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Thread: Lagging arms!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia

    Lagging arms!

    Hey guys,
    Im looking at bringing my arms upto par with the rest of my body, my back and shoulders to me seem to big for them. i have been doing bis with chest and tris with shoulders for a while now, but am thinking of dropping that and doing arms on their own. current w/o looks like this
    I typically do about 9 sets for bis and tris 3x3 sets/excersises. i try and do alot of drops sets and super sets.
    to those of you that have had experience bringing up lagging arms would dropping bis from chest day and tris from shoulders and giving bis/tris their own day be a good place to start?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I personally have a day for Bis/Tris but I bet the Vets here will definitely have some good advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I used to have an arm day when I first started this sport, simply because I felt the need for it. It sure allowed me to build a great base for arms.

    I recommend supersetting biceps and triceps for a much less boring and overall rapid workout routine, especially if you want to workout each muscle group with 4 exercises (including forearms), otherwise you'll be looking at a really long workout session for arms only.

    Strict rest time, form, concentrating on negatives and choice of exercises as well as their order will make the most significant difference in terms of results, at the end of the day.

  4. #4
    I know im gonna get a lot of shit for this, but if you set it up correctly you can hit your weak body part 2x a week.

  5. #5
    Mine lagged behind the rest of my body but there coming up finally, I only hit them on a HIT program once a week not including back day ( no matter how much you emphasis back only your bi's will always be working) but I added in 2 sets of 21's ez bar curl on a 2/1/2/1 tempo, on leg and shoulders day and there finally coming up

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    Cheers for the feedback guys I'll have a play with my routine, it's mainly because ive dropped a fair amount of bf lately I've watched my arms shrink, however they are looking better and I now have a peak.
    Negatives and form is something I concentrate on but I've recently realized I've been stuck at the same weight for god knows how long, I'll have a play with my w/o 2moro

  7. #7
    I can think of one great reason to give arms there own special day... The pump!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by auswest
    Cheers for the feedback guys I'll have a play with my routine, it's mainly because ive dropped a fair amount of bf lately I've watched my arms shrink, however they are looking better and I now have a peak.
    Negatives and form is something I concentrate on but I've recently realized I've been stuck at the same weight for god knows how long, I'll have a play with my w/o 2moro
    How did u go auswest?? I had my own arm day and for me, my arms grew more when I did them with another body part, back and bis for example!
    For me, it was the way I worked them, keeping constant tension, higher reps and drop sets!! Arms grow and shrink with weight increments, so you need to think about that also

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    You could also give it a try, the system that I am using. I wrote it under the "DC training" topic here. Not the first suggestion (not that 4 day system that I wrote quickly), but the second one. What I am using myself. 5 day system. It really works well for arms, and actually arms are one of my strengths.... Actually my biggest genetic strength is thighs.
    Last edited by Kenlie; 06-19-2012 at 02:06 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    when i was powerlifting, i would do one muscle group per day. the thought was that when you are doing low rep high weight excercises, your body takes much longer to recover. So if you do for instance monday bench, tuesday deadlift and back, weds squat, thurs shoulders, fri arms, saturday abs/explosive, sunday off, you would be doing a standard powerlifting regimen to gain strength and size. This would also allow for full recovery and you would be burning a crapload of calories as you recover. As opposed to high rep low weight where you only really burn calories while you lift. It effectively makes you big and cuts fat. I remember when I would do 5x5 HEAVY of each and I would take 4-5 days to stop being sore from those short workouts. IT WORKS

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    I think we all agree that if you want size, you should focus on doing bodybuilding, not powerlifting.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenlie View Post

    I think we all agree that if you want size, you should focus on doing bodybuilding, not powerlifting.
    No, we don't all agree with that.

    That is indeed a pretty bold conclusion to reach.

    I have seen quite the opposite to be the truth.

    Nothing puts size like power lifting, and by ''nothing'' I mean no other sport on this planet.

  13. #13
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I started out in a gym full of powerlifters where I was the only bodybuilder. Best thing that could have ever happened.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I started out in a gym full of powerlifters where I was the only bodybuilder. Best thing that could have ever happened.
    I hear you.

    Most people don't know Coleman had a few years of power lifting under his belt before he started to truly train like a BB, and it is his power lifting years to which he at least partially owed his massive size and strength throughout his career as a competitive pro BB.

  15. #15
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    I think that what hes trying to say is that bodybuilding gives defined size, while powerlifting just gives size. There is no question in my mind it (PL) is the best technique for brute strength and bulk.

  16. #16
    I have to agree with a brute-strength for bulking up the arms. If you look at most regimes the majority of days you are working your arms in some fashion, hell you work them during deadlifts.

    I went from about 14.5in to 17.5in in 8 months while still cutting down bodyfat. I loved Bi/Tri days as they are some of the easiest movements (for me at least); my gameplan for those days was to eat like I was on my last meal, then start out low weight and ramp up; but I'd start with Tri's first; biceps are a small muscle, tris are most of your arm, you get those warmed up you can max your compound bicep movements. If you have a preacher machine that's a good way to isolate the movement while being able to hit higher weights than a bar since you won't tax your foreams with grip and stabilization of the bar.

    I know we all hate curlbros, but using a barbell to do some cheat-curls to max the weight at the top of the movement could give you that "peak". But I think the best thing to put size on is good steady escalation; size and power are awesome in themselves.

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