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Thread: advice please

  1. #1

    advice please

    hi i am looking to start my first cycle in about 6 months. ive had dbol before at 50mg e/d for about 3 weeks and gained 2 stone, but i think that was probly a stone of water on each of the big bitch nipples it gave me.

    im 21 years old
    11 stone
    6 ft.1
    low body fat (not sure exactly)

    money is tite at the moment but ive got a stinka of an apatite so when i can afford it ill eat my way to 12.5 stone with some creatine in no time before i start.
    Anyway this is what i was thinkin

    week 1-4 40mg dbol
    week 1-10 HGH @ 2 iu e/d. Test e @ 60mg e/d HCG @ 250 iu mon + thu

    armidex on hand as on cycle a.i

    week 10 stop everthing exept the hgh

    week 13 start pct:

    Week 1: 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
    Week 2: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
    Week 3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
    Week 4: 20mg Nolva ED

    ill be on a 4000 calorie clean 40/40/20 diet

    any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    your a moron

    hgh for 10 weeks?

    test eod?

    and to top it off a dbol only cycle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Suggestions - Yes!

    Wait til you are older and research something proper.


  4. #4
    mate you had your advise in antoher thread you started,your not going to hear what you want on this forum so take the advise you were given in your last thread and take it well , you want people to say ,yes that cycle is fine go for it? thats not going to happen sorry mate ,sorry not being a cock but you got all your answers in your last thread..

  5. #5

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