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Thread: Would i see results?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Would i see results?

    With just 200mgs Tren E a week? Anybody have any exp with a lower dose like this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    are you taking it with anything else?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Of course, 250mgs test e.

    Maybe 300mgs of tren would be a better idea...

  4. #4
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    Sep 2001
    just making sure.
    You ever use any tren before?
    And everyone is different i can notice 200. Not alot but i do and i still get some of the tren sides from it

  5. #5
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    Dec 2010
    Never ran it. I figure id start really low due to how potent it is.

    I think ill keep at 200mgs for a first time.

    What do you think of my test dosage, just 250mgs ok?

  6. #6
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    depends what are you trying to accomplish with this cycle?
    I've run cycles with low test like you are and higher doses of the other compounds.
    Just enough test to keep sides away.

  7. #7
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    Im really just wanting the tren to do all the work, which is why im keeping the test so low.

    Burn a little fat and jump up on strength is the goal. 5-7lbs of LBM

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I'd bump the tren to 300 then.
    How long you running this

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ok cool.

    10wks for Tren
    12wks Test

  10. #10
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    You will definitely see something with the Tren, but how much will depend on your body composition at present and how close you are to your genetic limit. Trust me when I say that the dosages thrown around these forums would have been laughed at a few years ago. I know a lot of big dudes who still stick to 500mg Test only cycle even after 20+ cycles.

    Something I can say for certain is that 200mg Tren + small Test E dosage will be more than enough for a cutting cycle. Why not also add some T3 and/or Clen/ECA?

  11. #11
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    Nvm, I see that you want a transformation cycle of losing fat and gaining muscle. Then, perhaps 300 mg/week might be better but we cannot suggest anything without stats and previous history. Also, I personally would recommend concentrating on one goal at a time.

  12. #12
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    i wouldnt do lower than 350mg pw of tren

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    Nvm, I see that you want a transformation cycle of losing fat and gaining muscle. Then, perhaps 300 mg/week might be better but we cannot suggest anything without stats and previous history. Also, I personally would recommend concentrating on one goal at a time.

    16% bf
    1 cycle under belt. 500mgs Test E with 40mgs Dbol.

    Only looking for small reduction in bf% and gaining some good strength. Im at 375lbs on the bench press, 415-420lbs would be nice. Raw of course

  14. #14
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    Yes, I just did a Tren only for about six weeks. It was real good. It was my first time in many years and haven't worked out in a year and I gained 15 pounds of lean muscle. Got me fired up for a good cycle so that's where I am now asking about that stuff I just received. I finally got those pics to go through, you see it yet?

  15. #15
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    Here is my 2 cents. I was 45 years old when I went on HRT before I started my levels were so low 189 total I had very little muscle and lots of fat. I went on 200mg Test cyp weekly and dropped fat and went from 170 to 202 in 3 months but this was muscle I should have had normally. I don't look abnormal I just look stocky for my age now very healthy looking. So can you make gains on 200mg YES but maybe not you I think it depends on the situation for me getting to a normal level of muscle it did freaking wonders. I am 206 now. If your young and already have a good build I don't know if it will make much gains for you.

    P.S. I dropped the fat first before going on HRT naturally. I went from 260 to 170 then started HRT and shot back to 202

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    16% bf
    1 cycle under belt. 500mgs Test E with 40mgs Dbol.

    Only looking for small reduction in bf% and gaining some good strength. Im at 375lbs on the bench press, 415-420lbs would be nice. Raw of course
    Let me be honest here. 16% bf at your weight and height probably means that you are not close to your genetic potential. In that case, you are not going to see much difference in 200mg vs 300mg per week. You are going to grow with both dosages and probably see very minimal differences.

    With that in mind, here are a few things for you to consider:

    1) How much did you gain on your last cycle, and how much did you retain? If the growth was very large on previous cycle, you should lean toward 200mg/week. You'll save some money and have less liquid to inject.

    2) If the Tren is from an UG lab, I can almost guarantee that the dosing will not be correct unless you have had it tested. If it is under dosed, going with 300mg/week will put you on the safe side, and also make up for loss of liquid during pinning.

    The best solution I see is to go with Tren A, if you have the choice, to see how your body reacts. This way, you can see immediately how much you grow off of 200mg/week, and then increase as needed. This will give you peace of mind.
    I made the mistake of doing Tren E for my first cycle, and it took me 5 weeks to realize that the dose was not enough. If you increase the dose that late, it is bad because you just spent a few weeks spinning your wheels and not going anywhere while still suppressing your natty test.
    Last edited by MuttonChop; 11-07-2011 at 09:17 AM.

  17. #17
    I thought I remember reading a while back that you just started a test/tren cycle? What happened?

    I agree with 350. It's enough to see amazing results while testing your bodies tolerance to the sides.

    If you don't have a problem pinning, I'd opt for the acetate instead of the enanthate. If it starts to make you crazy you'll only be a couple days away from it clearing your system after you stop.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    Let me be honest here. 16% bf at your weight and height probably means that you are not close to your genetic potential. In that case, you are not going to see much difference in 200mg vs 300mg per week. You are going to grow with both dosages and probably see very minimal differences.

    With that in mind, here are a few things for you to consider:

    1) How much did you gain on your last cycle, and how much did you retain? If the growth was very large on previous cycle, you should lean toward 200mg/week. You'll save some money and have less liquid to inject.why?

    2) If the Tren is from an UG lab, I can almost guarantee that the dosing will not be correct unless you have had it tested. If it is under dosed, going with 300mg/week will put you on the safe side, and also make up for loss of liquid during pinning. all tren is UGL

    The best solution I see is to go with Tren A, if you have the choice, to see how your body reacts. This way, you can see immediately how much you grow off of 200mg/week, and then increase as needed. This will give you peace of mind.
    I made the mistake of doing Tren E for my first cycle, and it took me 5 weeks to realize that the dose was not enough. If you increase the dose that late, it is bad because you just spent a few weeks spinning your wheels and not going anywhere while still suppressing your natty test.
    right im not trying to flame or cause an argument, but this needs to read by the people you are offering your 'experiences' to.

    you came here in March looking for advice on a test e cycle, having started BB'ing the year before. after thanking a vet for his advice not to go ahead, you then decided you were waiting afew years.
    now all of a sudden you've done three cycles and the first one having been tren e. so that is three cycles in seven months if we are to believe you?

    so what is the truth Muttonchop? there are many holes in your story from education to AAS usage. i really think you shouldn't be offering advice to anyone on here if you've no experience yourself.

  19. #19
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    you should be a PI dec

    I cant believe how many people bullshit for absolutely no reason

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you should be a PI dec

    I cant believe how many people bullshit for absolutely no reason
    you can usually tell by the way they chose their words, condescending = BS 99.9% of the time

  21. #21
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    I've done 350mg of tren a twice and it worked great with 350mg of test. Not sure how much lower I would go than that though. I had virtually no sides.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    Let me be honest here. 16% bf at your weight and height probably means that you are not close to your genetic potential. In that case, you are not going to see much difference in 200mg vs 300mg per week. You are going to grow with both dosages and probably see very minimal differences.

    With that in mind, here are a few things for you to consider:

    1) How much did you gain on your last cycle, and how much did you retain? If the growth was very large on previous cycle, you should lean toward 200mg/week. You'll save some money and have less liquid to inject.

    2) If the Tren is from an UG lab, I can almost guarantee that the dosing will not be correct unless you have had it tested. If it is under dosed, going with 300mg/week will put you on the safe side, and also make up for loss of liquid during pinning.

    The best solution I see is to go with Tren A, if you have the choice, to see how your body reacts. This way, you can see immediately how much you grow off of 200mg/week, and then increase as needed. This will give you peace of mind.
    I made the mistake of doing Tren E for my first cycle, and it took me 5 weeks to realize that the dose was not enough. If you increase the dose that late, it is bad because you just spent a few weeks spinning your wheels and not going anywhere while still suppressing your natty test.

    I gained roughly 22 lbs and kept it all. I've also gotten much stronger since my first cycle too. I'm not worried about the Tren I have because I trust my source 100%.

    I'm gunna go ahead and just stick 400mgs, and keep my Test at 250mgs.

    And you right, I know I havent completely reached my genetic limit..hell I dont think everybody ever really reaches it...
    I'm 'bulking' up to 265-275lbs, then go on a cut. As long as I dont get over 17% bf...I really don't care. I'm going after the mass and super strength.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I thought I remember reading a while back that you just started a test/tren cycle? What happened?

    I agree with 350. It's enough to see amazing results while testing your bodies tolerance to the sides.

    If you don't have a problem pinning, I'd opt for the acetate instead of the enanthate. If it starts to make you crazy you'll only be a couple days away from it clearing your system after you stop.

    Yea, the gear was bunk...6 weeks and no gains. I was taking 500mgs Test E and 400mgs Tren E.

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