18% bf
Hey guys, I have been doing a lot of cardio and circuit training for the past year and have lost some definition. Sooo, I am going to start lifting heavy for a month or two to shake things up. I will still be doing 45-60 mins of carido every morning so I was thinking of taking 5mg var every other day to prevent over training. What do you think about that?
Here is the workout I was thinking of starting. Suggestions are welcome!
Wednesday - Chest/Tris
Flat Bench 3x6-8
DB Decline 3x6-8
Cable Crossover 3x10-12
French Press 3x6-8
Triceps Pushdowns 3x8-10
Overhead Tricep Cable w/rope 3x10-12
Thursday - Back/ Biceps
Lat Pulldowns (Wide Grip, Overhand) 3x6-8
Cable Rows 3x6-8
Pulldowns (Close Grip, Underhand) 3x8-10
Bent Over Rows w/barbell 3x6-8
Preacher Curls 3x8-10
Incline Curls 3x8-10
Barbell Curls 3x8-10
Friday - Cardio 45 mins empty stomach
Saturday - Shoulders, Abs
(no rest between these)
Captains Chair (straight leg/bent leg) - 20/10
Back extension - 20
Jack knife w/stability ball - 12 to 15
Oblique Crunch
repeat 3x
Arnolds 3x6-8
Lateral Raises 3x10-12
Machine Shoulder Press 3x6-8
Upright Rows (w/cable or barbell) 3x8-10
Sunday - Legs
Squats 3x12-15
Straight Leg Deadlifts 3x12-15
Extensions 3x12-15
Leg Curls 3x12-15
Legs Press 3x12-15
Calf Raises 3x12-15
Step-ups 3x15 (each leg)
Monday - Cardio 45 mins empty stomach
Tuesday - Off