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Thread: First Cycle advice for an old guy....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    First Cycle advice for an old guy....

    Hi, I posted this question in the over 40 section but I was told I should have posted here ..sorry.
    I am 50yrs old working out pretty hard for over a year. have finally started to see some gains (after I got my diet in order) I am now getting right about 4000 cal. a day. at the moment I am at 190lbs. I would really like to gain a little more size. after reading (and I will admit I still am trying to learn) I am pretty sure I want to run a cycle of Test but I am not sure as which one to do? My Test overall level is 680. I work out 5-6 times a week for 1-2 hrs a workout. arms chest twice a week, shoulders back twice a week, legs once. I am willing and open minded enough to take in any advice I can get?
    thank you for taking the time to read this, all the best....Robert

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    IMPORTANT: Newbies Starter Pack - Revised Edition
    Robert this is a stickie just above where you posted your question. Lots of answers there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    you got some good test levels for your age, thats good. now we want to keep those levels high after we cycle so a good pct will aid in that, but first your cycle question.
    how tall are you and do you know your bf%
    first cycle should be test only you can use test e or c it doesn't make a difference
    300-500mgs per week should get the job done so long as diet and training are spot on.
    post your diet in the diet section for critique.
    read the pct stickies and get back to me with your planned pct so we can adjust it if needed. i dont want to do all your work..jk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Thank you very much!!! I am 6' 1". I will post my diet in that section and check on the body fat? I know can barely pinch any skin?....I was two years ago very overweight I was 247lbs mostly mid section all gone thanks again.

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