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Thread: Please create a weight training plan for me

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    The plan I wrote out earlier is a full body workout on monday (heavy hypertrophy type day), and the second day is high intensity. I should have clarified that each of those exercises (on day 2) are to be performed right after each other and where I wrote rest is where you rest for about 2 minutes then continue onto the next set.
    100 squats for speed, no stopping no resting, legs never lock out
    100 situps, fast up, slow negatives (explode up with as much power as you can curling body)
    30 diamond pushups (girl way) whew!
    50 jump lunges
    Is one set and there is no rest in between exercises. You then rest and continue on to the second set:
    50 military presses
    50 curls for speed
    50 seated calf raises
    20 back extensions
    30 leg throwdowns
    then rest for 2-4 minutes and repeat the whole cycle again.
    This is full body because it works back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and calves.
    Thanks Twist.....appreciate your specifics....high intensity? no kidding....

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    correct, unless its a low rep power/strength type routine
    Thanks Base for clarifying the distinction between the 2....appreciate it....

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  2. #42
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    Had a replacement PT today. She said Hack squats are not good for the knees and back. And she said that Deadlifts are not good for the back.

    I did the Smith Machine for the first time and man-o-man what a smooth lift that was. Liked it a lot. Did bench press and squats on the Smith Machine.

    Did lots of Lats on the tower today too. Plus some DB's and leg press. And some stretching.

    I am trying out a bunch of these things to see which ones feel best.
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Had a replacement PT today. She said Hack squats are not good for the knees and back. And she said that Deadlifts are not good for the back.

    I did the Smith Machine for the first time and man-o-man what a smooth lift that was. Liked it a lot. Did bench press and squats on the Smith Machine.

    Did lots of Lats on the tower today too. Plus some DB's and leg press. And some stretching.

    I am trying out a bunch of these things to see which ones feel best.
    get rid of her pronto..........
    smith machine gives no natural movement whatsoever and leads to injury and under development of assisting muscles

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    get rid of her pronto..........
    smith machine gives no natural movement whatsoever and leads to injury and under development of assisting muscles
    She was a temporary PT for 2 sessions.
    Do you think the Smith Machine is not good for anything? Any type of workout? I do NOT HAVE to do it. I was merely trying it out since it was mentioned....
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    She was a temporary PT for 2 sessions.
    Do you think the Smith Machine is not good for anything? Any type of workout? I do NOT HAVE to do it. I was merely trying it out since it was mentioned....
    i wouldnt put anyone on a smith machine for anything slim, most use them cos they're afraid of the movement and need reassurance that the bar has safety bungs. they drastically limit development and can cause injury by forcing limbs in an unnatural plane of movement

    as for her saying deads are dangerous, thats just ridiculous and typical of an inexperienced text book PT

  6. #46
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    if only you lived in dublin, id train you for free! lol

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i wouldnt put anyone on a smith machine for anything slim, most use them cos they're afraid of the movement and need reassurance that the bar has safety bungs. they drastically limit development and can cause injury by forcing limbs in an unnatural plane of movement

    I had a feeling this could be the case since it seemed TOO easy with the machine pulling me....I did not like the squats with the bar on my back poking into me....honestly I can do without the Smith all together. It just seemed fun on the bench since so easy but.....easy does not make a muscle!

    as for her saying deads are dangerous, thats just ridiculous and typical of an inexperienced text book PT
    That is why I am here getting expert advice from you guys.
    Personally? I have always done deadlifts in between some exercises my whole life because I like the way it feels as a good stretch but I could be doing it wrong if it feels good!
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    if only you lived in dublin, id train you for free! lol
    I'm on the next plane....with my dog? or not? your call.....LOL!
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    That is why I am here getting expert advice from you guys.
    Personally? I have always done deadlifts in between some exercises my whole life because I like the way it feels as a good stretch but I could be doing it wrong if it feels good!
    yeah, deads should be in everyones programme

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    get rid of her pronto..........
    smith machine gives no natural movement whatsoever and leads to injury and under development of assisting muscles
    Agreed on both counts...

    Smith machines IMO are not safer that free weights at all, in fact quite the opposite! When someone says a smith machine is safer what they should say is " a smith machine is safer if you are bench pressing alone and are scared that you may end up stuck under the bar"..... I say used Dumbells if your training solo.

    If I smith shoulder press I get an old thai boxing neck injury come back to fuk me up for a few months... It has happened 3 times on a smith machine over 3ish years and twice on a shrug machine.... Lesson learned, dont do shoulder presses on a smith machine... Not naturall at all, it is forcing your arms to go into a position, what if you have the bench slightly out and its forcing your shoulder into a dangerous position...

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    She was a temporary PT for 2 sessions.
    Do you think the Smith Machine is not good for anything? Any type of workout? I do NOT HAVE to do it. I was merely trying it out since it was mentioned....
    I use a smith machine for a shrugs because i like to keep the bar away from my legs and it allows for a much deeper and safer stretch of the traps..

    Smith MAchine squats are an excellent exercise for quad development. You can keep dead upright and really do all the lifting with your quads... Anyone who want to try something good for quads needs to drop there ego and try deep smith machine squats...

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i wouldnt put anyone on a smith machine for anything slim, most use them cos they're afraid of the movement and need reassurance that the bar has safety bungs. they drastically limit development and can cause injury by forcing limbs in an unnatural plane of movement

    as for her saying deads are dangerous, thats just ridiculous and typical of an inexperienced text book PT
    Couldnt have said it any better... If done correctly the are fine and stimulate more muscle than any other exercise which makes them great for burning lots of calories and building muscle in places you didnt even know existed
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Agreed on both counts...

    Smith machines IMO are not safer that free weights at all, in fact quite the opposite! When someone says a smith machine is safer what they should say is " a smith machine is safer if you are bench pressing alone and are scared that you may end up stuck under the bar"..... I say used Dumbells if your training solo.

    If I smith shoulder press I get an old thai boxing neck injury come back to fuk me up for a few months... It has happened 3 times on a smith machine over 3ish years and twice on a shrug machine.... Lesson learned, dont do shoulder presses on a smith machine... Not naturall at all, it is forcing your arms to go into a position, what if you have the bench slightly out and its forcing your shoulder into a dangerous position...

    I use a smith machine for a shrugs because i like to keep the bar away from my legs and it allows for a much deeper and safer stretch of the traps..

    Smith MAchine squats are an excellent exercise for quad development. You can keep dead upright and really do all the lifting with your quads... Anyone who want to try something good for quads needs to drop there ego and try deep smith machine squats...

    Couldnt have said it any better... If done correctly the are fine and stimulate more muscle than any other exercise which makes them great for burning lots of calories and building muscle in places you didnt even know existed
    i get what you're saying hear but id still rather go deep on a free bar or lunge, smith machine would crucify my hips, for me anyhow

  12. #52
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    I THINK I WILL STAY AWAY FROM THE SMITH MACHINE......Not worth it, sounds like.....

    I so appreciate all of your input....I DO!
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  13. #53
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    I personally recommend for women who only want to work out twice per week the full body circuit training. Three sets of 15-20 reps using moderate weight works well for toning. I like free weights because they help to stabilize the core when proper form is used. And dont forget the squats and deadlifts. They work wonders.
    Last edited by supergrl; 07-21-2011 at 02:06 PM.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by supergrl View Post
    I personally recommend for women who only want to work out twice per week the full body circuit training. Three sets of 15-20 reps using moderate weight works well for toning. I like free weights because they help to stabilize the core when proper form is used. And dont forget the squats and deadlifts. They work wonders.
    Thank you so much for your input Supergrl~ Really do appreciate it.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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