Hi again guys,
What is better for muscle building:
Option 1 - training each muscle group twice a week doing split routines i.e. Day 1 -Chest and Shoulder, Day 2 - Back/Bi and Tris, Day 3 - Legs/lowerback and repeat.
Option 2 - Day 1 - Legs, Days 2 - Arms, Day 3 - Shoulders, Day 4 - Back, Day 5 - Chest.
I've always performed the second option but thought I'd give the split routine a go as I would be working out the muscles twice a week instead of once. Downside is I feel like I'm not giving the muscle as good as workout as I would if I were doing it once a week. For example, when doing chest and shoulders, my shoulders are already to fatigued after doing my chest that I'm lifting a lot less than I would just doing shoulders alone... would that affect gains? Plus I feel more pumped the next day when I focus on the one muscle.
What do you guys do? Any tips or suggestions?