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My chest has always had a 'flat' look. I can make it stronger, but the size just isn't there. I have broad, thick shoulderslucky and arms, but my chest just won't keep up. At one time, I was benching 335lbs for 3 reps; I just don't understand why it won't grow thicker?? I have had a couple guys tell me that I keep my elbows too close to my sides when I'm benching, which is causing me to use my triceps moreBS, not the case than solely concentrating on my chest. The fact is, I had a shoulder injury a few years back, and if I try to keep my elbows out, it really hurts my right shoulder......YEPdo you think this has anything to do with it?? genetics will play more of a role than elbo placement I change up my presses between barbell and dumbell roughly every month.Stick with BB mostly, a 2 week period of Db would be fine every now and then My current chest workout is as follows:
flat barbell bench
dumbell incline bench
flys (machine)
I know 3 exercises isn't that much,thats all i ever do but I'm still getting stronger every week so until I stop gaining strength, I would like to keep it this way. I'm a strong believer in "if it ain't broke (at least strength-wise for me), don't fix it", and no need to over-train. It's a total of about 12 sets, 6-8 reps each set, all heavy.
Any advice on how I can make my chest grow??