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Thread: Cjc 1293 / cjc 1295 / cjc 1295 w/dac / mod GRF(1-29) differences

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Cjc 1293 / cjc 1295 / cjc 1295 w/dac / mod GRF(1-29) differences

    Deleted my post until I take the time to better write this out, any questions feels free to ask
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-31-2013 at 11:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Deleted my post until I take the time to better write this out, any questions feels free to ask
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-31-2013 at 11:49 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Deleted my post until I take the time to better write this out, any questions feels free to ask
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-31-2013 at 11:49 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Deleted my post until I take the time to better write this out, any questions feels free to ask
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-31-2013 at 11:49 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    So cjc 1293 is not cjc 1295 w/o DAC because 1295 has the longer half life because of the movement and added amino acids structure. more specifically Arginine for the D form
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 09:07 AM.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2007
    And cjc 1295 w/o DAC is not the same as mod grf (1-29) due to the 4 amino swaps. BEING DEBATED!!!
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-31-2013 at 11:49 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    MOD GRF ( 1-29) is the BEST
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 12:28 PM.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    And cjc 1295 w/o DAC is not the same as mod grf (1-29) due to the 4 amino swaps.
    cjc 1295 w/o DAC IS a mod GRF 1-29...

  9. #9
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    Sep 2007
    error on my part, my bad!! omit post #6 lol
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 12:29 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    cjc 1295 w/o DAC IS a mod GRF 1-29...
    correct, the 4 amino swap is the modified version which is the same as cjc1295 w/o DAC

    unless someone wants to debate?

    I know Kmms may disagree.....
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 12:30 PM.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2007
    the thread to uncnfuse people just confused me..... lol

    on another note they should just call it mod grf 1-29

    and 1293 should not be listed as " the same as either of these"
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 12:30 PM.

  12. #12
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    cjc 1295 with or without DAC has a half life that is measured in days. mod grf1-29 has a half life that's measured in minutes.

    cjc 1295 elevates GH levels for an extended period of time (days), but doesn't reach the peak levels that mod grf1-29 does in a pulse which lasts less than 3 hours.

    how exactly are they the same?

    also, i think the owner and writer of that information posted above doesn't approve of it being copied and pasted elsewhere, just saying.

  13. #13
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    Sep 2007
    I'll delete it for you bro(when I get to a computer)... sorry for asking for your input ..

    It was a good write up and I stated I didn't write it and gave him credit

    It is against forum rules to post links to other boards

    If he didn't want his info used he wouldn't of posted it in an open forum , near all the info we pass on is brought to us by reading on the internet, I could have swapped a few words around and pawned it off as my own but I didn't

    Explain the amino acid profile change in the analog that creates a half life difference? Is there a swap of amino? A few added on in a certain place?
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 08:28 PM.

  14. #14
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    i'm not trying to be a dick. everyone that has an interest in peptides should read up as much as they can on websites that aren't run by the retailers trying to sell the products to you. he does have a statement on his forum that "nothing is to be copied or reprinted without permission" and it's not really an open forum, you have to register, qualify yourself as not being a retailer or linked to a retailer and then approved to join. there is a ton of info there, hours and hours worth of quality reading really.

  15. #15
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    In all reality everything we do on on here is copied or transferred either to paper another board or repeated in another fashion or directly to out thoughts. Someone got their info from some where i was kind enough to not plagiarize.

    deleted *

    I still since you are the only one on this board besides me who seems to think mod grf( 91-29) is not the same as cjc 1295 w/o dac are not the same, id like you to support your answer.

    If you cant then everyone else will continue to believe they are the same. (ive seen you post time and time again people who think its the same should do more research but never have seen a definitive reason why, all i ask is for a amino structure of the two to see the difference. You very well could be correct and I am not disagreeing with you, I would just like to support the info I pass on to others and have none to support your statement.

    If youd be kind enough to analyze and respond that be cool, in the meantime ill delete the above information, one day ill take the time to write one up myself. maybe a simplified version
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-31-2013 at 12:03 PM.

  16. #16
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    for the record, as of now i DO agree they are not the same, but I dont have much proof yet.... im looking for help and more info to support my data

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Some place hot
    I would love to try this, but the more I read, the more I'm confused. Just tell me what to buy!

  18. #18
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    lol either GHRP-2 or 6 will be great combined with Mod grf (1-29) or CJC 1295 w/o DAC

    all will yield good results.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    In all reality everything we do on on here is copied or transferred either to paper another board or repeated in another fashion or directly to out thoughts. Someone got their info from some where i was kind enough to not plagiarize.

    deleted *

    I still since you are the only one on this board besides me who seems to think mod grf( 91-29) is not the same as cjc 1295 w/o dac are not the same, id like you to support your answer.

    If you cant then everyone else will continue to believe they are the same. (ive seen you post time and time again people who think its the same should do more research but never have seen a definitive reason why, all i ask is for a amino structure of the two to see the difference. You very well could be correct and I am not disagreeing with you, I would just like to support the info I pass on to others and have none to support your statement.

    If youd be kind enough to analyze and respond that be cool, in the meantime ill delete the above information, one day ill take the time to write one up myself. maybe a simplified version
    sure, i can google "chemical structure of cjc1295 and mod grf1-29" and paste the results here but that won't end the debate. too many people regurgitating sales claims made by unscrupulous retailers and broscience from gearheads. let me make a few points and ask a few questions first.

    i am neither a medical doctor nor a chemist. i should not be regarded as an authority on any of these issues. if you need an authority on ****ing 2 or 3 women at the same time, ask away. i am definitively an expert there.

    second, did you see my post above regarding the half lives and GH release of cjc1295 and mod grf1-29? if so, do you suppose that they are chemically the same and still have those diversely different reactions in people or that they are in fact different structures entirely and that is the difference?

    third, i read in another thread that ar-r has begun editing and changing their descriptions of certain peptides that they sell. do you suppose that is because they woke up yesterday and thought "hm, i think i'll review all my product descriptions to see if there are any errors" or that they in fact have begun to receive emails from customers asking about the differences? i know what the answer is, and i commend ar-r for making the changes (although i haven't personally verified that to be the case). perhaps ar-r will now begin to sell mod grf1-29, and perhaps it will even be made in north america. then i would be a customer. keep in mind that all of these peptides, from every retailer and every country, are sold as "for research purposes only, for in vitro use only" if you think that any chinese mfr of peptides is going to give two ****s about your health problems when you injected something that was clearly sold as research in vitro use only , well, i think you'd be left holding the bag there.

    is cjc1295 effective? yes, absolutely. if you want to elevate your GH levels for 5-8 days at a time then cjc1295 is just right for you. please keep in mind that doing so will end up causing the same negative feedback loop that rHGH causes and your body will adapt to that and produce little to no GH as a result. no different then testosterone really, you already have it but when you supplement with large amounts for an extended period of time it will shut down completely.

    now, i don't care what color someones name is here or what products a retailer has on offer. if they try to tell me that cjc1295 and mod grf1-29 are the same thing, or that cjc1293 is just cjc1295 w/o DAC, well i'm just going to ignore them as they clearly have nothing to offer me.

    expect to see some blowout sales on cjc1293 and cjc1295 w/DAC soon, as consumers become more educated on the matter there won't be a market for them anymore.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    sure, i can google "chemical structure of cjc1295 and mod grf1-29" and paste the results here but that won't end the debate. too many people regurgitating sales claims made by unscrupulous retailers and broscience from gearheads. let me make a few points and ask a few questions first.

    i am neither a medical doctor nor a chemist. i should not be regarded as an authority on any of these issues. if you need an authority on ****ing 2 or 3 women at the same time, ask away. i am definitively an expert there. Not holding you to any authority was looking for a definitive answer based of your past post to back your statements, as for effn 2-3 women at the same time its not my forte as I have 3 kids and out of those stages........

    second, did you see my post above regarding the half lives and GH release of cjc1295 and mod grf1-29? if so, do you suppose that they are chemically the same and still have those diversely different reactions in people or that they are in fact different structures entirely and that is the difference? I sure did see your post on the half lifes, this is why i keep asking what makes them have different half lifes? there has to be a change in the chemical structure. I was asking you because I thought you knew.

    third, i read in another thread that ar-r has begun editing and changing their descriptions of certain peptides that they sell. do you suppose that is because they woke up yesterday and thought "hm, i think i'll review all my product descriptions to see if there are any errors" or that they in fact have begun to receive emails from customers asking about the differences? i know what the answer is, and i commend ar-r for making the changes (although i haven't personally verified that to be the case). perhaps ar-r will now begin to sell mod grf1-29, and perhaps it will even be made in north america. then i would be a customer. keep in mind that all of these peptides, from every retailer and every country, are sold as "for research purposes only, for in vitro use only" if you think that any chinese mfr of peptides is going to give two ****s about your health problems when you injected something that was clearly sold as research in vitro use only , well, i think you'd be left holding the bag there. Ar changed the description because I asked them to because the E-mails he received were of customers I gave info to. I thought it was misleading and let a few guys on here know what was up.

    is cjc1295 effective? yes, absolutely. if you want to elevate your GH levels for 5-8 days at a time then cjc1295 is just right for you. please keep in mind that doing so will end up causing the same negative feedback loop that rHGH causes and your body will adapt to that and produce little to no GH as a result. no different then testosterone really, you already have it but when you supplement with large amounts for an extended period of time it will shut down completely. agreed

    now, i don't care what color someones name is here or what products a retailer has on offer. if they try to tell me that cjc1295 and mod grf1-29 are the same thing, or that cjc1293 is just cjc1295 w/o DAC, well i'm just going to ignore them as they clearly have nothing to offer me. agreed

    expect to see some blowout sales on cjc1293 and cjc1295 w/DAC soon, as consumers become more educated on the matter there won't be a market for them anymore.
    agreed as well

    All right bro it seems we both pretty much agree here so no need to debate anymore.

    I do agree they are different, I believe the reason why people think they could or could not be the same is when exactly the 4 amino swaps came into play. I am agreeing with you they are different..

    I was just hoping for someone to help me out as to explaining why since you and I were the only ones on the same page here...

    lets just drop this thread..

    that cool?
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 02-01-2013 at 09:29 AM.

  21. #21
    I have a somewhat unrelated question that is very much related to the new direction of this thread. Please let me know if I should post this elsewhere.

    On Tuesday, I started CJC-1293 / GHRP-2 with the assumption that CJC-1293 was equivalent to CJC-1295 w/out DAC, as well as mod GRF 1-29, as was stated on ar-r's website, and appropriate for this 'pulsing' strategy. I felt some strange cumulative side effects that made me do a bit more digging, only to find out these GRF's were not equivalent, and that my product was of the DAC variety with a long half life. As a sanity check, I looked at ar-r, only to see the description changed. I couldn't tell if I just ordered the wrong thing mistakenly or what, but after seeing this post, it's clear that the product description was incorrect.

    Having ramped up from 50mcg/dose of each at night, to 100mcg/dose 3 times/day since Tuesday, have I done any harm? Or do the negative effects of 'bleeding' vs pulsing the pituitary gland take longer than this to manifest? And what's the best course of action here -- stop the GRF/GHRP combo altogether for a while, or continue with the GHRP only for a few weeks?

  22. #22
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    i am almost positive that you haven't done yourself any harm. you've approached it the correct way as far as i'm concerned by starting with a 50mcg of each dose at night and then adding in the additional doses and working your way up to 100mcg. the GH bleed issues are going to manifest when your GH levels are elevated for months at a time. if you take mg's of cjc once per week, your GH levels will be elevated for 5-8 days, then your next pin will continue the process and months later your system has been taxed.

    the human body pulses GH out for up to 3 hours at a time. if your self induced GH pulse lasts 3 hours or less, that's great. how can you get around some of those GH bleed issues with the cjc's? forget pinning mg's once per week and treat your cjc like it was mod grf1-29 and pin it in mcg's once or more per day.

    i would recommend finding yourself some mod grf1-29 and alternating bottles with your cjc. when you finish one bottle of cjc then reconstitute a bottle of mod grf1-29 and use that and so on until your cjc is gone, then only buy mod grf1-29 for future use.

  23. #23
    Thanks for the reply, kmms.

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