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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #2561
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=Bulkn;5589925]Hey Ron, quick question, say for example I started on 750mg/week test E for 8 weeks, which took till week 5 to become fully effective, then deload for 2 weeks at 250mg/week, then I start reloading at 1000mg/week, how long before i feel the full effects of test E on the reload? Test muscle building effects begin to show after 2 weeks not 5. Full effects are at around 8 weeks![/QUOTE]above

  2. #2562
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by steve.o View Post
    hey ronnie. Ive been cutting for a good 10 weeks and dropped several percentages in body fat. Ive lost a little bit of muscle but all in all i feel ive done quite well. I appear as muscular if not a bit more in certain areas because of the fat loss. In another 3weeks it will be time to do a lean bulk. Using test and tren. After all this time cutting i feel my body will respond quite well to the bulk. I havnt been starving my body from food ive cut down responsibly to keep as much muscle as poss. But even tho ive done this i feel my body has been starved as a cut down from carbs fats etc. Have u any tips for me to maximize muscle gain without gaining much fat when i next bulk. try keeeping carbs at around 250 per dayalso ronnie im an ectomorph and a hardgainer but also gain fat if i dont watch my carb fat intake. Pretty shitty genetics. Besides that ive made some decent progress. What i want to ask you is do hardgainers need to train like hardgainers while on anabolics? the hard gainer training philosophy is a myth! Here's how it works: If someone has great genetics like ronnie coleman or dorian yates they both grow by using either higher volume or lower volume. If someone has poor genetics they grow slow whether they use low volume or high volume and higher volume over a period of time ruins their joints-hence slowing down their progress. Both ronnie coleman and dorian yates were forced to retire due to injuries. Ronnie over did the volume and it eventually caught up with him and dorian trained beyond failure which eventually caught up with him. Both of these men would have maxed out their genetic potential using moderate volume (6-12 intense work sets) and i believe they both would have still been competing if they had followed that approach and yes they would have been just as big and probably even a little bigger due to keeping injuries at bay. So, the whole hard gainers routine is a myth. Training with high volumemay not appear to benefit hard gainers as much as easy gainers but neither does moderate or low volume. It's not their training routines but rather, diet, drugs and genetics that makes them huge (mostly genetics). Coleman and Yates would have been massive doing 8 worksets sets for quads once a week and they both would have been massive doing 12 sets twice a week. Moderation is the key for all genetic types and it save time in the gym and prevents injuries. BODYBUILDING IS BEST APPROACHED LIKE SPRINTING NOT A MARATHON RACE, REGARDLESS OF ONE'S GENETIC MAKE-UP! ive never taken this into account while on previous cycles. What do u think? Cheers steve.o

  3. #2563
    geroge farah says fat...not carbs..your opinion ronnie??

  4. #2564
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    geroge farah says fat...not carbs..your opinion ronnie?? it's hard telling where he's coming from without reading it myself but as i have always stated too many carbs and/or fats will make you fat. I also believe that some healthy fats are necessary for muscle growth and holding on to muscle but he's right if hes saying too many fats makes one fat. Keep in mind geroge farah use to be somewhat of an advocate of the dave palumbo off-season diet which is fairly high in fats. Now hes into very high carb diets and very low fat. Different diets work for different people but most tend to do better with fat in their diet and no over doing the carbs.

  5. #2565
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    why is it that with sum brands i get severe pain after injecting and massive swelling to the point i cant move my arm after injecting into my shoulder last week, it went down to my bicep then and that was swollen very bad too cudnt move my arm, is it down to the powders used in mixing? squating used be my best movement, cud do 180kg for up to ten reps, but the past while im struggling bad with them , even 100kg seems very heavy, cud barely get 6 for 160kg and that was prob too heavy for me and the actual movement itself doesnt feel right ? is my body jus sayn no and i need to take a break from squatn, its strange cause my leg press is stil good ! d.palumbo states he only took 1200mg for 16 wks and then took 8 weeks off, everyone knows pros use very large doses so is he just a freak of nature considering he weighted over 300 pounds or just tryn to make people look out for their health ? because at that size it just doesnt seem possible that 1200mg is enough to maintain 300 pounds of muscle?

  6. #2566
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ron, I am having the same problem as someone else wrote a few pages back with the area around the side of my elbow and doing lying tri extentions and tri pushdowns. Following you advice for him I will switch the pushdowns to reverse pushdowns but what is a good replacement for the lying extentions? I am also doing machine dips without elbow problems.

    Also had a question about working muscles twice a week, you mention the second workout of the same muscle groups should be with lighter weights. are you saying then just straight sets (8-10reps) at a lower weight and not the normal 4-8prep, 4-6 heavy, 8-10 and then 12-15 of the heavier day?

    Last edited by djdizzy; 04-05-2011 at 05:46 PM.

  7. #2567
    Tried your slight Decline bench today. I used regular BB bench and used about a 3-4 inch block to raise to a bit of a decline. It took a set or 2 to get settled in, but when i did i felt a positive stress deep in mid pecs. I went my normal weight that i use for flat BB, but was getting such focus on chest i pulled up a few reps short from almost cramping.
    The more of your strategies i use, the better it gets. Mad props Ronnie for your time, effort, and knowledge. I know I speak for all that follow your thread. THANKS.

  8. #2568
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hey Ron! Quick question: I'm in the middle of my second 20 week blast, and this time I am trying out the method of running HCG @ 250iu twice a week throughout the blast. (Last time I just used your protocol of 1500-2500iu EOD for 2 weeks at the end)

    My question is, since I am running it throughout in the manner that I am, I don't run it in PCT, Right??

    What week exactly do I stop?

    And should I ramp it up a little near the end, say 500iu twice a week for the last 4 weeks?


  9. #2569
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Hi Ronnie,

    I wanted to blast for a year and if that goes well then extend that to 2 years. During the reloads I use 500iu/week of HCG

    1. Will this blasting through out the year permanently shut me down if I don't take a break or do PCT even though I use HCG.

    2. Will the HCG through this year long blast allow me to have kids? Would I need PCT for that?

    3. At what stage do I start PCT and give the system a break before I start the next Blast. For example If i wanted a break after a year of blasting then will I do the traditional PCT and then jump on another blast for year 2 OR go straight to year 2 blast


  10. #2570
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ronnie.. thinking of trying this method here and wanted to know what you think:

    Okay.. stats first..
    228 16-17%BF now.. when i start on May 1st.. i should be 220-225lbs and 15%BF.. 5'11" 28y.o.
    previous cycles:
    2003 600mg Test400/300mg Norma Hellas (loved those) - 10 weeks
    2004 800mg Test400/400mg mexican deca - 10 weeks
    2010 600mg Test E/400mg Deca/100mg ProvironED -12 weeks (kickstarted with 100mg ABombs first 5 weeks)

    ended last cycle in late NOV.. so it will be 5 months off total, i was originally thinking of doing 100mg prop / 50 mg Tren A ED for 8 weeks..

    Weeks 1-8 (may 1st-june 25th) 700mg Prop / 350mg NPP
    Weeks 9-10 (June 26th - July 9th) 120mg Torem / 40mg Tamox ED
    Weeks 11-18 (July 10th - Sept 4th) 700mg Prop / 525mg NPP
    Weeks 19-20 (Sept 18th- Oct 1st) 120mg Torem / 40mg Tamox ED
    Weeks 21-24 (Oct 2nd - Oct 30th) 60mg Torem / 20mg Tamox ED

    Been cutting the 2 months prior to starting.. so i figured i could put on some good mass with the NPP and then chizzle it down with the tren at the end.. hoping to get to 240lbs 13% BF.. Thats my goal anyways.. all constructive criticism is welcome..

  11. #2571
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    It eventually had to happen. A fully equipped, air conditioned gym has opened on my island and my training buddy has bought me a year membership for helping him with his diet and workout!!!! Anyway, I've been training with my own stuff which is considerable, but I was lacking in a few areas like heavy dumbbells, pulley systems, cross-over cable machines and the like. I'm in the final week of an 8 week super high volume blast then I'm deloading for 2 weeks, followed by another 8 week blast. This is my problem. Before I was always limited in the exercises I could do because of lack of equipment. Now I'm looking around like a dog in the butcher shop, a kid in a candy store etc. This last year I really got everything dialed in (training, diet, cardio, anabolics, etc) and have had outstanding results!! I've been using pretty much the same exercises and I'd like to change some things up. Just for instance, I do all presses for chest, shrugs with a barbell, tri kickbacks twice a week, dips and such. The skull crushers and dips have hurt my elbows and rotator cuff a little, as well as the pullovers. I've been doing 6 sets of rear laterals for rear delts, but I can't really do anything different till now due to equipment restrictions. What I was hoping was I could post my workout and you guys could offer suggestions of possible changes. I never really had a chance to workout in a real gym before. At least not in the last 20 years.I highlighted some things I was thinking about off the top of my head.

    Tuesday - Chest/Tri's - Chest Flat Bench Warm Ups, Prep Set, 1-4, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Decline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 MAYBE MOVE FLAT BENCH TO THE END AND CHANGE WITH DB PRESSES OR POSSIBLY ADD SOME CROSSOVER CABLE SETS? Triceps Close grip Bench Press 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Overhead Dumbbell Tri Extensions 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Tri Kickbacks 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 MAYBE ADD ANOTHER EXERCISE? CABLE/ROPE PRESSDOWNS AND REDUCE SETS TO 3 PER EXERCISE? I ALSO HATE TRI KICKBACKS. LOOKING FOR SUGGESTIONS HERE... AM Fasted Cardio 35 min

    Wednesday - Back/Biceps Dead lift Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 T-Bar Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I WAS THINKING OF CHANGING T BAR WITH FACE PULLS OR SOMETHING FOR THE UPPER BACK. AGAIN, MAYBE REDUCING SETS TO 3 AND ADDING ANOTHER EXERCISE. T BAR AND UNDERHAND YATES-TYPE ROWS ARE HITTING THE SAME AREA OF MY BACK TOO MUCH I THINK...DON'T KNOW. Back Width Close Grip Underhand Pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 EZ Bar Pull Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AS I SAID EARLIER, I WANT TO REPLACE BOTH THESE EXERCISES. MAYBE LAT PULLDOWNS AND SOMETHING ELSE. AGAIN, COULD ADD ANOTHER EXERCISE.. Biceps Spider Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Incline Bench Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 21's 15,15,15 I'M PRETTY HAPPY WITH MY LIGHT BI DAY, BUT DEFINITELY OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS. AS YOU CAN SEE I HIT BI'S/TRI'S EARLIER IN THE WEEK, THEN HEAVY ON SATURDAY. AM Fasted Cardio 35 min.

    Thursday - Shoulders/Traps/Abs Shoulders Lateral Raises Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Overhead Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I LIKE THESE QUITE WELL BUT POSSIBLY ADDING A 3RD? Rear Laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 DEFINITELY WOULD LIKE TO GO WITH AT LEAST 2 OR 3 EXERCISES FOR REAR DELTS. SUGGESTIONS? Traps Barbell Shrugs 6 sets 8-12 DUMBBELL SHRUGS?? Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets to failure AM Fasted Cardio 35 min

    Friday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 LEG PRESS, HACK SQUATS??? Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I DON'T KNOW FOR HAMSTRINGS. SUGGESTIONS WELCOME HERE TOO!! Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 SEATED CALF RAISES!! No Cardio

    Saturday - Arms Biceps Standing Wide Grip Barbell Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 SUPERSET Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls - Under the Chin Dumbell Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Concentration Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Tri Kickbacks 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Weighted Dips 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 HERE I LIKE THE BI WORK, BUT THE SKULL CRUSHERS AND DIPS SCREW WITH MY JOINTS AND I AM SICK OF KICKBACKS. TAKING SUGGESTIONS ON BI'S AS WELL... AM Fasted Cardio 35 min

    Sunday - No Cardio

    Monday - AM Cardio 35 Minutes

    I knew you wouldn't like the super set on my arm day, but I would take any suggestions you have on any of these.

    BTW, I'm finishing my 4th reload using the STS and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I'll post some pics at the end of the week!! AWESOME!!!

  12. #2572
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    why is it that with sum brands i get severe pain after injecting and massive swelling to the point i cant move my arm after injecting into my shoulder last week, it went down to my bicep then and that was swollen very bad too cudnt move my arm, is it down to the powders used in mixing? it's the high alcohol content-hence the reason i like thicke with less BA content. squating used be my best movement, cud do 180kg for up to ten reps, but the past while im struggling bad with them , even 100kg seems very heavy, cud barely get 6 for 160kg and that was prob too heavy for me and the actual movement itself doesnt feel right ? Is my body jus sayn no and i need to take a break from squatn, its strange cause my leg press is stil good take a break from free weight squats and start doing squats on a smith machine with feet pretty far out in front. Don't worry so much about the weight but rather how hard your are working your legs.! D.palumbo states he only took 1200mg for 16 wks and then took 8 weeks off, everyone knows pros use very large doses so is he just a freak of nature considering he weighted over 300 pounds or just tryn to make people look out for their health ? dave is looking out for peoples best interest-health wise imo. because at that size it just doesnt seem possible that 1200mg is enough to maintain 300 pounds of muscle? you have to take more to get that big because eating a lot of food like he did would only make you fat using 1200 mgs of gear then coming off for 8 weeks! He's not going to tell you what he really did and i can't say that i blame him because he may be looked upon by many as a guy who got huge by taking a lot of drugs instead of his, intelect, genetics and hard work. I've been told about some of the dosages he took but i would never tell anyone out of respect for him. I'm sure everyone understands. At least i hope they do!.

  13. #2573
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    Ron, I am having the same problem as someone else wrote a few pages back with the area around the side of my elbow and doing lying tri extentions and tri pushdowns. Following you advice for him I will switch the pushdowns to reverse pushdowns but what is a good replacement for the lying extentions? I am also doing machine dips without elbow problems. INSTEAD OF DOING REVERSE PUSHDOWNS TRY REGULAR PUSHDOWNS WITH A ROPE AND THE MACHINE DIPS WILL MAKE UP FOR THE LACK OF NOT DOING LYING TRICEP EXT.

    Also had a question about working muscles twice a week, you mention the second workout of the same muscle groups should be with lighter weights. are you saying then just straight sets (8-10reps) at a lower weight and not the normal 4-8prep, 4-6 heavy, 8-10 and then 12-15 of the heavier day? I would stay around 6-8 reps on heavy day and 12-15 on light day. Do a maximum of 6 sets per body part twice a week. You may find 3-4 sets are plenty and 6 is too much. Thanks

  14. #2574
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    tried your slight decline bench today. I used regular bb bench and used about a 3-4 inch block to raise to a bit of a decline. It took a set or 2 to get settled in, but when i did i felt a positive stress deep in mid pecs. I went my normal weight that i use for flat bb, but was getting such focus on chest i pulled up a few reps short from almost cramping.
    The more of your strategies i use, the better it gets. Mad props ronnie for your time, effort, and knowledge. I know i speak for all that follow your thread. Thanks.
    thank you for letting me know. Glad i could be of help!

  15. #2575
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Cronos View Post
    Hey Ron! Quick question: I'm in the middle of my second 20 week blast, and this time I am trying out the method of running HCG @ 250iu twice a week throughout the blast. (Last time I just used your protocol of 1500-2500iu EOD for 2 weeks at the end)

    My question is, since I am running it throughout in the manner that I am, I don't run it in PCT, Right?? Not neccesarily. Some stop hcg around the time of their last injection but if you want to play it safe run pct at around 1500 eod for 1-2 weeks post cycle. What week exactly do I stop?

    And should I ramp it up a little near the end, say 500iu twice a week for the last 4 weeks? no! just do pct for 2 weeks at 1500 eod

  16. #2576
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    hi ronnie,

    i wanted to blast for a year and if that goes well then extend that to 2 years. During the reloads i use 500iu/week of hcg

    1. Will this blasting through out the year permanently shut me down if i don't take a break or do pct even though i use hcg. no one can answer this question with accuracy. My good friend who's been on for two years non-stop just got his girl pregnant a couple of months ago and he never ran hcg. I think it takes only a few healthy sperm to get a highly fertile female pregnant. But it could be that he had a lot of fertility. We do not know because there have been no test on him. You could have your sperm tested after a 2 0week reload to see how fertile you are and even have your sperm frozen for future use if desired. I feel thats not a bad option. 2. Will the hcg through this year long blast allow me to have kids? i would say yes for many people but not all. Would i need pct for that? might as well run 1500 of hcg eod for 2 week post cycle.3. At what stage do i start pct and give the system a break before i start the next blast. For example if i wanted a break after a year of blasting then will i do the traditional pct and then jump on another blast for year 2 or go straight to year 2 blast i would do pct and give the body an 8 week break before going back on another yearly cycle. Also, each time you take a break from steroids by way of pct you do not need to start at the higher dosages you finished off with because your body wil respond with lower dosages starting back up! thanks

  17. #2577
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=MACHINE5150;5595011]Hey Ronnie.. thinking of trying this method here and wanted to know what you think:

    Okay.. stats first..
    228 16-17%BF now.. when i start on May 1st.. i should be 220-225lbs and 15%BF.. 5'11" 28y.o.
    previous cycles:
    2003 600mg Test400/300mg Norma Hellas (loved those) - 10 weeks
    2004 800mg Test400/400mg mexican deca - 10 weeks
    2010 600mg Test E/400mg Deca/100mg ProvironED -12 weeks (kickstarted with 100mg ABombs first 5 weeks)

    ended last cycle in late NOV.. so it will be 5 months off total, i was originally thinking of doing 100mg prop / 50 mg Tren A ED for 8 weeks..

    Weeks 1-8 (may 1st-june 25th) 700mg Prop / 350mg NPP
    Weeks 9-10 (June 26th - July 9th) 120mg Torem / 40mg Tamox ED
    Weeks 11-18 (July 10th - Sept 4th) 700mg Prop / 525mg NPP
    Weeks 19-20 (Sept 18th- Oct 1st) 120mg Torem / 40mg Tamox ED
    Weeks 21-24 (Oct 2nd - Oct 30th) 60mg Torem / 20mg Tamox ED

    Been cutting the 2 months prior to starting.. so i figured i could put on some good mass with the NPP and then chizzle it down with the tren at the end.. hoping to get to 240lbs 13% BF.. Thats my goal anyways.. all constructive criticism is welcome..TEST/TREN WILL BUILD MORE MASS THAN TEST/DECA UNLESS YOU ADD ANADROL OR D-BOL. THINK ABOUT THIS AND GET BACK WITH ME ON A NEW PLAN SO I CAN GIVE YOU MY OPINION![/QUOTE]ABOVE

  18. #2578
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ya i think your dead right ron, dave wud be slated right away! , esp by people who dont have an interest or understand bodybuilding as it always is. i asked you about lowering water weight the other day cause im sick of people sayn ive ruined my looks , ive nornally fairly chiseled face but while on gear my face carrys lot of water and makes hy head look rounded i hate it and now since ive tried ur methods they have worked great but im gonna be full of water in my face all the time now. u said its about lowering carbs and fats but im only taking in 350 grams of carbs and im an ectomorphic body type,wel or i was anyway. heres my diet , meal 1. 50grams of oats with milk and 6 large free range eggs. meal 2 . chicken breast (300grams in weight) taking thr at theres about 24 grams of protein per 100g, thats 72grams of protein and about 55grams of wholegrain brown rice. meal 3. same as 2 meal 4. bsn true mass after training. meal 5. same as 2 meal 6. 300 grams of 95/5 ground meat and 55 grams of wholegrain brown rice. meal 7. 300grams of 95/5 ground meat, no carbs. i recently added in 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil or natural p.butter to every meal except 1 and 4. this helped me grown more i think but added water or fat to my stomach. althought water weight around my face is the same wheather i took any healthy fats or not. i drink about a litre of water with every meal, im forever goin for a piss! im sure cardio wud also help but i jus dont have time with kids etc and it take an hours drive jus for me to get to the gym.,althought i tink i need to buy a treadmill when i can afford it cause i sweatbuckets all the time if ive to run around or do anything and i live in ireland so its not even hot here!

  19. #2579
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    hi ronnie, ive never fully done a cutting cycle before and have always tried to add lean mass so pretty much all my cycles have been test and tren at different doses. my favourite thing to do in my spare time is read this thread over and over because the advice you give is invaluable and honestly i wouldnt be where i am now without this thread and your help! after my torn pec ive done a reload of 1.5g test e and 750mg tren (tried going higher on tren with lower test but the sweats were too much!) and ive come back up to 119kg but my bf is around 20% maybe higher (can still see slight abs but i think thats because of the tren hardness and haven't had accurate bf measurement) so this time i would like to cut.
    i read in a previous post that no deload is needed for cutting so 16 weeks but do you think i should reduce test to 1g or keep it at 1.5? i dont think i will do tren this time because i need a break from all the sweating! and i dont have alot of money for more than another compound so should i go for masteron or primo or even anavar?
    i was thinking
    16 weeks 1-1.5g test p (or any other test, i dont really see why test p is needed if not preparing for a contest though! less bloat maybe?)
    and 600mg mast or primo/anavar
    2 weeks clen 1 week off for 6 weeks then stay on for the following 10 weeks
    working upto 100mcg t3
    adex if needed.

    thanks a lot for your advice ronnie.
    Last edited by ricky23; 04-09-2011 at 11:33 AM.

  20. #2580
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    A bit of a personal question for you, hope you don't mind.

    What the largest dosed cycle you have ever ran? and what does your usual cycle consist of??

  21. #2581
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Hey Ronnie,

    Why is it that you do not need to deload while cutting?

  22. #2582
    ronnie.....this most awesome thread is turning out... to be as popular as the old cycling for pennies thread the infamous doggcrapp...very inspirational for the rest of us...your knowledge is amazing!!!!!!
    Last edited by VASCULAR VINCE; 04-09-2011 at 04:59 PM.

  23. #2583
    ronnie...your thoughts about phil hernons training system... do you think it was mostly phils genes... or system that made him large???

  24. #2584 you consider yourself...meso..endo..ecto??? slow gainer??? or hard gainer???

  25. #2585
    one quick question, do you ever go completely go off all gear? or are you gonna be on for the rest of your life type deal?

  26. #2586
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    It eventually had to happen. A fully equipped, air conditioned gym has opened on my island and my training buddy has bought me a year membership for helping him with his diet and workout!!!! Anyway, I've been training with my own stuff which is considerable, but I was lacking in a few areas like heavy dumbbells, pulley systems, cross-over cable machines and the like. I'm in the final week of an 8 week super high volume blast then I'm deloading for 2 weeks, followed by another 8 week blast. This is my problem. Before I was always limited in the exercises I could do because of lack of equipment. Now I'm looking around like a dog in the butcher shop, a kid in a candy store etc. This last year I really got everything dialed in (training, diet, cardio, anabolics, etc) and have had outstanding results!! I've been using pretty much the same exercises and I'd like to change some things up. Just for instance, I do all presses for chest, shrugs with a barbell, tri kickbacks twice a week, dips and such. The skull crushers and dips have hurt my elbows and rotator cuff a little, as well as the pullovers. I've been doing 6 sets of rear laterals for rear delts, but I can't really do anything different till now due to equipment restrictions. What I was hoping was I could post my workout and you guys could offer suggestions of possible changes. I never really had a chance to workout in a real gym before. At least not in the last 20 years.I highlighted some things I was thinking about off the top of my head.

    Tuesday - Chest/Tri's do chest and biceps together - Chest Flat Bench Warm Ups, Prep Set , 1-4, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Decline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 [B]MAYBE MOVE FLAT BENCH TO THE END AND CHANGE WITH DB PRESSES OR POSSIBLY ADD SOME CROSSOVER CABLE SETS? (start with declines, then inclines and finsih off with crossovers..3 sets per exercise)/B] Triceps Close grip Bench Press 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Overhead Dumbbell Tri Extensions 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Tri Kickbacks 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 MAYBE ADD ANOTHER EXERCISE? CABLE/ROPE PRESSDOWNS AND REDUCE SETS TO 3 PER EXERCISE? I ALSO HATE TRI KICKBACKS. LOOKING FOR SUGGESTIONS 4 sets of pushowns and 4 sets of close grip bench . AM Fasted Cardio 35 min do not do fasted cardio on training days unless trying to get ripped!

    Wednesday - Back/Biceps do back and legs all by themselves-take off biceps here! Dead lift Warm up do deadlifts last so less weight needs to be used. start with width exercises, then rows then deads Prep Set, 1-4, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 T-Bar Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I WAS THINKING OF CHANGING T BAR WITH FACE PULLS OR SOMETHING FOR THE UPPER BACK. do not do face pulls. just do over hand to upper stomach and yates style to lower stomach for 3 sets a piece AGAIN, MAYBE REDUCING SETS TO 3 AND ADDING ANOTHER EXERCISE. T BAR AND UNDERHAND YATES-TYPE ROWS ARE HITTING THE SAME AREA OF MY BACK TOO MUCH I THINK...DON'T KNOW. Back Width Close Grip Underhand pull ups do palms facing each other pulldowns (not under hand as its too much biceps and moderate/wide grip pulldonws and stop pullovers-too hard on rotator cuffs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 EZ Bar Pull Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AS I SAID EARLIER, I WANT TO REPLACE BOTH THESE EXERCISES. MAYBE LAT PULLDOWNS AND SOMETHING ELSE. AGAIN, COULD ADD ANOTHER EXERCISE.. Biceps Spider Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Incline Bench Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 21's 15,15,15 I'M PRETTY HAPPY WITH MY LIGHT BI DAY, BUT DEFINITELY OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS. AS YOU CAN SEE I HIT BI'S/TRI'S EARLIER IN THE WEEK, THEN HEAVY ON SATURDAY. AM Fasted Cardio 35 min.

    Thursday - Shoulders (add triceps here!)/Traps/Abs Shoulders Lateral Raises Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Overhead Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I LIKE THESE QUITE WELL BUT POSSIBLY ADDING A 3RD? Rear Laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 DEFINITELY WOULD LIKE TO GO WITH AT LEAST 2 OR 3 EXERCISES FOR REAR DELTS. SUGGESTIONS? Traps Barbell Shrugs 6 sets 8-12 DUMBBELL SHRUGS?? Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets to failure AM Fasted Cardio 35 min do 6 sets of seated dumbbell shrugs, start with 3 sets of seated over head dumbbel presses, 3 sets one arm at a time leaning lateral raises and only 3 sets of reverse flyes for rear delts.Friday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 LEG PRESS, HACK SQUATS??? Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I DON'T KNOW FOR HAMSTRINGS. SUGGESTIONS WELCOME HERE TOO!! Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 SEATED CALF RAISES!! No Cardio do 3 sets for squats, 3 sets for hacks and 3 sets of leg ext. do 6 sets of leg curls. 5 sets of standing calf raises and 3 sets of seated.Saturday - Arms Biceps Standing Wide Grip Barbell Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 SUPERSET Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls - Under the Chin Dumbell Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Concentration Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Tri Kickbacks 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Weighted Dips 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 HERE I LIKE THE BI WORK, BUT THE SKULL CRUSHERS AND DIPS SCREW WITH MY JOINTS AND I AM SICK OF KICKBACKS. TAKING SUGGESTIONS ON BI'S AS WELL... AM Fasted Cardio 35 min no super sets or reverse curls. do two bicep exercises for 4 sets a piece.
    Sunday - No Cardio

    Monday - AM Cardio 35 Minutes

    I knew you wouldn't like the super set on my arm day, but I would take any suggestions you have on any of these.

    BTW, I'm finishing my 4th reload using the STS and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I'll post some pics at the end of the week!! AWESOME!!!

  27. #2587
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie...your thoughts about phil hernons training system... do you think it was mostly phils genes... or system that made him large???
    I'm sure Phil's training system is good but it's mostly his genetics. He's built like a VIKING!

  28. #2588
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thanks for answering my workout questions Ron. You're definitely right about doing back alone instead of back/bi's. This last 8 weeks that was torturous. That workout was going so long I felt like I needed a meal in the middle of it. Almost 3 hours!! Hard to maintain intensity for that long.

    Here's my progress pics after my 4th reload. What do I need to work on the most do you think? My right Tri atrophied a lot after disc surgery last year, but it's slowly catching up. I set me back quite a bit on almost all pushing exercises. Anyway, once again, thanks for everything Ronnie!!!
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  29. #2589
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    ronnie i forgot to ask before but can the medial head close to the elbow be targetted effectively? i think i may have mentioned it before a few months ago but since my pec tear i cant get the muscle around my elbow (injured side) to grow. my left tricep is round and full and muscle around the elbow up is full but the other side im having trouble. my injury was 6 months ago and my tricep mass is back but its just that area. ive doing alot of single arm movements also. thanks ronnie

  30. #2590
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hi Ronnie
    first of all, thx for that trainning method, its very interesting.
    Im on the 4th week of the first reload, im amaze by the result, lean muscle mass!every week i see a difference in size!
    29 years old
    190lbs 12%

    1-8 60mg tren A
    1-8 50mg test prop
    9-10 40mg test prop
    11-19 600mg deca
    11-19 600mg test enant
    1-21 250iu twice a week HCG

    here is my trainning routine, 1 day on 1 day off
    1- back, bicep
    2- chest, abs
    3- legs,forearms
    4- shoulder,tricep

    im doing 9-12 sets to the failure for every muscle group

    I would like to know what you think about all that, thank you !!

  31. #2591
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bernimx View Post
    Hey Ronnie,

    Why is it that you do not need to deload while cutting?
    Bump.. I'm sorry Ronnie if you answered this Q already. I read most of the thread and saw you recommending to NOT deload when cutting, but I haven't seen the logic behind it. If one is not getting ready for a show but just cutting to get to 10% BF or so, would you implement the deload weeks or not still?

  32. #2592
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bernimx View Post
    Bump.. I'm sorry Ronnie if you answered this Q already. I read most of the thread and saw you recommending to NOT deload when cutting, but I haven't seen the logic behind it. If one is not getting ready for a show but just cutting to get to 10% BF or so, would you implement the deload weeks or not still?
    When cutting your goal isn't to build muscle pretty well maintain as best as you can. So you only need to deload when you are trying to gain muscle mass and make continued muscle gains. So if your goal is to strictly cut then a deload is not necessary.

  33. #2593
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thanks Ronnie for very interesting post.

    And hi to everyone. This is my first post.
    Greetings from Finland.

    I personally don't use anabolics atm. Interested though.

    But I agree about your view on training methods, and I am now building new workout routine for myself, where I mainly train 5 days a week, different musclegroup every day, so I go them through once per week (I do legs the same day as triceps).
    I am also making another routine for the weeks where I am going to do "double", and do all muscle groups twice per week, just like in your suggested system.
    Now as I mainly do the first routine, going through everything once per week...
    My question is... how often do you think that it would be ideal to do this double routine, and do them twice per week?

    Did you mean that (with anabolics cycle), you would do "double routine" in those 2 deload weeks, and normally do once per week system, while doing reload (8 weeks)?

    Or the other way around?
    To me it just sounds off, if you should do intense "double routine" 8 weeks a row...

    Or how about double routine in the first 2 weeks of reload?
    Last edited by Kenlie; 04-12-2011 at 03:53 PM.

  34. #2594

    My first cycle after years of training natural

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I'm sure Phil's training system is good but it's mostly his genetics. He's built like a VIKING!
    Hi Ronnie.

    First of all, thanks for everything , you are the bible of this.

    So, I m very new with this world of steroids, for many years I wanted to try but in spain is not that easy, I m leaving in LA now, way easy to get anything you need.

    8weeks cycle
    So, I started two weeks ago with 4-ad ( 4-androstene-3b-ol,17-one ), and 1-andro ( same but 1-andros.....) from Advance Muscle Science.

    I m doing 2ml UTT daily of each 1ml AM one PM
    I will be adding Decabol next week
    I will be ending with Arom-X after the 8weeks for 2 weeks more.

    You think is good combination ?

    So far I gain almost 1' in my biceps and I m in 164lb, I started in 155lb, but I feel some belly increase as well, my back got huge, but is for my old swimming training, I guess memory muscle.

    I m training 6 days a week and my streght is extremly more, some guys at gym start to look at me wear, provable they figure it out, after 30min training all my body is pump, my shoulder are big and my back as well, as a reference I never did legs to much, stupid of me, but I m in 300lb moving on calf. biceps 55lb 5-6 reps,4 sets. for arm or 100 on Z bar

    Stack xtra:
    I still taking Creatine as before cycle, C4 from Cellucor
    whey Protein,Casein at night, about 240g
    6 meals a day. 3 on shakes.

    Questions :

    I should rest one day a week or two? or none, I feel I can workout every day.
    I should add something else to the stack ?
    Can I keep the creatine ? I read somewhere they said that not. !!
    I read to add a lot of protector hepatic or gymo or anything like that... what you recommend for ? I m feeling good so far but some times a little annoying pain over of the testicles inside, maybe is myself "paranoiac"

    Thank you anyway to everybody for you post, is fantastic to follow the real world and what is good or bad for us.


  35. #2595
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    ya i think your dead right ron, dave wud be slated right away! , esp by people who dont have an interest or understand bodybuilding as it always is. I asked you about lowering water weight the other day cause im sick of people sayn ive ruined my looks , ive nornally fairly chiseled face but while on gear my face carrys lot of water and makes hy head look rounded i hate it and now since ive tried ur methods they have worked great but im gonna be full of water in my face all the time now. U said its about lowering carbs and fats but im only taking in 350 grams of carbs and im an ectomorphic body type,wel or i was anyway. Heres my diet , meal 1. 50grams of oats with milk and 6 large free range eggs. Meal 2 . Chicken breast (300grams in weight) taking thr at theres about 24 grams of protein per 100g, thats 72grams of protein and about 55grams of wholegrain brown rice. Meal 3. Same as 2 meal 4. Bsn true mass after training. Meal 5. Same as 2 meal 6. 300 grams of 95/5 ground meat and 55 grams of wholegrain brown rice. Meal 7. 300grams of 95/5 ground meat, no carbs. I recently added in 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil or natural p.butter to every meal except 1 and 4. This helped me grown more i think but added water or fat to my stomach. Althought water weight around my face is the same wheather i took any healthy fats or not. I drink about a litre of water with every meal, im forever goin for a piss! you do not have to over do the water and keep salt low! im sure cardio wud also help but i jus dont have time with kids etc and it take an hours drive jus for me to get to the gym.,althought i tink i need to buy a treadmill when i can afford it cause i sweatbuckets all the time if ive to run around or do anything and i live in ireland so its not even hot here! what does your cycle look like and do you have calipers to measure body fat levels? If you ever notice, most pros have a very bloated face in the off-season. It's genrally necessary to get big unless yiou take anti-es and risk ruining your joints,libido and energy levels. .

  36. #2596
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    thanks for answering my workout questions ron. You're definitely right about doing back alone instead of back/bi's. This last 8 weeks that was torturous. That workout was going so long i felt like i needed a meal in the middle of it. Almost 3 hours!! Hard to maintain intensity for that long.

    Here's my progress pics after my 4th reload. What do i need to work on the most do you think? My right tri atrophied a lot after disc surgery last year, but it's slowly catching up. I set me back quite a bit on almost all pushing exercises. Anyway, once again, thanks for everything ronnie!!!
    wow!!!! You don't even look like the same person..looking fantastic!!!

  37. #2597
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    ronnie i forgot to ask before but can the medial head close to the elbow be targetted effectively? I think i may have mentioned it before a few months ago but since my pec tear i cant get the muscle around my elbow (injured side) to grow. My left tricep is round and full and muscle around the elbow up is full but the other side im having trouble. My injury was 6 months ago and my tricep mass is back but its just that area. Ive doing alot of single arm movements also. Thanks ronnie
    yes, you can put an emphasis on the medial head of the triceps but total isolation is impossible. I think this stems from your injury. My legs are the same way from the permanent nerve damage done to my lower back. My legs have yet to come back but all we can do is keep training while using good form to make the muscles burn and become stimulated!

  38. #2598
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hooray View Post
    hi ronnie
    first of all, thx for that trainning method, its very interesting.
    Im on the 4th week of the first reload, im amaze by the result, lean muscle mass!every week i see a difference in size!
    29 years old
    190lbs 12%

    1-8 60mg tren a
    1-8 50mg test prop
    9-10 40mg test prop [b]how often aer you shooting prop? I would start cycle off with test/deca and end with test/tren [/b
    ]11-19 600mg deca
    11-19 600mg test enant
    1-21 250iu twice a week hcg

    here is my trainning routine, 1 day on 1 day off
    1- back, bicep chest/biceps
    2- chest, abs back
    3- legs,forearms shoulders/triceps
    4- shoulder,tricep legs
    im doing 9-12 sets to the failure for every muscle group 9 sets for arms is plenty!
    i would like to know what you think about all that, thank you !!

  39. #2599
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bernimx View Post
    Bump.. I'm sorry Ronnie if you answered this Q already. I read most of the thread and saw you recommending to NOT deload when cutting, but I haven't seen the logic behind it. If one is not getting ready for a show but just cutting to get to 10% BF or so, would you implement the deload weeks or not still?
    When cutting for a show no deload. When cutting in generally you can deload for 1 week periodically to spare joints if need be.

  40. #2600
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by kenlie View Post
    thanks ronnie for very interesting post.

    And hi to everyone. This is my first post.
    Greetings from finland.

    I personally don't use anabolics atm. Interested though.

    But i agree about your view on training methods, and i am now building new workout routine for myself, where i mainly train 5 days a week, different musclegroup every day, so i go them through once per week (i do legs the same day as triceps). do not train anything with legs. Train triceps with shoulders or biceps.i am also making another routine for the weeks where i am going to do "double", and do all muscle groups twice per week, just like in your suggested system.
    Now as i mainly do the first routine, going through everything once per week...
    My question is... How often do you think that it would be ideal to do this double routine, and do them twice per week? basically, when you get bored and need a change up or hit a major plateau. Once a week training should make up the bulk of your training.did you mean that (with anabolics cycle), you would do "double routine" in those 2 deload weeks, and normally do once per week system, while doing reload (8 weeks)? no, stick to once a week muscle group training through reloads and deloads unless you are training each muscle twice a week to try something new. In that case, train the muscle twice during reload and deload.or the other way around?
    To me it just sounds off, if you should do intense "double routine" 8 weeks a row...

    Or how about double routine in the first 2 weeks of reload?

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