I'll keep this as short as I can, but need expert advice/opinion. There's a too long, didn't read version at the bottom for someone who is interested in the post, but not the reading part of it![]()
I'm an ectomorph. About 2 years ago I was 5'11 and weighed 140 pounds on a good day. Probably 8% body fat. Got sick and tired of it, so I changed my diet and started working out.
Slowly but surely I've been gaining weight. My clean diet, coupled with the fact that I was getting older (relatively), and my metabolism was slowing some, I was able to gain mass. Got up to 170 pounds with a body fat of about 12%.
Now I've seen plenty of people that are 5'11, 170 pounds with a similar body fat and they look very cut. I think due to the nature of my body type, I just look skinny. However - it's been a definite improvement from what I used to look like.
For the past year, I've definitely begun to plateau, but have been religious about my diet. 6 meals a day, at least 1.5x my body weight in g of protein, a little more than that in carbs, and calories/day haven't dropped below 3,000 for months. Very clean diet. If I don't have time to cook, I'll get a grilled chicken from some restaurant and put my own toppings on it. No, it's not the best choice, but I work during the day and have class at night, so cooking dinner becomes difficult from time to time.
Anyways, bottom line is that I think my diet is nice and clean, it's just not getting me gains anymore. For the past 6 months or so, my calories are between 3,500 and 4,000, and my weight will just fluctuate between 170 and 160.
I do a split workout routine five days a week, and have been pretty carefully documenting my workouts for the past 2 years - low reps, very high weight. If I get past 8 reps, next time I do that workout, I'll raise the weight, etc. About every 8 months I have switched my workout routine to throw in a little muscle confusion (not sure if this actually helps everyone, but seems to help me).
I've done a considerable amount of research in AAS for a little over a year now. In my undergrad years in college I was a Biology major so I already knew what they were, and what they could do. I specifically started to look at which AAS I would take (if any) and their side effects, how to prevent those side effects, etc. A year ago I truthfully wasn't planning on taking steroids. I knew I was too small (about 155 then), and wouldn't have seen much in the way of gains. But the topic was interesting, and I thought that I could least keep tabs on developments and if I ever got to a point where I would run a cycle, I would have that experience under my belt.
Now to the question - when should I start a cycle? Trust me, I have read PLENTY of threads that talk about this topic. Almost all of them start with a young guy that is looking for a quick and easy way to get big, thinks steroids are the solution, and then gets educated by the others about how wrong he is. Most of those OP's are late teens/early 20's and about my size.
On the other hand, I've seen threads where a poster has talked about how successful their first cycle was - gaining 25-30 pounds, keeping about half of that and they started at my size.
The common message I have picked up from these threads is: people who are thinking about steroids should have three things in place:
1) A proper, CLEAN diet.
2) A solid workout routine that they never stray from.
3) Strong knowledge and research on what steroids they are interested in.
In addition to those three things, you should also be at an ideal age/body size. I think my age is pretty ideal (probably stopped producing a lot of testosterone now), but my body size is not.
So, does the fact that I have a good diet, good workout routine, good knowledge of the subject matter and a good age trump the fact that my size isn't ideal?
I should mention that I am not trying to get my body up to a bodybuilder size. I'm looking for a push that will get me over the hump I've been experiencing in lack of mass gain for the past 6 months. If I can gain 10 or 15 pounds of muscle and cut a little bit of my body fat (which inevitably comes when you eat like a hippo), then I will be very satisfied with my results.
If I do decide to roll with a cycle, it will be:
Week 1-4 Dbol - 30mg ED
Week 1-10 Test e - 500mg/week (250mg Monday, 250mg Thursday)
Wait 2-3 more weeks for Test e to flush out...
PCT Clomid: Week 12-16, 50/50/50/50
HCG on hand in case my testicles shrink
Pretty standard first cycle. I may take out the Dbol as well, but lots of stuff I've read says it pairs up really well with Test e as a first cycle.
Anyways, this got pretty long-winded, but what do you all think? Does my knowledge of the subject matter, along with my diet and workout routine make up for my lack in size?
Thanks for taking time to read it and give feedback. I'm not trying to start a flame war here, just wanted to lay it all out on the table and see what you guys think.
The too long, didn't read version: Does a strong base with a good, clean diet, good workout routine, and ideal age for starting first cycle trump the fact that my current size does not fall into the "acceptable parameters"? (5'11, 165 pounds).