Originally Posted by
The Titan99
Well, it's a useless dose for what he's trying to acomplish. Shut down is not worth it. I agree, was my point (unless he just wanted a test base with othe rcompounds, not worth it)
Seems we don't agree on a lot of points...lol. First, estrogen will be at it's highest point when taking exogenous aromatizing AAS (Test) not when it's removed from your system. It will then fall to an all time low, things trying to reach natural homeostasis and all. it would have bult up at that point, at PCT time. An AI is a better idea through whole cycle or near the end and pct , in my OP
As far as anti e's go, there are some very smart dudes on both sides of this argument. For me though, personally I can take up to 2 grams of Test a week and have no estrogen issues. (if your blood pressure stays the same then you are one of few, most would/should use an AI when using a higher dose of test to stay healthy and keep estrogen levels normal *not low*) Anti e's are super powerful cancer meds and letro is probably the worst one. It is the one I like most, the issue is not letro, its people using too much to often that dont understand letro, I have used it for many months issue free, how i use it is 0.25-1.2mg e3d (2X a week) and it works great, never had an issue runnign 1g test or 500mg test, letro has a long active life and people dont understand that and start taking it ed or eod and they wont ruin your joints unless you are miss using them. They can ruin your joints, lead to injury, turn your dick into a drain for your bladder, hurt your gains and just generally screw up a perfectly good cycle. For me I say if you don't need it, don't take it. Others may disagree (Swifto comes to mind as one of the most knowledgeable) but I've been at this for a while and I know what works for me. I guess that's all I know really...