Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
- We typically advise members of the board to prefer single-ester Testosterone for various reasons, meaning that if you are going to run another Test only cycle (which you should), then there are better choices for you than Sustanon out there. Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate are the most common and available heavy-ester Tests that require only x2 weekly injections.
- Your dose should be 500mg every week with these compounds as mentioned above, same goes for Sustanon if you insist on it for any reason you may have. Monday and Thursday injections, 250mg each (1 vial).
- Stay away from any oral as for now.
- You don't need Letro. Letro is an overkill AI and things can easily & quickly go wrong with Letro at the hands of amateurs. Frankly, Arimidex or Aromasin should be considered as your only choices for this cycle. Arimidex 0.25mg EOD or Aromasin 6mg ED or 12.5mg EOD are the advised protocols for your cycle.
- You will need both Nolvadex and Clomid for your PCT, which you have. Good job.
- Try to also get some HCG Pregnyl. When administered at 250iu E3D throughout the cycle, this compound prevents testicular shutdown, meaning that your overall recovery pace and quality will be quicker and better once the cycle is over, which also means you will be able to hold on to your cycle gains more. Not to mention avoiding the experience of testicle pain due to shrinkage and hence its psychological reflections is a big bonus.
Any other questions are welcomed.