Age: 23
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 140 LBS
Cycle Exp: None
PCT Knowledge: none
Training Exp: 9 months
Training Time: two hours a day, six days a week, only THREE weeks a month
Metobol: High
Diet: spinach 1 bundle . steamed eggs 4 . milk 1 liter . tuna 1 can . fruits 3-4 items . oat 6 tea spoons . fiber-&-vitmin-rich cereal 400 grams . honey/olive oil/dates 200 grams . Protein powder 500 grams.
My Input:
i have maintained the above diet and *basic* training schedule for 9 months.
by now i lift decent weights (they are not competitive figures and i don't know how heavy, but i had a steady and expected improvement since i first started)
The Problem:
1- By today, i am frustrated that i have not gained muscle mass. whatever muscle i have is lean but i am mostly bone and flesh eventhough i -as mentioned- am improving in weightlifting nicely. What is wrong with my Diet? or more so, what is right about it?
2- On many occasions, I shit everything i eat. so right after an expensive meal i would go into toilet and watch it go down the drain, although i haven't eaten anything before that. Is this a common incident in bodybuilding?
several nutrition doctors i saw, and GYM mates, want me to eat everything as *high metabolism skinny guys have to put in everything even JUNK*. I'm suspicious, who should i ask for a good nutrition plan?