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Anabolic steroids do not 'cut', nor do ANY of them burn fat. You should not be relying on anabolic steroids to get you shredded or to burn fat - what does your diet look like? This is where you should be adjusting your nutrition to suit your goals. Placing your body in a hypocaloric state will burn fat.
Trenbolone does not, nor does any other anabolic steroid, burn fat. The 'fat burning' effect commonly touted by different people and profiles and so on is NOT a fat burning effect, but a nutrient partitioning effect. This will not work to reduce bodyfat if your diet is crappy, or if you are not in a caloric deficit. Anabolic steroids serve one major purpose and one only: increased nutrient partitioning. this is what ALL anabolic steroids do. Some do this better/more than others (case example is Trenbolone ). However, Trenbolone is not special in this regard, except for its ability to do this at a far greater degree than most AAS. This is what is known as nutrient partitioning (as I have mentioned). More of the food you eat and nutrents you intake while on a cycle of anabolic steroids will be shuttled towards muscle growth and repair rather than towards fat storage. But I said MORE, not ALL. You can't expect to use the strongest AAS out there and eat small countries for breakfast and not put on any fat mass at all.
I see too many people around here going WAY too high above maintenance and its just rediculous, you will put on a lot of fat if you go too high. I've seen people around here do stuff like 1,000, 1,500, and even as high or higher than 2,500 cal surpluses... that's just REDICULOUS! Most of us don't need that kind of surplus, and if you do that while on 5,00000000000000000mg of Trenbolone, YOU WILL STILL PUT ON FAT GUARANTEED. If trying to add mass, do moderate/manageable caloric surplus increases, see how it goes throughout your cycle and if you find you need to increase (or decrease) it as things go along, then do so. Simple as that!
General rules are:
To burn fat: Eat less calories every day than your BMR.
To build muscle: Eat more calories every day than your BMR.