If you could go back to day one of bodybuilding/training and start over with the knowledge/experience you have today, what would you do differently and why?
If you could go back to day one of bodybuilding/training and start over with the knowledge/experience you have today, what would you do differently and why?
I would of paid more attention to my diet. I wonder how much weight i would hold had i eaten correctly from 15-23 years old instead of eating so many fast food hamburgers and fries. Not to mention all the candy.
I would've trained legs, (especially calves) with as much focus and intensity that I do now.
If I had eaten like I do now from when I started lifting weights 10-13 years ago I swear I would give Jay Cutler a run for his money.
I find that if I had the ability to change anything.. I wouldn't. I don't have regrets but have made mistakes and have learned from them.. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't make those mistakes.
Bench press children's hopes and dreams.
I would learn about basic dieting and really focused on basic techniques of compound movements and maybe I would join bodybuilding forum earlier.
Last edited by PurpleOnes; 07-08-2011 at 03:19 PM.
I would have paid more attention to diet and less attention to booze.
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