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Thread: How does my workout look?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams

    How does my workout look?

    18% bf

    Hey guys, I have been doing a lot of cardio and circuit training for the past year and have lost some definition. Sooo, I am going to start lifting heavy for a month or two to shake things up. I will still be doing 45-60 mins of carido every morning so I was thinking of taking 5mg var every other day to prevent over training. What do you think about that?

    Here is the workout I was thinking of starting. Suggestions are welcome!

    Wednesday - Chest/Tris

    Flat Bench 3x6-8
    DB Decline 3x6-8
    Cable Crossover 3x10-12
    French Press 3x6-8
    Triceps Pushdowns 3x8-10
    Overhead Tricep Cable w/rope 3x10-12

    Thursday - Back/ Biceps

    Lat Pulldowns (Wide Grip, Overhand) 3x6-8
    Cable Rows 3x6-8
    Pulldowns (Close Grip, Underhand) 3x8-10
    Bent Over Rows w/barbell 3x6-8
    Preacher Curls 3x8-10
    Incline Curls 3x8-10
    Barbell Curls 3x8-10

    Friday - Cardio 45 mins empty stomach

    Saturday - Shoulders, Abs

    (no rest between these)
    Captains Chair (straight leg/bent leg) - 20/10
    Back extension - 20
    Jack knife w/stability ball - 12 to 15
    Oblique Crunch
    repeat 3x

    Arnolds 3x6-8
    Lateral Raises 3x10-12
    Machine Shoulder Press 3x6-8
    Upright Rows (w/cable or barbell) 3x8-10

    Sunday - Legs

    Squats 3x12-15
    Straight Leg Deadlifts 3x12-15
    Extensions 3x12-15
    Leg Curls 3x12-15
    Legs Press 3x12-15
    Calf Raises 3x12-15
    Step-ups 3x15 (each leg)

    Monday - Cardio 45 mins empty stomach

    Tuesday - Off

  2. #2
    i think this workout is more than enough to grow....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    i think u might be able to skip the var, 5mg is pretty useless, so i wouldnt bother putting it in your body since its beneifits wont be noticable

    as for the workout, are your goals to drop bf% or gain muscle?

    i persoanly think your volume is a little to high, and ur gonna overtrain, the var wont do anything to stop overtraining

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I like the setup, with the exception of the decline work for chest. Never have been a fan of declines for women. 9 sets for chest, 12 for back, 9 for bi's and tri's. I think your volume looks pretty good as well. (12 sets for delts may be a bit much)

    I am going to disagree with Ranging on his Var opinion. 5mgs a day is a good starting point (I know women can grow like a weed on 10mgs) and you should see some results from it, it will also aid in keeping you from being overtrained.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I like the setup, with the exception of the decline work for chest. Never have been a fan of declines for women. 9 sets for chest, 12 for back, 9 for bi's and tri's. I think your volume looks pretty good as well. (12 sets for delts may be a bit much)

    I am going to disagree with Ranging on his Var opinion. 5mgs a day is a good starting point (I know women can grow like a weed on 10mgs) and you should see some results from it, it will also aid in keeping you from being overtrained.
    with delts i was thinking that its her front deltoid she hits ot hard (6 sets total)

    maybe 3-4sets id say be better volume

    i was thinking 10mg var as u noted be the better option, wouldvnt have thought 5mg would show noticable results or may have dissapointing results in women, and the increase to 10mg would be worth it i wouldve thought?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    in your dreams
    Thanks for the input!

    I gain muscle really easy and my body responds very well to 5mg a day. But I might want to wait on that for a while. I took your suggestions and made what do you think?

    Wednesday - Chest/Tris

    Flat Bench 3x6-8
    DB Incline 3x6-8
    Cable Crossover 3x10-12
    Triceps Pushdowns 3x8-10
    Overhead Tricep Cable w/rope 3x10-12

    Thursday - Back/ Biceps

    Lat Pulldowns (Wide Grip, Overhand) 3x6-8
    Cable Rows 3x6-8
    Pulldowns (Close Grip, Underhand) 3x8-10
    Bent Over Rows w/barbell 3x6-8
    Preacher Curls 3x8-10
    Incline Curls 3x8-10

    Friday - Cardio 45 mins empty stomach

    Saturday - Shoulders, Abs

    (no rest between these)
    Captains Chair (straight leg/bent leg) - 20/10
    Back extension - 20
    Jack knife w/stability ball - 12 to 15
    Oblique Crunch
    repeat 3x

    Arnolds 3x6-8
    Lateral Raises 3x10-12
    Upright Rows (w/cable or barbell) 3x8-10

    Sunday - Legs

    Squats 3x12-15
    Straight Leg Deadlifts 3x12-15
    Extensions 3x12-15
    Leg Curls 3x12-15
    Legs Press 3x12-15
    Calf Raises 3x12-15
    Step-ups 3x15 (each leg)

    Monday - Cardio 45 mins empty stomach

    Tuesday - Off

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    if you can, it be better it you do wide grip pull ups, rather then pull downs, however if you cant pull downs are fine

    as for shoulders, do you like arnold presses? i personaly am not a big fan and think barbell shoulder press is a much better exercise,

    as for legs, i should get rid of leg extensions, they tend to cause alot of damage to joints in the knees, i myself suffered problems from this exercise, and many people on this forum will agree they are really damaging, if you are to do them make sure its a light weight with higher rep ranges

    the other thing for legs is if you find your backs still sore from back day, you can replace stiff leg deadlifts with good mornings, that will prevent you from stimulating and straining your back again if it requires more recovery

    alwsie the workout structure looks really good

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I like it. Especially your leg routine, and you have the right amount of time between doing back and legs. Looks good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Derp a derp

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Don't you have anything better to do?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    ^^^ You mean other than being a forum troll?

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