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Thread: Home Gym Equipment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    KOP, PA

    Home Gym Equipment

    Finally finishing my basement up and want to expand my home gym equipment but need ideas on what I should get.

    What I have:

    Nice Body-Solid Cable Crossover setup
    Assorted dumbbells
    Incline & Decline benches
    Roman chair

    Severely lacking lower body type equipment. Could use recommendations for this and whatever else anyone thinks is needed. Also could use help setting up a leg workout program (currently not doing anything lower body)

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Power rack. I suggest a full cage with movable safeties.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    a hot blond in a thong for the treadmill

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    KOP, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Power rack. I suggest a full cage with movable safeties.
    Ya I agree. Was thinking some type of power/smith rack that I could use for barbells & squats. Will be at the top of my list.

    Real worried about getting all that is needed for working my legs. Disabled vet and to be honest I havent done any leg training at all since getting hurt a few years back. Too afraid of making things worse and/or getting laid up before finishing this damn diet (been dieting for over a year now). Anyway besides the rack for squats, what else is recommended here?

    I know theres a ton of leg equipment out there but really hoping to not have too completly fill my basement with large pieces that each only do one thing.

    Are eliptical's any good for resistance leg training or is it primarly cardio based?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    a hot blond in a thong for the treadmill
    Got the hot blond, getting her ass on the treadmill may be problematic though...

  6. #6
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    Sep 2009
    You could go with a smith but I have always felt that free weights are safer than fixed plane motion such as a smith. I am not telling you to throw on 4 wheels and start squatting but maybe warm up with the bar in the rack and then adjust accordingly. Your own range of motion with not be the same as the smith and with free weight you will also involve more stabilizers throughout your entire body. You can really do a lot with a rack to be honest including shoulders, chest, pull ups, chins, etc. Now as far as resistance cardio equipment you may want to go more with a recumbent bike rather than an elliptical as I think you may benefit more. Treadmills are also really good but I always suggest an incline when on them to mimic running/walking in real life and to take the stress off your hips and knees. After a quick google search something like this is what I had in mind, now you can go a lot higher in price and get more options but that is really up to you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    You could go with a smith but I have always felt that free weights are safer than fixed plane motion such as a smith. I am not telling you to throw on 4 wheels and start squatting but maybe warm up with the bar in the rack and then adjust accordingly. Your own range of motion with not be the same as the smith and with free weight you will also involve more stabilizers throughout your entire body. You can really do a lot with a rack to be honest including shoulders, chest, pull ups, chins, etc. Now as far as resistance cardio equipment you may want to go more with a recumbent bike rather than an elliptical as I think you may benefit more. Treadmills are also really good but I always suggest an incline when on them to mimic running/walking in real life and to take the stress off your hips and knees. After a quick google search something like this is what I had in mind, now you can go a lot higher in price and get more options but that is really up to you.
    Thanks for the input buck. Sorry I dont know the exact terminology but not actually a smith but one of those racks that can be used for lifting from a bench & squatting. Not the full cage; looks like a smith but doesnt actually hold the barbell in place.

    Not really worried about cardio, Im losing weight just fine with just lifting (18 inches lost from waist so far) and less mass loss in doing so. Was wondering though if a elipitical could be used for resistance training and building my legs back up? Wifey wants one, so I can pawn that off as her new toy and not count it towards my new toys...

    Also to expand a bit further, I have muscle & nerve damage in my shin/calf and loss of some of the range of motion in my foot (trouble dorsi-flexing) so I was thinking the elliptical (from appearance - I never tried one) looks like it would force my foot to do that up/down motion.

  8. #8
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    Back from Afghanistan
    go down to big 5 and get their total fitness gym 5000, runds around $150. like the chuck norris gizmo that is waaaay too expensive, but this one has 4 tension straps... on fulll incline with all four straps, one legged presses are very difficult.... I';m only ablle to do about 8 reps per leg.... extremely efficient. and if you are extremely frugle, then I've seen where you can pick up this equipment for only $25 on craigslist

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    After a quick google search something like this is what I had in mind, now you can go a lot higher in price and get more options but that is really up to you.
    Ok, found an example that was what I was thinking (Multi-Press Rack):

    Would there be any advantages of getting the full squat rack over the one I linked? I was thinking the latter would accomplish both and take up a bit less space.
    As to the pull up bar, I have that on the cable crossover.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the recommendations guys. I'm looking up each of the things everyone has mentioned.

    Will wait to hear back from Buck (or others) if there is any advantage to the cage rack over the one I'm looking at. I like the latter simply for space reasons in the house but will wait to hear if anyone says I would be losing out on anything. Ok then with the squats, that will take care of thighs? Is something else for calves the only thing needed or other parts of the legs Im not thinking about?

  11. #11
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    Bit of a topic jump but where would I go/call for someone to custom fit & install wall length mirrors in the home gym?

  12. #12
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    A lot of questions to answer so I will start from the top. An elliptical along with most cardio equipment with cause dorsi-flexion to some extent now that will entirely depend on your positioning within the equipment and equipment adjustments like incline, etc.

    Now as far and the rack goes you can do most things on the one you posted that you can do in a full cage. With that in mind though, a full cage is much safer for a number of reasons. The safeties on the one you posted I have had a problem with in the past going fairly heavy but your use will ultimately determine if that will be a problem or not. The way the rack is set up (yours) makes it more difficult for some people to squat depending on your form and if you go wide or narrow. I myself am 6'5" so whenever I try to squat on there I must step way back and therefore increase the danger in the squat if I were to fail, but to each is own. That will take care of your thighs just fine and you can even use it for calves if you get creative.

    There also may be a collapsible cage type out there that I am unaware of so it may be worth looking. Also, I am not suggesting any model specifically I just like the design. Finally, I don't know of any place in PA that does the wall mirrors you are referring to but I know one in northeast Ohio that does it.

  13. #13
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    First let me say thank you for your input.

    Dont get me wrong, I think the forced dorsi-flexion will be a good thing. And again the wife wants one for cardio. I was just wondering if it would also be usefull for building up the strength in my legs since Im not worried about cardio.

    I'll look into the full cage as ya suggested. I have a huge basement but was worried (height & width wise) due to some low hanging soffits restricting where such large items would need to be placed. Still plenty of room, it just limits some placement options.

    Ohio is a bit far. Doubt theyll service my area. haha. Was hoping for some type of like home depot recommendation

    Ok as far as building my calves up (this is where the doc said all the muscle was grey and dead after he cut me open) what would be suggested for training & equipment? Anything besides squats and something for calves needed? Perhaps some type of leg extensions etc? Do the leg press type machines do anything that squats dont?
    Last edited by SergeantCarbs; 01-21-2011 at 05:02 PM.

  14. #14
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    Nottingham, England
    There's some leg work you can do with dumbbells like lunges, lying down leg curls (clamp weight between feet), stiff leg deads, or 1 legged squats or even full normal squats.
    As for calfs try standing on a step (or weight plate) and holding a dumbbell in one hand and supporting your balance with the other and the perform calf raises.
    Or do seated ones, same principle with the step just be seated and lay a barbell across your knees and do raises.
    I hope at least some of that made sense! Just some ideas to get you back into it good luck!

  15. #15
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    KOP, PA
    Buck, I ordered a rack. Does it matter what type of olympic barbell set I order, or is there something specific recommended?
    Savking, thank you and yes makes sense. I remember doing a lot with just dumbbells previously (cant remember the different exercises though) and was wondering if I should go that route again or aim towards bigger equipment type machines.
    With the above, is there anything Im missing to target anything with legs? I dont have anything for like leg extensions or such.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2009
    I would just order a standard Olympic set with enough weight to start out usually I think they are 315lb for a starter set. What rack did you end up going with? As far as leg extensions they are good for certain things but it sounds like you will benefit more from big compound moves like the squat, dead, lunges, etc. They will even help you out with that ROM problem of yours. I like what savking mentioned for building calves and I say use those for now. Here is a website we used back in undergrad for the Exercise Science and Physiology majors that is full of all sorts of useful info.

    This link is within and is a directory for different muscle groups and muscle specifics with some instruction and usually a little video, hope it helps!

    Off to bed it's past that time I answer anymore questions you may have tomorrow.

  17. #17
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    Rack & olympic set received and ready to go. Looking forward to first workout with it today.
    Also got the one wall done with mirrors. 10 mirrors - 50"x14". Takes care of the one wall, got two more to go still.
    Had to buy the wife two friggin coach purses over the weekend when she started complaining about my spending....

    Still need to get the basement carpeted so that may be next on the list.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Rack & olympic set received and ready to go. Looking forward to first workout with it today.
    Also got the one wall done with mirrors. 10 mirrors - 50"x14". Takes care of the one wall, got two more to go still.
    Had to buy the wife two friggin coach purses over the weekend when she started complaining about my spending....

    Still need to get the basement carpeted so that may be next on the list.
    Tell her she'll reap all the benefits.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Check out the pics of my home gym in my profile. You need a power rack for sure.

  20. #20
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    Nice set up red. Is there a listing of the equipment anywhere? And as said, I got the rack now so good to go with that.

    Tell her she'll reap all the benefits
    Oh man, shes a pain in the ass. Complains she wants me to get a 6-pck and then complains that Im getting too thin while cutting... I cant win

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Finally finishing my basement up and want to expand my home gym equipment but need ideas on what I should get.

    What I have:

    Nice Body-Solid Cable Crossover setup
    Assorted dumbbells
    Incline & Decline benches
    Roman chair

    Severely lacking lower body type equipment. Could use recommendations for this and whatever else anyone thinks is needed. Also could use help setting up a leg workout program (currently not doing anything lower body)

    Thanks in advance
    You should have fully equipped Gym at your home for fitness and I think that you should not leave any thing which is present in an advance and modern Gym..... Have a great day ahead dear....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Wtf do u need a treadmil for?

    rack or gtfo!! :P

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Nice set up red. Is there a listing of the equipment anywhere? And as said, I got the rack now so good to go with that.

    Oh man, shes a pain in the ass. Complains she wants me to get a 6-pck and then complains that Im getting too thin while cutting... I cant win
    Thats women for ya, mine complains I can't fit in any nice clothes so I told her I'd stop lifting. She comes back from Costco with two 6 pound bags of protein.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Wtf do u need a treadmil for?

    rack or gtfo!! :P
    Haha. Well the treadmill Ive had for a number of years. I used to do a lot of running. Ive since become disabled and it doesnt get used much anymore. On the bright side, I did learn that I can still lose 1.5-2 lbs per week with only resistance training and with a lot less muscle loss

    I do need to start adding some type of cardio though, if for nothing else then theraputic reasons for my legs.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alden View Post
    You should have fully equipped Gym at your home for fitness and I think that you should not leave any thing which is present in an advance and modern Gym..... Have a great day ahead dear....
    I really couldnt understand that comment, could you please clarify

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Thats women for ya, mine complains I can't fit in any nice clothes so I told her I'd stop lifting. She comes back from Costco with two 6 pound bags of protein.
    Haha, well thats better then the reactions Ive been getting. I think the wife preferred me fat... She totally flips each time I go down in a pants size. Something about it just drives her crazy. BTW time for smaller pants again, my 32's are getting baggy. That'll be another tantrum she throws next week when she finds out I bought smaller jeans.

    To add to the irony, the wife just joined a gym and meets with a personal trainer today for the first time. I guess the home gym isnt good enough...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Haha. Well the treadmill Ive had for a number of years. I used to do a lot of running. Ive since become disabled and it doesnt get used much anymore. On the bright side, I did learn that I can still lose 1.5-2 lbs per week with only resistance training and with a lot less muscle loss

    I do need to start adding some type of cardio though, if for nothing else then theraputic reasons for my legs.
    I don't know what your goals are, or what your present stats are, but I have found that once I get down to about 12% or so, it becomes much more difficult to lose fat without doing a fair amount of cardio. Just food for thought

  28. #28
    Cage for squats is used for a lat pulldown and rowing attachment, pullups, and bench as well as incline bench. Also shrugs and a convenient place to story the bar while doing curls and such. Saves a lot of space and is useful for more than just squats.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjax03 View Post
    I don't know what your goals are, or what your present stats are, but I have found that once I get down to about 12% or so, it becomes much more difficult to lose fat without doing a fair amount of cardio. Just food for thought
    Agreed. Not sure exactly what my bf is at the moment but I think Im around there. Taping at 30" at the naval now. Military tape testing puts me below 10% but Ive seen that be up to 6% off in the past and I dont feel Im under 10 yet. So somewhere between 10 & 14% would be my guess. Scheduled for a bodpod test in about 2 weeks, will find out then. And yes I agree, definitely adjustments would be needed if progress starts slowing. At this point though, I dont want to add it or I'll be losing to fast.

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