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Thread: Reg Parks!

  1. #1

    Reg Parks!

    Would any one modify this or do it just like it says ?

    Reg Park's Three Phase 5x5 Program

    Phase One

    45-degree back extension 3x10
    Back squat 5x5
    Bench press 5x5
    Deadlift 5x5

    Rest 3-5 minutes between the last 3 sets of each exercise.

    Train three days per week for three months

    Phase Two for Bodybuilders*

    45-degree back extension 3-4x10
    Front squat 5x5
    Back squat 5x5
    Bench press 5x5
    Standing barbell shoulder press 5x5
    High pull 5x5
    Deadlift 5x5
    Standing barbell calf raise 5x25

    Rest 2 minutes between sets.

    Train three days per week for three months.

    * After the basic Phase One, Park had a different set of recommended exercises for aspiring Olympic weightlifters. It used a few different sets and reps, and included lunges and power cleans.

    Phase Three for Bodybuilders

    45-degree back extension 4x10
    Front squat 5x5
    Back squat 5x5
    Standing barbell shoulder press 5x5
    Bench press 5x5
    Bent-over barbell row 5x5
    Deadlift 5x3
    Behind-the-neck press or one-arm dumbbell press 5x5
    Barbell curl 5x5
    Lying triceps extension 5x8
    Standing barbell calf raise 5x25

    Rest 2 minutes between sets.

    Train three days per week for three months.

  2. #2
    should i just skip to phase 2 is what im asking ?

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