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Thread: Huge legs!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Huge legs!

    Hi, my main goal is to add mass to my legs!

    Is my workout good enough?

    1- Squats - 6 sets (12,10,8,8,6,16 reps)
    2- Leg extension - 4 sets (12,10,10,8 reps)
    3- Leg curl - 4 sets (10,10,10,8 reps)
    4- Hack squats - 4 sets (10,8,8,6 reps)

    I might add Romanian deadlifts (2 sets) next month to my routine - I still don't feel that I'm doing it 100% properly, I don't feel the pressure on my hamstrings!

    Thanks for smartly criticizing my workout!


  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Yeah, I completely forgot to add my calf raise, it's my last exercise during my routine - usually 3 sets - heavy low reps one week and light high reps another week! It's such a pain to get them big, mostly genetics!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    6 sets of squats!? I guess your going for the old "squat til you puke" lol

  5. #5
    Try throwing in some single leg movements, like lunges, or even leg press singles. I'm all about switching in between compound and isolated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Id save squats for the last set of sets (confused there) or at least somewhere in the middle. Definitely do not start out with squats your legs will not be warmed up enough and you will suffer on overall weights. At least that is how I have experienced it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    6 sets of squats!? I guess your going for the old "squat til you puke" lol
    haha! It's usually ''squat till you shit'' bro! I put more weight every set and do reps till I feel my legs are burning! I'm also a fan of doing 5 heavy sets then one set of 30 reps!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirbydunker85 View Post
    Try throwing in some single leg movements, like lunges, or even leg press singles. I'm all about switching in between compound and isolated.
    I'll def throw some single leg movements on my next routine, but compounds are the sh*t to add mass!

    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Id save squats for the last set of sets (confused there) or at least somewhere in the middle. Definitely do not start out with squats your legs will not be warmed up enough and you will suffer on overall weights. At least that is how I have experienced it.
    If u stretch ur legs and do 5 mins of medium intensity biking before ur squats, u will warm up just enough to get going with ur workout! What exercises do u do in ur leg day?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Biking? I have 2 testicles not 1 thank you very much. On a serious note I start out with leg extensions/ham curls. Then I proceed to some light hack squats and move on to regular squats. After squats it goes to heavy leg presses then heavy hack squats, I don't train calves they grow from me playing soccer they are well proportioned.

  10. #10
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    Squats for me is one of the most full body exhausting exercise....if done right with intensity and effort....I would change hack squats for the leg press....
    I would do the major exercises first and save the ext and curls, calfs for last.
    Leg press, squats, curls , ext............and when you really get your legs in shape finish with 10-15 min on the eliptical at very high resistance(burn baby burn) Alternate one time regular squats/hack squats....starting with the leg press(get the blood flowing good) so you can really dig down deep on your squats with out injury............

  11. #11
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    I do lunges at the end of legs to really finish them off.

  12. #12
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    I have had some good results with this workout:

    Squats: 4x3-5, once 5 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Leg Press: 3x8-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Machine Hacks: 3x8-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Max Pump Squats: 1x20-30 this is with light weight, if you like pain this will do it!!

    Romanian Deads: 3x10-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight (strict attention to form to take back out of it)
    Leg ext: 3x8-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Leg Curls: 1x40 once 30 is hit without having to take afew breaths between every 2-4 reps increase weight

    I do calves on back day typically standing raises 3x15 (various positioning) and then machine raises 1x30 (also very painfull!!).

    I do this workout once a week and have found some really nice strength and size gains so far.

    Last edited by MotoLifter; 07-20-2012 at 06:48 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Biking? I have 2 testicles not 1 thank you very much. On a serious note I start out with leg extensions/ham curls. Then I proceed to some light hack squats and move on to regular squats. After squats it goes to heavy leg presses then heavy hack squats, I don't train calves they grow from me playing soccer they are well proportioned.
    I like to do my compounds exercises before my isolated exercises - if you are using it as a warmup with light weight, it would be good to do leg extensions/ham curls!

    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Squats for me is one of the most full body exhausting exercise....if done right with intensity and effort....I would change hack squats for the leg press....
    I would do the major exercises first and save the ext and curls, calfs for last.
    Leg press, squats, curls , ext............and when you really get your legs in shape finish with 10-15 min on the eliptical at very high resistance(burn baby burn) Alternate one time regular squats/hack squats....starting with the leg press(get the blood flowing good) so you can really dig down deep on your squats with out injury............
    So then you start with leg press and alternate every week between regular squats and hack squats? I do thye "burn baby burn" with 40 reps light weight regular squats! haha!

    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    I do lunges at the end of legs to really finish them off.
    I don't really like lunges! I might try doing lunges with a barbell on the smith machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    I have had some good results with this workout:

    Squats: 4x3-5, once 5 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Leg Press: 3x8-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Machine Hacks: 3x8-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Max Pump Squats: 1x20-30 this is with light weight, if you like pain this will do it!!

    Romanian Deads: 3x10-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight (strict attention to form to take back out of it)
    Leg ext: 3x8-12 once 12 is hit for all sets increase weight
    Leg Curls: 1x40 once 30 is hit without having to take afew breaths between every 2-4 reps increase weight

    I do calves on back day typically standing raises 3x15 (various positioning) and then machine raises 1x30 (also very painfull!!).

    I do this workout once a week and have found some really nice strength and size gains so far.

    I would take ou the deadlifts, I do deadlifts during back day and I would add the calves during leg day! I also need to hit my hamstrings, but romanian deads don't put pressure on them - my form is proper - I don't get it, only exercise that burn them is ham curls! I will follow this routine later this week and let u know how it goes!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Here's my leg workout: warmup w/ a 2-3 supersets of leg extensions and leg curls, 4 sets of squats, 3 sets leg press, 3 sets walking db lunges, then I finish w/ straight leg dead lift. My legs continue to grow with this routine!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Here's my leg workout: warmup w/ a 2-3 supersets of leg extensions and leg curls, 4 sets of squats, 3 sets leg press, 3 sets walking db lunges, then I finish w/ straight leg dead lift. My legs continue to grow with this routine!
    What about if I do my squats before the leg extensions/leg curls?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Popeye's View Post
    What about if I do my squats before the leg extensions/leg curls?
    You can I just like to do the extensions/curls to make sure my knees/legs are thoroughly warmed up. My warmup includes 5 mins on the bike, then the ext/curl supersets. You don't want to perform squats until you're nice and warm as injuries are set backs!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    You can I just like to do the extensions/curls to make sure my knees/legs are thoroughly warmed up. My warmup includes 5 mins on the bike, then the ext/curl supersets. You don't want to perform squats until you're nice and warm as injuries are set backs!
    I do a good 5-10 mins biking usually - Do you have any advice about blastin' those hams?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Popeye's View Post
    I do a good 5-10 mins biking usually - Do you have any advice about blastin' those hams?
    I've seen the most growth out of my hams by doing dumbbell straight leg deadlifts supersetted w/ hamstring curls. I like to start w/ the hamstring curls and pick a weight I can get close to 15 reps and then hop up and bounce right over to the db SLDL's in which I normally shoot for 8 reps. Totally fries my hams! Give it a go!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    NY, NY
    I've been doing the following leg routine on my cycle and my legs are pretty ****ing pumped:

    Hack Squats (forward facing)
    stiff leg deadlifts
    leg extensions
    seated calf raise (three sets of twenty...burns!)

    I was doing walking dumbbell lunges, but they were aggravating my left knee a bit so I dropped them.

  20. #20


    To build big legs the most important thing is volume. Maybe try german volume training, 10x10. I've don't have personal expirence with it because I don't train for hypertrophy, but I have read things saying it works very well because of the massive volume. Or something as a simple 5x5 routine adding weight progressively each workout. It is good for both size and strength.

    I would do a routine like this:
    Squats or Deadlifts 5x5
    Leg Press 5x10
    Calves 2-3 sets

    Hope I have been some help.
    Last edited by Ninetwofive; 07-30-2012 at 04:16 PM.

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