....do they really belong in a cutting diet?
....do they really belong in a cutting diet?
not really.....but if I really had to have one then it would be pwo only....jmo...
Fruit is fructose
It is not a great carb source at the best of times
If you want fruit stick to berries
I have been having a very terrible time with cramps all of the time, wouldn't the banana fix this?
ok, not a great carb source, but what is the downside about having a banana? i dont get it.
I can think of about a 100 things that are worse carb sources to eat.
Never thought I would see the day where people went so overboard about the idea of eating a banana.
Stay away from that fruit!!
Possibly, but more importantly, why do you think you're having these cramps suddenly?
Potassium supps will do the same without the added sugar.
Why are you hijacking the OP's thread?
How did you get a custom title with only 1,495 posts? U special or something?
I like bananas
again, can someone answer WHY they are NOT good? i honestly believe saying stay away from bananas is a bit overboard.
It is fairly simple really
Muscles cannot convert fructose into glycogen
That means that fructose must be converted in the liver to glycogen before it can even be used
If ur liver glycogen stores are not depleted the fructose will be converted into fatty acids and store as bodyfat
If your liver is depleted it will conver to liver glycogen
Either way it is a loose loose situation since you really want to be training on muscle glycogen
My shit is Bananas....B..a..na..an...as!
Fructose is converted by the liver, it's not like glucose where you just add water and there it is - readily available muscle glycogen to burn in the gym! You won't get fat and bloated eating bananas but with bodybuilding goals in mind, you're better off getting those same 31g of carbs from a complex carb. It's not just about the WHAT in this game - the calories, the carbs, not just what foods provide what nutrients - it's about the HOW; the reaction that takes place in your body when you eat it - HOW are those nutrients processed and used. If you're just looking to eat 'healthy' foods, go for it but if you want every calorie to serve a specific purpose with regard to your physical goals, that's another story. Does this make sense?
I couldn't help myself!
I personally don't eat much fruit (off season a banana after a workout) but never fruit when dieting! First thing to get cut out!
Base and Damien hit the nail on the head.
Kawigirl is the Pooh!!!! And she is banana's over me!!!!
Although all the information (or lack of it) surrounding bananas seems to be right it contains a good bit of error and as a result many may find the use of fruits somewhat non beneficial or, God forbid a downright sin.
Besides the health benefits and overall "good for you" qualities this fruit has it seems to be thrown out the window. If one says "I like it for the potassium then someone will say "take potassium supp's instead. Where does it end? there is a debate with fructose in america right now and believe it or not I'm against it! Fructose that is, especially "high fructose" but lets examine the banana.
The banana; roughly 26 grams carbohydrates mostly from sugar (medium) the rest of the health benefits we will table for right now, because lets face it it really doesn't matter. What does matter, is yes, it is a fruit and yes it contains natural sugar and yes that natural (simple) sugar is called fructose, even some vegetables have it, baby carrots, sweet corn, etc.
Now, because it is a simple sugar, we naturally think glucose, well someone earlier said muscles cannot convert fructose into glycogen, well, that's true however its not the job for the muscle to do that anyway because its not the proper function through metabolism to do that.
The metabolism of fructose (strictly from fruit) is when the fructose is ingested, passes through the liver (only when it does not contain the sucrose bond, which apples and bananas don't have) and are completely metabolized throughout the body immediately, however when bound TO A PROTEIN MOLECULE ( such as whey protein, or any other) it is then metabolized for glycogen replenishment, and a complete transport for protein to reach the muscle for recovery, --potassium is not the only reason the muscles are relieved of cramps from bananas.
Fructose is actually a better substrate for glycogen synthesis than glucose, you heard me correctly, better!, (GI is about 19, very similar to brown rice, 18) only when heat is introduced, I.E. honey, table sugar and other processed sugars, can the liver actually produce free fatty acids (or the addition of them) and then and only then would it be stored as additional fat, and that is virtually impossible to do with fruit alone.
Okay, here is the counter to fructose, based on what was just said. When fructose is bound to a synthesized strand or bond with say, sucrose it is then glucose. In other words the molecular fructose stored with the glucose chain is sucrose. A little confusing I know, nevertheless, this is where all the differences come to play.
A banana with protein is good or an apple with protein, that being said, I personally like a 1/2 of banana or apple with my protein not a whole one. For me I think that the metabolism of the protein through the delivery of the fructose bond alone provide quick absorption of the protein with 1/2 the sugars, (fructose is a better substrate for glycogen synthesis) and not because I think its fattening or anything else, I just want the protein and anything else I include in the recovery shake to get to my muscle fast. Again, just for the record it is virtually impossible to get fat with this.
That is why I constantly suggest before you go to bed (as a possible meal) have some LF cottage cheese and 1/2 an apple, this will absolutely do wonders for cutting! yes wonders!
Okay here is where the confusion comes in, if you add any kind of variation to a fructose compound or strand, such as, another type of sugar (one that contains glucose or sucrose) this is where the body (in excess) will store the remaining converted sugars (ones where the liver isn't the only metabolizer of) as ADDITIONAL fatty acids=FAT, and only then, so making sure what your eating is at best scientific but when in doubt, research it.
The fact that apples and bananas contain pectin, (which by the way is an excellent food for fat metabolizing through the body) and the soluble fiber just makes this an outstanding food in moderation. I don't like having more than 2 portions of fruit a day myself, and aside from my PWO shakes and before bed, I like blueberries and currants.
Last edited by oldnsedentary; 01-29-2011 at 11:04 AM.
I like to add in oats and a bannana to my pwo shake when bulking. couldnt a bananna be good for this situation?
are we saying that apples are the same as bananas now also ?
Its not the fruit its more the fructose content
here's what I am concluding....correctly or not.....
Bananas not prefered for the cutting diet. Folks may love em, they do't love you back.
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