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Thread: bloat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    British Columbia


    Ive put on muscle and have retained water since my ist inject Nov.11. Ive started at 250mg testosterone enanthate and have moved to 500mg, so 2 of each at that does. My weight has gone from 193 to 202lbs and I'm benching 50lbs over my 6 month max. I have been stuck. My body is changing for the much bigger better. My shoulders are clearly wider, my chest is both more defined and harder. My back is also beefier and tapering nicely. My legs are thicker and much stronger. I leg pressed 7 plates plus 2, 35's for 8 reps during a leg session 3 days ago. Thats the good stuff and improves every 2-3 days. The shitty part is my handsome face my gf loves has bloated up badly. My bod rocks! My face looks fat. [I] have kept my salt really low. Im 52 and this is my first cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sou you are doing 500 mg EW?

    Are you using an AI? What? How much?

    Water intake??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Yup. I agree with Lunk. You need to get on an AI. It will reduced your water retention and lower your BP if it happens to be high. (I've been waiting to say that for some time!!! LOL!!)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yup. I agree with Lunk. You need to get on an AI. It will reduced your water retention and lower your BP if it happens to be high. (I've been waiting to say that for some time!!! LOL!!)
    LMAO! Welcome aboard Titan Is there somethin g new about you???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    You may need an AI, but I've found a lot of guys can get rid of the bloat if they simply adjust their diet a little more. You said you've been limiting salt, but this isn't always the solution. Granted, an overabundance of sodium would be a problem, but you actually need a decent amount of sodium in your diet, especially if you're training hard. I honestly think a lot of guys would bloat a lot less if they cut back their food intake a bit, especially carbs. If you're trying to grow, you need excess calories, this is true and while the total amount over maintenance can vary greatly from one man to the next, so many times many take it far above and beyond what they need. Heavy excess calories, especially heavy excess carbs will make you hold water. Add in heavy amounts of aromatase activity and it will be worse.

    Last thing, I'm not against AI use and definitely think they have their place but I also think a lot of guys put way to much emphasis on them. And as far as water retention goes, I've personally gone through contest diets with and without AI's and in either case a butt load of test without a bloated face.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    You may need an AI, but I've found a lot of guys can get rid of the bloat if they simply adjust their diet a little more. You said you've been limiting salt, but this isn't always the solution. Granted, an overabundance of sodium would be a problem, but you actually need a decent amount of sodium in your diet, especially if you're training hard. I honestly think a lot of guys would bloat a lot less if they cut back their food intake a bit, especially carbs. If you're trying to grow, you need excess calories, this is true and while the total amount over maintenance can vary greatly from one man to the next, so many times many take it far above and beyond what they need. Heavy excess calories, especially heavy excess carbs will make you hold water. Add in heavy amounts of aromatase activity and it will be worse.

    Last thing, I'm not against AI use and definitely think they have their place but I also think a lot of guys put way to much emphasis on them. And as far as water retention goes, I've personally gone through contest diets with and without AI's and in either case a butt load of test without a bloated face.
    I think water intake is nearly as important of a consideration as diet when dealing with bloating. It's amazing how much can be "flushed" by increasing water intake!

  7. #7
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    LMAO! Welcome aboard Titan Is there somethin g new about you???
    I'm now on the AI bandwagon!! It'll cure cold's, moles and sore a$$holes!! It'll also sort out your bloating problem, no extra charge!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I'm now on the AI bandwagon!! It'll cure cold's, moles and sore a$$holes!! It'll also sort out your bloating problem, no extra charge!!!!
    Noooo...seems like something else has changed....

  9. #9
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I think water intake is nearly as important of a consideration as diet when dealing with bloating. It's amazing how much can be "flushed" by increasing water intake!
    Oh I agree big time! Water is huge! Crystal Lite is a life savor! Personally though I actually prefer the generic brands most of the can down that stuff like no tomorrow, but unfortunately you'll also be spending half you day pissing your brains out, lol!

    And I forgot to add this before, cutting sodium to low levels is highly overrated IMO. In fact, I used to take sodium tablets daily and would even eat butt loads of soy sauce even in contest prep and had no bloating issues.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Oh I agree big time! Water is huge! Crystal Lite is a life savor! Personally though I actually prefer the generic brands most of the can down that stuff like no tomorrow, but unfortunately you'll also be spending half you day pissing your brains out, lol!

    And I forgot to add this before, cutting sodium to low levels is highly overrated IMO. In fact, I used to take sodium tablets daily and would even eat butt loads of soy sauce even in contest prep and had no bloating issues.
    Yup...we have the Walmart Crystal Lite lemonade in the fridge ALL the time. Nice break from water sometimes.

    I think some ppl are more sensetive to sodium than others so this may be a case by case issue...just an observation not a fact. I personally never add salt to anything...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Noooo...seems like something else has changed....
    AH HA!! My member status has taken an upward turn for the best!!! If this were D & D I could now purchase a Sword of Wounding!!!!
    Thing's are really getting better with the addition of Aromasin to my cycle!! Now, if the new blood work shows the E2 is sorted I will have hit the Trifecta!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    AH HA!! My member status has taken an upward turn for the best!!! If this were D & D I could now purchase a Sword of Wounding!!!!
    Thing's are really getting better with the addition of Aromasin to my cycle!! Now, if the new blood work shows the E2 is sorted I will have hit the Trifecta!!!
    I have faith my friend and as I said in my PM...congrats!

  13. #13
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Yup...we have the Walmart Crystal Lite lemonade in the fridge ALL the time. Nice break from water sometimes.

    I think some ppl are more sensetive to sodium than others so this may be a case by case issue...just an observation not a fact. I personally never add salt to anything...

    Very true, sensitivity is definitely an issue but the human body does need sodium. I'm sure plenty of people get plenty in their diet but a lot of bodybuilders don't if they don't add it to their food.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    True this was a topic talked about not to long ago.Some guys were saying they looked real flat.Then it was said they added sodium to their diet and it made their muscles look fuller.But remember to much of a good thing isnt good.And like everything else you need to find your sweet spot or risk blowing up.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    You may need an AI, but I've found a lot of guys can get rid of the bloat if they simply adjust their diet a little more. You said you've been limiting salt, but this isn't always the solution. Granted, an overabundance of sodium would be a problem, but you actually need a decent amount of sodium in your diet, especially if you're training hard. I honestly think a lot of guys would bloat a lot less if they cut back their food intake a bit, especially carbs. If you're trying to grow, you need excess calories, this is true and while the total amount over maintenance can vary greatly from one man to the next, so many times many take it far above and beyond what they need. Heavy excess calories, especially heavy excess carbs will make you hold water. Add in heavy amounts of aromatase activity and it will be worse.

    Last thing, I'm not against AI use and definitely think they have their place but I also think a lot of guys put way to much emphasis on them. And as far as water retention goes, I've personally gone through contest diets with and without AI's and in either case a butt load of test without a bloated face.
    Thanks for saving me from writing all that. Test gets a bad wrap sometimes for bloat but like mentioned^^^^^get your diet in line and you will fare much better. I can run 1,000mgs ew with very minimal bloat and NO AI in the past. I'm running 350mgs eod right now and no bloat.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Now for some bad news, you may just have to deal with a fat face? Yes try the AI and water uptake, But if you have noticed even most of the TOP BB seem to have Bloated faces even at less then 10% bf. Has anyone else notice this fact? Now I'm not talking about week of comp when they completely dry up( that's little time) but the rest of the yr they just seem to have a round fuller face, swollen even.

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