    veg spread 1tbsp
    egg whites 6
    eggs 3
    oats 1cup
    chicken burger
    31 8 55 0 74 810

    whey 2 scoops 3 1 12 8 44 250 1100
    rice 1cup
    talapia 12oz
    3 1.5 72 0 71 620

    whey 2 scoops 3 1 12 8 44 250 1330

    milk 1 cups
    oats 1cup
    chicken burger
    16 6 63 11 40 560

    milk 2 cups
    whey 2 scoops
    13 8 34 30 60 490

    rice 1cup
    talapia 12oz
    3 1.5 72 0 71 620

    whey 1 scoop
    protein blend 2 scoops
    11.5 3.5 34 8 70 525

    107 37.5 431 82 520 4830

    Last edited by kelevra; 12-11-2010 at 09:19 PM.

  26. #26
    I tried to paste a copy of my next meal plan, but i'm not for sure it is legible. The format always fouls up when I paste it.
    That will be the chow for the next cycle. Accept i will reduce calories on weekends. I will do another short cycle as personal things are going to limit the long duration stuff for now. About 30 days is what I expect to be the total.
    Cycle will look something like.
    30mg Dbol ED
    Test E @ 250mg x 2 weekly. Mon & Thrs Pin
    IGF 1 Lr3 50mcg 3x weekly. Mon, wed, fri pins
    I may switch to Test P for the second half of cycle due to the ester difference.

    I have also been carb delpleting again for the last 2 days and will again tomorrow.

  27. #27
    Week 12 Total / week 1 day 1 new cycle
    Monday / Back & Bi's
    Lifts went fine. During this 4 week phase I'm focusing on rep cadence and the muscle instead of the total weight I'm lifting. I've increased to full volume again. Approx 12-15 sets. I did 3 sets of Bi's with back today as I'll also have a separate day to tag arms by themselves. I'll be doing the same for tri's on chest day. I have increased calories by a bunch and will see how much I gain over this period. Fat 107 Sat Fat 37.5 Tot carbs 431 sugars 82 proteins 520 calories 4830
    Started Dbol today and pinned in the AM 250mg Test E
    Will start IGF 1 Lr3 soon

  28. #28
    Week 12 Tot / Week 1 day 4
    Bi's and tri's today. Pinned 250mg Test E in the Am
    Lifts went fine. Dbol hasn't kicked yet. This is only day 4 however previous experience with Dbol I gained 4 pounds by day 5 and I have gained only a pound or 2. Not nervous yet. If I haven't felt the pumps and weight gain by day 6-7, I will be. Starting IGF 1 Lr3 tomorrow.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    This is quite possibly the best thread I have found in my research. I've learned a little about cycles, routines, and diets! Man keep up the good work! And I'm gonna be checking into this log everyday! Haha

  30. #30
    Thanks for the compliment.
    The log gave a chance to chart the different variables of my program. It also serves as a overall progress monitor. As I had been out of the gym for awhile before I started. It can drive you nuts, but for the best results I believe in a very scientific approach. In short that means being very aware of how routine, diet plans, cycles, and PCT affect you. And to know that, you must keep accurate notes. I don't put all notes in this log of course however if someone can find one tad of useful information for themselves that is great. It also gives me the chance for feedback from others and the ability to learn from my errors. Most believe in normal length 10-12 week cycles. However at this time I have only been trying short burst cycles. As i like the idea of not severely shutting down HPTA for extended periods.
    Thanks Again

  31. #31
    Week 12 Tot / Week 1 day 5
    Shoulders and traps.
    Besides legs on wed this was my best lift all week. Had a good focus to my delts. I did feel some pump. Indication Dbol could be taking effect. I guess it is possible that it is just not as potent as last batch. The Diet is a bit of a struggle to get through the first part of the day. If anything outside the box comes up, it is hard to get all the chow in. However I am eating in some access so missing a few calories shouldn't hurt. Although I mentioned it, I was consistent eating all week. I'll lighten the calories up for my 2 days off. I won't eat trash, but I will have a few cheats.

    Finished IGF 1 LR3 reconstitution and started pinning in delts after workout. It seemed like a lot at first, but following the play by play guide that a few members helped me out with got the process done fairly simply. Stored pre-loaded pins in freezer. I did use a bit of BA water in pin for first shot and din't find the sting very bad. I'll pin strait next time.
    Pinned 25mcg in each delt PWO.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    No problem man..I'm 19 and I have just started looking into serious lifting and gear. I think the reason I'm getting so interested in it is because I'm 6'0" 160lbs...yea terrible I know..but I'm tired of being skinny and I'm thinking about joining the military so I want to get in the best physical shape possible. So reading your thread and learning about your diet and routine have really helped me in my studies so now I just need to get a good diet going and a good foundation for my lifting. Also people have told me I'm to young to use gear so I guess I'll wait a few years and try to get a little more out of my natural abilities. So any other help you could give me would be greatly appreciated! And like I said before keep up your good work and I'll be checking back for your results!

  33. #33
    Glad to hear you’re not a dummy. I don’t mean that disrespectful either. I think most would say 25 years old for gear. I think about 28 and know what you’re doing with diet. Any time you feel that need go back and read the front part of my log again. The most anabolic substance you can take is good chow. As you can read I gained lots of weight just learning how to eat and train. At 19 I wasn’t much heavier. @ 6’2 and about 185 or so.

    Don’t get me wrong being in good shape helps in the military. But being mentally strong is important as well. They will always find your physical limits. I had the privilege of working with a few SF guys in my time. You could put a pack on those guys, point in a direction, and say start walking. They would never turn around and ask when they could stop. Don’t just do bench press. Hit some compound movements and work your core. Hit those legs hard and don’t forget the pull ups. Get you a cheap ruck, load it down with some wait and go for a stroll through the local wild life area.
    Good Luck

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Yea man like I said reading your thread has helped a lot!

    And I know whatcha mean about the dad has been in for 26 years heis on his second tour overseas and we have talked a lot about me joining so I know I need toget physically and mentally ready. I'll tryto put together adieu and I'll let u read over it an tell me what u think..sound good?

  35. #35
    Week 13 Tot / Week 2 day 1
    Hit back and 4 sets of bi's today. 3 sets pull ups, 3sets one arm DB rows, 3sets reverse grip pull downs, and 3 sets low rows. 2 sets standing DB curls and 2 sets one arm isolation curl.
    Started to feel some of those strength gains today. None the less I upped the mils of Dbol to 40mg ed. Pinned 250mg Test AM and 50mcg IGF 1 into bi's PWO. 25mcg each bi.
    Next pin of IGF will be wed with legs. Curious to see how it goes. As the 2 previous pins of IGF (delts & bi's) seemed to have really firmed the muscle group that it is pinned in. Delts felt solid and pumped for 2+ days & i awoke today with my bi's feeling the same way. I only did 4 sets, 2 being isolations, for bi's. Yes back will work bi's as well, but my bi's rarely ever get soreness. This morning they feel full and pumped as if I did a complete work load for them.

  36. #36
    Week 13 Tot / Week 2 day 2
    Chest - light tri's
    Warmed up with flat BB bench. 135-16, 185-16, & 225-16. Moved to DB flat bench as I'm still trying to avoid the pain in rear part of shoulder. 3 sets of 10 with the 105's and moved on to incline BB for 3 sets. I kept the rep range there from 8-16 as I pyramid up. 2 sets of cable raises and 3 sets of 10 reps of body weight dips finished off the day.
    Again felt some pump today as the Dbol seems to be finally working. I didn't seemed to respond to it on this second cycle as fast as the first time however again it was a different brand. I wasn't super strong, but felt full and big. It was a good lift.
    Diet seems good as well. I was afraid at first with so many calories however my body weight hasn't just sky rocketed up. After pre cycle priming for 2 weeks I was down to about 270. Pre workout today I was 275 & post workout was almost 278. Good hydration. 275 was also the weight I was holding before the pre cycle prime. My goal will be to maintain about 280 after PCT.

  37. #37
    Week 13 Tot / Week 2 day 3
    Normally don't comment on legs much however the last two weeks they have been my best days. I also think some folks over look the importance. I start with standard BB squats. Pyramid up for a total of about 4 sets. I try to keep reps above 6 with moderate paced movement. Final set today was 315 for 10 with 2 deep ones at the end. No hack squat sends me to smith machine for 3 more sets. I can keep knees over heals better and lighten the weight up. rep range from 16 to 8. Only 2 sets of press with approx 600lbs for sets of 10-12. Next is stiff deads for 3 sets around 12 reps. Lighter weights looking to focus in hams is how i do it. 3 sets of ham curls 10-14 reps. And 4 sets of extensions 150lbs for sets of 10-14. That is on cycle. i would never do that many sets off.
    Pinned IGF 1 in inner lower part of quads. will comment on feeling tomorrow probably.

  38. #38
    Week 13 Tot / Week 2 day 5
    To wrap up the week. Legs felt good after lifts. It was harder for a big group like that to comment if it was staying pumped after IGF shot. Although I did feel some soreness in the area of pin.
    Arm day was a drag. I think I have some low dose Dbol. Either that or it is junk. Supplier hasn't done me wrong before. I think it could be the brand. I upped the dose to 40mg ed and still had trouble getting a pump to my bi's. That is not at all like dbol. I have some of the last supply I used so i will be switching to it as of today.
    Today I bounced out some shoulders and pinned IGF 1 PWO. Got a good focus to rear delts today.

  39. #39
    Week 14 Tot / Week 3 day 1
    Back & Bi's
    Sat and sun offered a few cheat opportunities and i took full advantage of them. I also started 30mg daily of the left over dbol I had. I'm continuing to take 20mg of the new stuff i have for a total of 50ed. I have done that for sat, sun, & today.
    Boy did the pumps return. For whatever the reason the dbol has officially kicked in. I'm not starting a detailed log here of the difference, but I'll rest my case at the new stuff was under dosed compared to the last. Best work I had in 2 weeks. Pre WO weight was about 279 and PWO was up to 283.
    Pinned 250mg Test E to Right glute.
    IGF 1 LR3 / 25mcg to each Bi PWO
    50mg dbol 10mg about every 4 hours

  40. #40
    Week 15 Total / Week 4 day 1 back & bi's
    everything is kicking right now. I have been eating heavy and on gear for 3+ weeks now. Pre work I weighed in at a belly heavy 285 and post WO i was 286.
    This will actually be last week of test. I regret that i was unable to get any test P to switch too for the end of this short cycle. I know the test E ester will take about 12 days to go. I may stay on Dbol for one extra week as the test leaves. I will finish IGF 1 in about 2 more weeks. Of course i have plenty of Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    Week 15 Total / Week 4 day 3 Legs
    Hit a wall today. Was tired as shit trying to do legs. But I'm not afraid to wrap one up early if it isn't going any were. I went up to 365 on squat, but my back has had a burning sensation in the mid upper left portion since sat. So I did one rep and racked it. Figure i'd get a bit of rest.
    As for gains Ill comment more after next week, but so far I have been happy. I have never been this thick. I may post some pics soon, but i have to get over the belly shyness first. LOL

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