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Thread: Any insight into why my leg in swollen after jumping rope?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Any insight into why my leg in swollen after jumping rope?

    So with winter upon me I've taken up jumping rope for my cardio workout. Well yesterday I did it for 30 minutes. Totally kicked my butt and felt GREAT afterwards. However, I noticed my left leg was swollen from the knee down. No pain and nothing "tweaked" during the workout. But after I pulled my sock off you could see the swelling. Any ideas? Should I be worried? It doesn't hurt so it's not limiting me from doing my workouts but swelling isn't normal ya know.

    Thanks people.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Maybe you hyper extended your knee, go to a ortho and see

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