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Thread: Just got pulled over..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Just got pulled over..

    So cop pulled me over for apparently tailgating another car.. He got to my car flashed his flash light in my car I had a ziplock bag of vanilla protein in the cup holder next to my shaker.... And another bag of waxy maze on the seat... Then he asked about them I said what they were... Then he asked if I had anything illegal in the car.. I said no then he asked to check .. I said yeah go ahead ... He searched the car then found my gym bag found some pre workout and then a clen syringe... Lawls I just got my clen today took first dose after workout... Then he was like what's this for I was like to measure out my pre workout I'm sensitive to stimulants so he was sketchy bout my answer then precede to search my car again found nothing and was like next time be more careful on how close you are to other cars

  2. #2
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    EEECK ...
    tiger has made it very clear to me that you never allow your vehical to be searched! (esp us and our foster teens shadey ways)
    even if you had nothing incriminating ...a friend may have dropped something in your car once upon a time by mistake, that could land you in jail if found.
    thankfully you are ok, but maybe next time pass on the search *gulp*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    scary situation bro, when I get close to finishing a pre-workout I usually put it in a plastic bag and I've always wondered what some overzealous cop might say if he saw it. Especially now that its getting warmer and the motorcycle cops get all high horsed.

    Glad it all went okay man gotta watch out for those A Holes

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    NY, Long Island
    Yeah seriously man tell the cop to get a !@#$ing warrant. He can't search your car because you were tail gating how stupid.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2011
    In California it's a privilege to have a drivers license and if they ask and you say no,by law they can take your license away

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    NY, Long Island
    Sounds like Cali is a dictatorship glad we don't have dumbass laws like that.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2012
    No big deal, u were in abidance of the officers wishes, you were doing nothing wrong, had nothing illegal, and you where on your way. Just be glad you where not driving dirty? which I will never understand why ppl do?

  8. #8
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    I agree letting him search you was prob smarter then not seeing as you had nothing to hide... if he wanted to be a dick it would have been easy for him to call in for a search warrant since you had two bags of powder sitting in your car lol and then you would have been waiting a lot longer then a few mins! he would have made you sit and wait on the warrant and then tore the shit out of your car and made you clean it up. If you didn't have the powder sitting there however then I would have told him no because he would have no basis on which to search your time keep your protein in the trunk and save your self the trouble lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    He pat you down....slowly?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    In California it's a privilege to have a drivers license and if they ask and you say no,by law they can take your license away
    Really! That's odd bro

  11. #11
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    Here cops give you the option. You can let me search you or i'll just beat the $hit out of you. I always op for number one.

  12. #12
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    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by kif

    Really! That's odd bro
    I'm thinking the same thing. That's a fd up law.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Lol he pulled over another guy shortly after me but I think this guy was drunk cuz he was driving in 2 lanes ... It's the end of the month cops gotta get their quota reached soo they will pull u over for any bs reason to find a reason to find something.... Yeah that would be effed up if he found something that somebody dropped.. But idt it was possible because the last person that was in my car after I cleaned it was the gf.... What would have happen if I had clen in the car... Since its a controlled substance and illegal for human use but legal to buy

  14. #14
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    In California it's a privilege to have a drivers license and if they ask and you say no,by law they can take your license away
    lol in any state its a privalege to have a licence, thats why there are tests and fees...but citizens have rights and property rights (only if you are neing arrested for a DUI or DWI can they take your licence)

    ...unless the officer suspects you have evidence of a crime,than they can erach ~ but then you can ask if your are being arrested and if your are not being arrested you can state that you have the right to leave if you are not being arrested. I don't consent to a search and am I FREE to go?

    officers will NOT ask you to search your vehicle UNLESS they know they need your concent ~in every state

    Don't forget during traffic stops the police are videotaping you, this is why you must NOT talk to the police officer. Police officers like to ask the first question and that usually is, "do you know why I stopped you? Do you know how fast you were going?" The police officer is trying to get you to do two things, admit that you committed a traffic violation and to get you to "voluntarily" start a conversation with him.

    If you are arrested and your car is towed, the police are allowed to take an "inventory" of the items in your car. If anything is found that's illegal, the police will get a warrant and then charge you with another crime.
    Of course in some states and in particular the State of Indiana, a certified Police K-9 is considered probable cause to search a vehicle without a warrant, That is if the K9 indicated to the presence of a contra band substance

  15. #15
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    Never talk to cops and never volunteer a search........allowing them to search doesn't put you in better relations with a cop, thats absurd, be polite and let them know that you understand your rights. I can't understand people voluntarily surrendering their rights in hopes of being "buddies" with a cop.

  16. #16
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    You guys are soo misguided when it comes to what LEO can and cannot do. The cop had every reason to search your car. Why? Because he say a plastic bag in the cup holder with a white powdered substance in it, and he had to search the car to make sure it was not cocaine or any other narcotic. It's called a "Plain View Search", the officer saw something in plain view and wanted to further investigate....

    Another concept is "exigent circumstances" which basically means that if the officer feels that this is an emergency and he does not have time to call in a search warrant, he is free to search as long as he proves it in a courtroom that he is justified. For example, a cop is walking by a home and he hears a women being beaten by her husband and calling out for help, he is justified to kick the door in and seize anything illegal that he finds while trying to assist the situation..

    I know it's bullshit, but it's how the law works..
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 05-27-2012 at 05:07 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Business as usual yeah?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Bronser is right (for a change).

    Cops see some powder in a baggie...and its not easily recognizable....he can say he suspected illegal substance. All the trick books on avoiding getting hassled by the cops tell you ---point blank---KEEP A CLEAN CAR---PERIOD.

    Even if its a junker...keep the inside clean and Neat.

    AND NEVER keep powder in the back in open view. Keep it in a container until ready for use.

    BTW...i hate tailgaters...and i always fvck with them. Guy creeps up on me going 80 (i'm at 65)...i look in my rear view and slam on the brakes. They have swerve to avoid hitting me. IF I'm in the city...and some idiot tailgates me...i gradually slow down....and try to block him from passing. MUTHA-FVKCERS!

    Some guy was tailgating me a few weeks ago in the parking lot of a food store. I purposely slowed and blocked his arse. He was pissing and swearing--- i just laughed. When i parked...i got out and timed it so i would see his arse at the front door. He got a little skittish when he saw that i was carrying a gun and pepper spray. I pointed in his face and told him he was an arsehole for tail-gating. Guy cussed at me---then i snatched his shades from his face and crushed them on the ground....LOL. Boy was his pissed! I just walked inside and order my lunch....he didn't do chit.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    You guys are soo misguided when it comes to what LEO can and cannot do. The cop had every reason to search your car. Why? Because he say a plastic bag in the cup holder with a white powdered substance in it, and he had to search the car to make sure it was not cocaine or any other narcotic. It's called a "Plain View Search", the officer saw something in plain view and wanted to further investigate....

    Another concept is "exigent circumstances" which basically means that if the officer feels that this is an emergency and he does not have time to call in a search warrant, he is free to search as long as he proves it in a courtroom that he is justified. For example, a cop is walking by a home and he hears a women being beaten by her husband and calling out for help, he is justified to kick the door in and seize anything illegal that he finds while trying to assist the situation..

    I know it's bullshit, but it's how the law works..

  19. #19
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    In my house
    TCW, I would've stuck that gun up your ass sideways and pulled the trigger till it went LOL I know what your saying about tailgaters but maybe you should avoid driving while on cycle.

    Back on subject....I understand that the cop could search because of the baggie but NEVER offer anything and NEVER talk.........even Bronzer knows the power of silence in these situations, he's trained to get people to talk...yes?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    TCW, I would've stuck that gun up your ass sideways and pulled the trigger till it went
    Is this before or after you find out what happens when you find a stranger in the alps

  21. #21
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    TCW, I would've stuck that gun up your ass sideways and pulled the trigger till it went LOL I know what your saying about tailgaters but maybe you should avoid driving while on cycle.

    Back on subject....I understand that the cop could search because of the baggie but NEVER offer anything and NEVER talk.........even Bronzer knows the power of silence in these situations, he's trained to get people to talk...yes?
    8-year-olds, Dude.

    I would've told the cop "no" and refused to answer any of his questions. If he had to ask, it's because he didn't feel he had probable cause to search the car. If he did have probable cause and he was just being polite by asking first, then so be it. But you never give a pig free right to just search.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    JD...'re delusion dude!

    Stop takin those pink pills...i told you before they are badddddd for you!

    ...No one is fast enough to take my gun from my gun bag while i'm hawking them! By the time you reach for knife would have been across your Arm.

    DON'T TAILGATE ! ! !

    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    TCW, I would've stuck that gun up your ass sideways and pulled the trigger till it went LOL I know what your saying about tailgaters but maybe you should avoid driving while on cycle.

    Back on subject....I understand that the cop could search because of the baggie but NEVER offer anything and NEVER talk.........even Bronzer knows the power of silence in these situations, he's trained to get people to talk...yes?
    Last edited by tcw; 05-29-2012 at 05:23 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw
    Bronser is right (for a change).

    Cops see some powder in a baggie...and its not easily recognizable....he can say he suspected illegal substance. All the trick books on avoiding getting hassled by the cops tell you ---point blank---KEEP A CLEAN CAR---PERIOD.

    Even if its a junker...keep the inside clean and Neat.

    AND NEVER keep powder in the back in open view. Keep it in a container until ready for use.

    BTW...i hate tailgaters...and i always fvck with them. Guy creeps up on me going 80 (i'm at 65)...i look in my rear view and slam on the brakes. They have swerve to avoid hitting me. IF I'm in the city...and some idiot tailgates me...i gradually slow down....and try to block him from passing. MUTHA-FVKCERS!

    Some guy was tailgating me a few weeks ago in the parking lot of a food store. I purposely slowed and blocked his arse. He was pissing and swearing--- i just laughed. When i parked...i got out and timed it so i would see his arse at the front door. He got a little skittish when he saw that i was carrying a gun and pepper spray. I pointed in his face and told him he was an arsehole for tail-gating. Guy cussed at me---then i snatched his shades from his face and crushed them on the ground....LOL. Boy was his pissed! I just walked inside and order my lunch....he didn't do chit.

    You aint gotta lie to kick it.

  24. #24
    I think Fonz might have the california law wrong. If you deny a test for alcohol,blood, breath,or urine they automatically take your license. California is a great place for personal rights. I've been pulled over in my younger days (way before pot was legal) and the guy found all of the roaches in my ashtray including the joint with only 2 hits off of it and all he did was run my license, hand it all back and told me to quit smoking while I was driving. He didn't find my bag though, it was in my work boots.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Yeah, just need to say no thanks.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    Bronser is right (for a change).

    Cops see some powder in a baggie...and its not easily recognizable....he can say he suspected illegal substance. All the trick books on avoiding getting hassled by the cops tell you ---point blank---KEEP A CLEAN CAR---PERIOD.

    Even if its a junker...keep the inside clean and Neat.

    AND NEVER keep powder in the back in open view. Keep it in a container until ready for use.

    BTW...i hate tailgaters...and i always fvck with them. Guy creeps up on me going 80 (i'm at 65)...i look in my rear view and slam on the brakes. They have swerve to avoid hitting me. IF I'm in the city...and some idiot tailgates me...i gradually slow down....and try to block him from passing. MUTHA-FVKCERS!

    Some guy was tailgating me a few weeks ago in the parking lot of a food store. I purposely slowed and blocked his arse. He was pissing and swearing--- i just laughed. When i parked...i got out and timed it so i would see his arse at the front door. He got a little skittish when he saw that i was carrying a gun and pepper spray. I pointed in his face and told him he was an arsehole for tail-gating. Guy cussed at me---then i snatched his shades from his face and crushed them on the ground....LOL. Boy was his pissed! I just walked inside and order my lunch....he didn't do chit.

    I usually toss my open dip spit bottle out the window if someone decides to ride my ass on the freeway. Aim for the windshield.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    In my house
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    JD...'re delusion dude!

    Stop takin those pink pills...i told you before they are badddddd for you!

    ...No one is fast enough to take my gun from my gun bag while i'm hawking them! By the time you reach for knife would have been across your Arm.

    DON'T TAILGATE ! ! !

    NO NO pay attention so you catch the references from now on......

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Lessoned learned. Don't leave your baggies in view. Tuck them in your gym bag.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    LOL...good one.

    I never saw that movie....but i'll put it on my to watch list.

    But...i prefer this one.

    VK is pure genius in this scene!

    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    NO NO pay attention so you catch the references from now on......

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