Hi, I posted this question in the over 40 section but I was told I should have posted here ..sorry.
I am 50yrs old working out pretty hard for over a year. have finally started to see some gains (after I got my diet in order) I am now getting right about 4000 cal. a day. at the moment I am at 190lbs. I would really like to gain a little more size. after reading (and I will admit I still am trying to learn) I am pretty sure I want to run a cycle of Test but I am not sure as which one to do? My Test overall level is 680. I work out 5-6 times a week for 1-2 hrs a workout. arms chest twice a week, shoulders back twice a week, legs once. I am willing and open minded enough to take in any advice I can get?
thank you for taking the time to read this, all the best....Robert