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Thread: Split Training VS 1 muscle Group per Week

  1. #1

    Split Training VS 1 muscle Group per Week

    Hi again guys,

    What is better for muscle building:

    Option 1 - training each muscle group twice a week doing split routines i.e. Day 1 -Chest and Shoulder, Day 2 - Back/Bi and Tris, Day 3 - Legs/lowerback and repeat.


    Option 2 - Day 1 - Legs, Days 2 - Arms, Day 3 - Shoulders, Day 4 - Back, Day 5 - Chest.

    I've always performed the second option but thought I'd give the split routine a go as I would be working out the muscles twice a week instead of once. Downside is I feel like I'm not giving the muscle as good as workout as I would if I were doing it once a week. For example, when doing chest and shoulders, my shoulders are already to fatigued after doing my chest that I'm lifting a lot less than I would just doing shoulders alone... would that affect gains? Plus I feel more pumped the next day when I focus on the one muscle.
    What do you guys do? Any tips or suggestions?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    For most of us, 7 days is the minimum to let a muscle recover. If you hit it twice a week you might end up overtraining and losing mass.

    Personally I go for the second option because I can then focus fully on the task at hand. Once I've finished back, the thought of doing biceps makes me sick. It's just not doable for me.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    If your training naturally them more frequency is going to be more beneficial in he long run...

    If your using gear lower frequency 'may' be more beneficial.....

    I think that training with more intensity and less frequency is good while on cycle... And less intensity, more volume and increased frequency is better when naturall....

    Saying that you need 7 days to recover after a training session is broscience... When naturall muscle protein synthesis drop dramatically 36hrs post workout so leavin a muscle group to 'recover' for longer than that is dead time....

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    For most of us, 7 days is the minimum to let a muscle recover. If you hit it twice a week you might end up overtraining and losing mass. .
    Whoa! Where did you get this info from?

    Almost every human study conducted on this subject matter has shown that full recovery takes approx. 48-72hr for small muscle groups and 72-96hr for large muscle groups. Variables are nutrition, quality of rest and how much damage was given to the muscle fibers while training.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Whoa! Where did you get this info from?

    Almost every human study conducted on this subject matter has shown that full recovery takes approx. 48-72hr for small muscle groups and 72-96hr for large muscle groups. Variables are nutrition, quality of rest and how much damage was given to the muscle fibers while training.
    Ok, but what about in regards to the training component?
    Recovery really isnt my issue as I know after 3 days rest come the fourth day my muscle is more than ready to get hit again.
    My main concern is would training one muscle group each session allow for more growth due to being able to lift heavier as opposed to training more muscles in the one session causing pre fatigue?

  6. #6
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    For me it's simple day1, chest and triceps
    Day 2 legs and shoulders
    Day 3 back and biceps
    Day 4 cardio
    And repeat I do abs ever other day all week
    It works for me.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by noon View Post
    For me it's simple day1, chest and triceps
    Day 2 legs and shoulders
    Day 3 back and biceps
    Day 4 cardio
    And repeat I do abs ever other day all week
    It works for me.
    And there is the key. Finding what works for you. Experiment. Try different routines and find what works for you!

    Noon regarding your schedule. How can you have sufficient energy for delts after a leg workout? I got nothing left after legs....

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I usually hit each once a week hard, so if you are not seeing improvements/results maybe you need to kick up your intensity or add variation to your routines. Focus on proper technique and give your muscles plenty of time to rest.
    I have separate routines for the major muscle groups (chest and back) one with bar bell others with dumb bells, and I also incorporate body weight exercises. Remember that even though your muscles may feel good to go your CNS needs extra time to catch up. I have found that incorporating down days with yoga or kenpo type workouts have been highly beneficial to my growth and overall physique.

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