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Thread: I need some advice from the juice gurus

  1. #1
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    I need some advice from the juice gurus

    Well, I am at stand still here and don't know where to go.

    I have not gained any weight in almost two weeks.

    I started my cycle on 3-18 and went from 185Lbs. and right under 15% Bf to 222Lbs. & right at 22%Bf. I understand I gained a bit of fat but, I am pretty happy with the way I look now, a bit fatter but a whole lot more solid looking.

    But, what to do now? This cycle was not the best planed cycle now I understand that. But, it worked - I got bigger. My strength went up at least 20%.

    I started the cycle at 500mg per week(injected twice per week at 250mg). Then about a month ago I decided to drop the dosage to 200mg 2x per week so I can stretch the cycle with the test enan I had on hand. Now I seen some posts that said I can finish the cycle with prop so I don't have to wait the full 14 days to start PCT. Well, I decided to up my dosage of test enan to 325mgx2 per week. Then hit prop for the last 2 weeks then start PCT 3 days later.

    Now, I look back and this all looks like shit. Not even close to the worst I have seen posted on here, but still shit.

    I have all my PCT shit on hand along with plenty of gear for another cycle much later for when I am nowhere as fat as I am now.

    So, what should I do? I definitely gained some decent muscle along with this juicy fat. I would like to make the best of it while I can and not fvck up any more shit.

    Try your best not to tell me what I did wrong, I kinda figured that part out(diet, random dosage changes and shit bag planning). I would just like to know what can I do to make the best of what I have done so far.

    Without this site I would have fvcked up much worse than this, I got solid advice just didn't put in the right order of use.

  2. #2
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    Dude, Im by no means an expert so Im not gonna critique you. I just did the math and just wanted to tell you that you gained 15.91 lbs of lean muscle in 2 months! That's awesome. Fat or no fat, still good results. Now just try to slim down and keep most of that muscle.

    ***edit- actually give or take a couple lbs on that 15.91 because Im sure there's some water retention but still good shit.
    Last edited by cb714; 05-22-2012 at 04:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I agree, damn good enough for me. Just thinking of how to finish this up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Clean up your diet, only thing you can now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bumping your dose around didn't make a difference in your results.
    You can entirely blame your diet for the fat gains.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You can entirely blame your diet for the fat gains.
    I agree, but how should I finish this off?

  7. #7
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    Hate to say it man but you should have never touched AAS. You don't know how to diet correctly. If you don't have the knowledge/dedication to diet correctly you will never get anywhere gear or no gear.

    I would spend time in the nutrition section and get a good game plan, hit some cardio and lower your bf. Then later when your ready you can cycle again and do it right this time. Remember healhty fats, good carb's, lean cuts of meat. If you want to gain weight you eat more, if you want to cut you eat less. But you have to stick with good nutrition.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    Hate to say it man but you should have never touched AAS. You don't know how to diet correctly. If you don't have the knowledge/dedication to diet correctly you will never get anywhere gear or no gear.

    I would spend time in the nutrition section and get a good game plan, hit some cardio and lower your bf. Then later when your ready you can cycle again and do it right this time. Remember healhty fats, good carb's, lean cuts of meat. If you want to gain weight you eat more, if you want to cut you eat less. But you have to stick with good nutrition.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Or tool . . . . lol

    Yet, still no real help.

    I figure, hit my Test Enan for the next 2 injects(2morrow and Sunday) then hit the test prop 72 hours after the last test enan. Run the prop EOD 14 days after the last shot of Test Enan. 72 hours after the last shot of prop start PCT. This will give me exactly 12 weeks from what I figure.

    Still sucks about the no gains shit. And now my diet is so much better too.

  10. #10
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    Finish the E then do PCT. Save the prop for some other time. Maybe to kick start a cycle instead of using it at the end while the E is still in your system.

    You do have PCT,right?

  11. #11
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    How is he a troll/tool? He gave a legitimate opinion and advice. Whether you're on AAS or not 80% of your end results is all dependent on your diet. I assume you were bulking since you added a large amount of weight and size, did you have a projected diet plan before you started your cycle? If so what did it look like?

  12. #12
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    Useless BS is not necessary.

    PCT? That shit is for pvssies.

    Jk, jk. Lol. Got clomid and nolva ready to go.

    So, save the prop? Sounds good to me.

  13. #13
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    Personally I don't think it's useless BS. You're asking what you could do to make the best out of what you have already done.

    Building a lean bulking diet to follow throw your PCT would be your best bet. I would eat about the same or even 500 cals more then what you were eating while on cycle to maintain the muscle you put on during cycle. Lean meats and complex carbs to hit all your macros is probably best case scenario. Healthy food choices and correct macros will help you maintain muscle and minimize BF% gain.

  14. #14
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    Some people make the simplest things harder than they need to be.Relax Samson you will be fine.

  15. #15
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    hey Sampson,

    firstly, get in the nutrition section re-adjust your diet to reflect your unwanted fat.

    second, i would use your prop to bridge you into your pct so that you can start your recovery asap.

    third, i would redo your TDEE for your new lean muscle and continue to eat surplus to maintain your new gains.

    and finally, design your gym routine to allow you to hit your muscle group hard and fast (in and out in 45mins)

    ive seen your posts, you know what you're doing bro, so just do it like you tell others. and i agree, you'll be fine.,don't sweat it.

    good luck
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 05-23-2012 at 09:39 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Finish the E then do PCT. Save the prop for some other time. Maybe to kick start a cycle instead of using it at the end while the E is still in your system.

    You do have PCT,right?
    i think this is the best way going forward. stick to the original plan and finish this.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    hey Sampson,

    firstly, get in the nutrition section re-adjust your diet to reflect your unwanted fat.

    second, i would use your cyp to bridge you into your pct so that you can start your recovery asap.

    third, i would redo your TDEE for your new lean muscle and continue to eat surplus to maintain your new gains.

    and finally, design your gym routine to allow you to hit your muscle group hard and fast (in and out in 45mins)

    ive seen your posts, you know what you're doing bro, so just do it like you tell others. and i agree, you'll be fine.,don't sweat it.

    good luck

    Sounds real good. I been working towards a much more solid diet.

    By cyp you mean prop, right?

    I don't like the idea of winding down of test enan for 14 days while I can hit prop to pretty much go straight into PCT.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Sounds real good. I been working towards a much more solid diet.

    By cyp you mean prop, right?

    I don't like the idea of winding down of test enan for 14 days while I can hit prop to pretty much go straight into PCT.
    yes i meant prop. thanks for the correction. i'll correct in my post.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Figured, started prop this morning. Still no weight gain. Sitting right at 221 Lbs.

    Hit prop eod, wait 3 days then start PCT.

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