Do you think it's possible to lose 100lbs of body fat in 120 days?
Do you think it's possible to lose 100lbs of body fat in 120 days?
in 6 months theres a good chance if everything is great
in 4 months doubt it but you may be able to get kinda of close
It's not my personal ambition, just trying to see if someone else is lying to me!
but thanks
Last edited by jg42058p; 07-19-2011 at 09:16 AM.
No u could not lose 100lbs of BODY FAT in 120 days. You could lose a grip of water and muscle with fat but theres no way phisically that you could do that and make sure it was pure body fat.
i managed to lose 65 pounds within 3 months while getting stronger and adding muscle, the weight lost was body fat, so unless you're speaking from experience you cant just say that there is NO possible way, although my diet and routine was spot on without even cardio, so its definately possible
If you stayed in a POW Camp or some nice hotel like that!!
Depends how fat a person is and there total bodywieght
HOw do you know it was pure bodyfat? 1 lb of bodyfat is a 3500 calorie deficiet so mutiply that by 100 and tell me how many calories you would have to burn for that to happen? And then explain how you would not lose muscel at all thru gluconeogenisis. Ive been in this biznis for a long time and some 19 yr old kid with no medical or science background is going to convince me otherwise. And losing 65 lbs in 3 months without losing any mucsle?? I call total bullshit on that. Did you have bf checked regularly?? Kids with muscle mags think they know everything
And of course i am talking about NATUALLY if you used hormones or chemicals this might be attainable but i would still find it hard to believe.
even if someone lost all that fat they would still look like crap cus of all the loose skin hanging off there body imo...just sayin, not downing the fact that someone wants to achive such a feat but lets face it, if someone lets themselves get in that bad a shape how could they ever be disiplined enough to go through with and acomplish such a goal...
lol no chemicals, all natural and did it with hypothyroid and low test
you calling on glucowatever and you being in the biz? i recall you getting owned in a thread a week or so ago for saying squats are useless or something stupid? i dont think anybody takes your advice after that.
and know i dont read muscle mags or take shit advice fom them, remember how i was called out in that same thread about having a wr deadlift and all the other stuff? yeah i proved to bigd, i believe was the username, that all my shits legit, btw what are your accomplishments in lifting again?
Sounds life threatening to loose that much weight so fast!
you would probably break down organ tissue in the process
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