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Thread: Milk Thistle and PCT for Test E only??

  1. #1

    Milk Thistle and PCT for Test E only??

    Was wondering.. Doing just a Test cycle, how important is it to take Milk Thistle every day with it? Or do you think its not needed since its only a Test E. cycle?

    Also whats up with the example for a Novice cycle on this site? I remember it used to be 400mg test E. each week for 8 weeks..with a Clomid cycle for PCT starting the third week after your last dose.

    Now its up to 500mg of test E. each week and for 12 weeks instead of 8, and they took away the PCT on the bottom..

    The other cycles, intermediate and advanced show the PCT.

    Just curious about this.. did someone research that 8 weeks isn't long enough and PCT is not really needed with just a test cycle?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    hamilton, ontario, canada
    i personally always take milk thistle on a cycle or not

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    you do not need milk thistle at all for an injectable only cycle. when you involve oral steroids, milk thistle/liv 52 are optional if you think you will have liver problems

    novice cycle:

    1-10 test e/c 500mg/wk (250mg twice a week)
    1-4 dbol 30mg/ED (split up evenly)


    13-16 nolva 40/20/20/20
    13-16 clomid or torem

    start pct when half-life is up:
    test cyp half-life - 12 days
    test enth half-life - 10.5 days

  4. #4
    Thanks... Thats what I thought...

    Nolva still the popular choice for Gyno alerts right? During the cycle that is..

    Quote Originally Posted by Vullfromsc View Post
    you do not need milk thistle at all for an injectable only cycle. when you involve oral steroids, milk thistle/liv 52 are optional if you think you will have liver problems

    novice cycle:

    1-10 test e/c 500mg/wk (250mg twice a week)
    1-4 dbol 30mg/ED (split up evenly)


    13-16 nolva 40/20/20/20
    13-16 clomid or torem

    start pct when half-life is up:
    test cyp half-life - 12 days
    test enth half-life - 10.5 days

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Oral are harsher on your liver than injectibles true but you are still going to want to run something to aide your liver whether it's milk thistle or liv52 or something along those lines and you definately want a solid pct nolva and clomid combined is common And yes nolva can be used to combat gyno

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