I'll be running into same problem at my gym. Heaviest DB's are 120. Figure I'll do some barbell work first to pre-exhaust before hitting the dumbbell's. Really do not want to change gyms cause the one I go to is less then a block from my house.
I'll be running into same problem at my gym. Heaviest DB's are 120. Figure I'll do some barbell work first to pre-exhaust before hitting the dumbbell's. Really do not want to change gyms cause the one I go to is less then a block from my house.
All good. Looking forward to see your cycle results.
Just sayin hi!!! Drinking about 1 gal of water a day. Can't do much more!!
hey GGR. a gallon per day is more than enuff for u..![]()
man my leg workout sunday has got me sore like i hadnt lifted in years! obviously i need to increase my intensity in the gym to match this every time! theres something to be said for drop sets..
You motivated me to pick up the 120's. Only pushed 5 reps on the incline bench but the end is near. I'll have to hit the barbell first soon.
Makes my new pr of 90x5 look paltry! Well doneOriginally Posted by bikeral
well i have now been on maintenance (or at least not cutting) for 4 weeks. i have tapered my cals back up from where they were on my cut. today i decided to really look at them as i have not been as diligent as i am capable, or have been in the past mainly because i havent had to be. nonetheless i will post below my total cals and macros of what appear to be maintenance as well as a couple pics from a few weeks ago and current because i dont think ive gained any fat, or at least a very small amount. i have filled out a little and my weight has gone up by 5lbs.
current stats:
195lbs @9.5%bf
waist: 32.5" (holding here which i am monitoring daily like a hawk!)
training day maintenance diet:
403g pro
497g carbs
101g fat
^^i must say these numbers surprised me but i am very happy to see i am not gaining much fat with this many cals, carbs, and fat! actually i am hoping to pickj up some LBM maybe thru a lean(ish) bulk
non-training day:
159g pro
94g carbs
63g fat
my schedule typically is EOD now. sometimes i will run 2 non-training days in a row to try to offset the cals. i also fast 21-24hrs on non-training days from the night before.. also do minimum 45min cardio on this day to a max of 70mins split into 2 sessions.. occasionally i leae the cottage cheese and blueberries off as well which reduces the cals and macros further to:
134g pro
51g carbs (15g fiber)
57g fat
as u can see there is a lot of room for variance.. i also will occasionally munch on capn crunch on these days too. its a balancing act playing with these items, much moreso than when i first started this thing 18months ago.
on average i would say my cals on both days combined equal 6000 which gives me a net of 3000cals ED.. i am finding this very effective at being able to have a variety of food choices in my diet to offset boredom and satisfy my cravings..
the first pic was a month ago today and the second pic today.. pretty close IMO![]()
Last edited by --->>405<<---; 03-07-2013 at 01:03 PM.
damn bud!
you are really taking this to the extreme. i am glad that you are posting all of this for others to see that everyone works differently and that there is no one diet out there for everyone.
are you still using peptides?
Hey cajun thx dude.. Yes still on peps , non training days i do pre cardio and pre bed, training days pwo and pre bed..
Looking fantastic 405!
How many days/week do you train/eat at maintenance?
It doesn't look like you've gained any BF. Awesome work!
^^ thx twitz
As far as how many days i eat at maintenance.. The answer: none! And everyday all at the same time!
Since i cycle carbs and by default calories my "maintenance" intake is more an average of cals consumed over a week as opposed to over a 24hr period.. This enables me to have a lot of freedom in my diet while staying lean.
I owe a LOT of this to fasting. I fast EOD.. All day from waking til usually 1900.. These days are also where i do my cardio.![]()
Holy crap.. Talk about solid! Nice work
Great work mate!.......you know your body very well now and it shows.......you can now enjoy the foods you like while maintaining a great body, for me that is the ultimate goal! well done.
When you think about the pathways/precursors that ultimately lead to testosterone, it makes sense. Fat > Cholesterol > Pregnenolone > DHEA > Testosterone. I know I left a couple out, e.g. prog, etc. but for the purpose of this discussion this example should be sufficient.
Having said that, I wouldn't recommend people jump onto a diet that has them getting 30% of daily calories from fats. For one, we're all different, and both 15% and 30% are arbitrary numbers. Second, we have to bear in mind that fat is still most likely (or better put, most readily) stored as bodyfat. Point being - there is a fine balance that each individual needs to find for his/herself.
^^ what he said!![]()
also i hit a PR today on deads: 415lbs x 3 (yes!) pretty happy with that, went up 50lbs from my previous 365 x 5.. i suspect i could probably add at least another 30lbs, maybe 50lbs for a 1 rep max of 445-465.. ill save it for another day. id also like to note this was at the end of my workout after doing some pretty heavy rows and shoulder presses and lawnmowers (or whatever u call em)..
Yes but people are not finding out what works for them, there seems to be a fanboi mentality of this board lately that fats are bad and fat makes you fat, and as u said fat is stored as fat. Its using the right fats at the right times to have proper delivery of fats to help promote test production and weight loss. Every post in the past 5 weeks on lean bulking seems to be like "WATCH OUT BROTHER , DONT EAT FATS." Yes ask any good body builder on his show prep, butter, fish oil and other animal fats are consumed in large amounts.
Its painful to see this forum is going into teh direction of just use more gear to look jacked, dont eat fat just have massive carb refeeds and you will be swole and the idea that everyone has a very high LBM but refuse to get proper tested to take in account , brain, bone density and organ mass. so their rmr is way off for finding true tdee. Is a generation of gear use for aesthetics and goggling diet plans. Heck how many board members are using UD2.0 that are 12-18% body fat when they could easily lose the weight with a simpler approach and then they stall when they get sub 11% and dont get me started on the whole " bro im losing fat weight only and no muscle mass , im so jacked" then they say they are losing 3-4lbs a week. When even the most amateur bodybuilder knows to avoid mass loss you have to go at it slow .5-1lb a week deficit or its defiantly muscle mass you are losing. hence 12-16 week cuts , and some hard gainers is 20--22 week cuts.
thread hijack!
but everyone looks up to you guys , a bit too much they dont even learn what they need to eat or what their actual requirements are. If gbruce or 405 said i have to eat 2400 calories that's what im gonna eat! its painful to read threads in the diet forum lately.
I'm on my phone so can't reply in detail now, but all I can say is I always try to educate people and even more, try to get them to educate themselves. I make suggestions, or tell people 'personally I would....' but I rarely get involved in 'telling' people what to do. Where are these threads you're referring to, and who are the people giving this advice you disagree with? I don't know if you're referring to me and/or 405, but I can tell you I hardly ever reply to 'critique my diet' threads these days, quite frankly because it bores me and I'm kinda burned out from it.Originally Posted by mockery
As for fats... again I can only offer my personal opinion and experience along with the experiences of others I've worked with not just here but on a personal level. I have never said fats are bad - I'm well aware of how essential they are and the role they play with regard to test production among other functions. I'm simply not a fan of the 'high fat lower carb' school of dieting. A few years ago the trend around here was how carbs are bad, bla bla etc. IMO, it's all about balance. If people aren't doing the legwork and finding what really works for them as an individual, they're only short changing themselves. I'm sleeping like a baby at night knowing I gave what I believe is solid advice.
There, a long winded response. You sucked me in... fcker!
Awesome!Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
Now you just need to get what you set out to do, bench 405!
Great work man
ok mock i am going to try to be thorough here for u.
1. my diet above that precipitated ur quote and comment on dietary fat amounts consisted of 3 difft caloric and macronutrient days with different values. the first:
training day maintenance diet:
403g pro
497g carbs
101g fat
101 x 9 = 909cals from fat
909/4466 = .2035% cals from fat (not 15% or less)
the second:
non-training day:
159g pro
94g carbs
63g fat
63 x 9 = 567
567/1602 = .3539% cals from fat (not less than 15%)
the third:
134g pro
51g carbs (15g fiber)
57g fat
57 x 9 = 513
513/1274 = .4026% cals from fat (NOT 15% or less)
due to these calculations i am failing to see why u chose this post to initiate ur argument??
also up until this point i thought we had a fairly amicable relationship. i cant tell from this hijack whether or not ur intentions are good or bad??
[QUOTE=mockery;6431666]fanboi mentality?Yes but people are not finding out what works for them, there seems to be a fanboi mentality of this board lately that fats are bad and fat makes you fat, and as u said fat is stored as fat. Its using the right fats at the right times to have proper delivery of fats to help promote test production and weight loss.
fanboi: Someone who is hopelessly devoted to something and will like anything associated with thier particular thing.
so what the heck is this supposed to mean? typically when people come on to this site they dont know a lot and are looking for help. the guys who have been here or in this lifestyle (fitness/bodybuilding) offer their experience and knowledge to the new guys in good faith to try to help them and teach them. i know i do this to show appreciation for those who did it for me. naturally the new guys are going to value what we say to a certain extent. i encourage everyone to learn for themselves and seek answers for themselves, but in the beginning it helps to have someone guide you until u get ur feet wet..
im not sure how u compare a contest-prep diet to a lean bulking diet?Every post in the past 5 weeks on lean bulking seems to be like "WATCH OUT BROTHER , DONT EAT FATS." Yes ask any good body builder on his show prep, butter, fish oil and other animal fats are consumed in large amounts.why are u comparing them to try to make a point?? it is common knowledge to not have large quantities of fats and carbs present simultaneously. i think this applies more toward an overall than meal by meal. the tactics for a contest prep and a lean bulk are gonna be totally different..
considering i have NEVER run an AAS cycle it should be obvious i do not condone this behavior, and from what i have seen none of the Vets or Knowledgeable Members endorse "just use more gear to get jacked". this is simply a B.S. statement from every post i have seen. where do u get the idea we assume everyone has a high LBM?? i almost always recommend BOD POD to everyone i advise dietarily. are u just making this stuff up as u go along??Its painful to see this forum is going into teh direction of just use more gear to look jacked, dont eat fat just have massive carb refeeds and you will be swole and the idea that everyone has a very high LBM but refuse to get proper tested to take in account , brain, bone density and organ mass. so their rmr is way off for finding true tdee.
i personally have only seen a couple board members use UD2.0 and from what i recall they were 12-14% bf.. if u read UD2 Lyle MacDonald (the author) states:Is a generation of gear use for aesthetics and goggling diet plans. Heck how many board members are using UD2.0 that are 12-18% body fat when they could easily lose the weight with a simpler approach and then they stall when they get sub 11% and dont get me started on the whole " bro im losing fat weight only and no muscle mass , im so jacked" then they say they are losing 3-4lbs a week. When even the most amateur bodybuilder knows to avoid mass loss you have to go at it slow .5-1lb a week deficit or its defiantly muscle mass you are losing. hence 12-16 week cuts , and some hard gainers is 20--22 week cuts.
"First and foremost, if you're a male, you should have no more than 15% bodyfat, female no more than 22% bodyfat."
based on this u need to re-think the figures u posted above as they are inaccurate.. furthermore i always recommend using the simplest approach to diet first. more complex methods should only be applied when necessary. i learned this from Lyle MacDonald...
yes it is and im still unsure of the basis for it!?thread hijack!
this above post right here is what i really dont get! u say everyone looks up to us "a bit too much" ??? how do u know how much people do or dont look up to us? what are u basing this observation on, and how do u quantify it in such a way as to ascribe the value "too much" to it?? if this is done based on the posts above, then it is in error because i havent found anything u said (as it applies to me personally and from what ive seen GB as well) to hold water..but everyone looks up to you guys , a bit too much they dont even learn what they need to eat or what their actual requirements are. If gbruce or 405 said i have to eat 2400 calories that's what im gonna eat! its painful to read threads in the diet forum lately.
it appears moreso that ur estimation of me and GB being "looked up to too much" to be more of an emotionally based statement. as a self-proclaimed researcher i shouldnt have to warn u of the potential for inaccuracy when u start throwing emotion into equations. i will say this is only my opinion..
on a final note i would like to give u my own observation: i have not and do not follow what u do on here BUT most of what i have seen from u lately has simply been argumentative in nature, offering nothing more than trying to prove someone wrong and insinuate that u know better. IMO u would fare better to spend less time trying to beat down other members who are trying to help others and spend more time practicing what u preach!
Well this is week 5 of maintenance and i think my body has finally adjusted fully to the increase of carbs and cals. I have lost some water and appear leaner than when i finished my cut!
I am very happy with my current metabolic state as being able to eat 1500-1800cals one day and 4500-5000cals the next and maintain 10% bf is freaking awesome! I dont know how much of this is being helped by the peptides and carnitine but im not gonna concern myself with this.
Until this point maintenance for me has not gone well. As a matter of fact it has always turned into a mini bulk of sorts because i was gaining weight anyways and didnt feel like dealing with reducing cals afer having come off a cut. I was hungry!
Im thinking maybe my body has made some (hopefully) permanent metabolic/nutrient partitioning shifts toward the positive side as a result of optimal hormone levels over the last yr and a half plus consistent good diet and exercise. I was a bit uneasy as to how i would do with maintenance this time and feel very pleased with the amount of food and freedom of choice i have and also feel very in control of my body composition, a trait i have never possessed until now!
I must say im in the best shape of my life at 38yrs old and hope to continue to improve. Just today i decided to do a 5 mile run for cardio and it was no problem. It wasnt even uncomfortable in the least. My heart and cardiovascular system must be very fit because i could pretty much run with my mouth shut if i wanted to and breathe out of my nose. My pace was about 8:30(ish) per mile so i wasnt crawling either. Very relaxed..
I also owe a lot of my dietary freedom to fasting which i have mentioned a good bit on here. Anyone that wants to try it i highly recommend it! I can say nothing but good things about it. The freedom it affords me in being able to eat poor (but tasty choices) without gaining fat plus the size meals i get to eat now is just fabulous!!
That is all for now.. I will probably get my wife to take some pics of me one of these days with her camera as the self taking phone pics dont do me justice..![]()
Het 405 what r petidies and carnitine ? Jw
Also when u fast ur eating nothing not even veggies? What do u usally eat after ur fast? Thanks
carnitine and peptides both can be used to burn more fat than u could burn without them. i suggest u google it!
the carnitine i use is injectable (IM) and to maintain saturation use 6mL per week split into 2 x 3mL injections. it must be timed with 75-100g mostly high GI carbs to shuttle the carnitine past the blood brain barrier by utilizing endogenous insulin released as a result of the large carb consumption. be sure not to ingest any fats or proteins immediately with the carbs..
the peptides i use are GHRP-2 and MOD GRF (1-29)
they are growth hormone releasing secretagogues that when injected sub q cause an endogenous growth hormone pulse. they also release ffa's into the blood for oxidation..
do some research...![]()
ok lets see if this image shack thing works for me and i am not actually an idiot!
this is how i break my fast: big salad + teriyaki beef, peppers, onion.. yes![]()
Last edited by --->>405<<---; 03-13-2013 at 05:35 PM.
ok it only [artially worked??![]()
I remember reading this when you first started about 2 years ago and you're still going. Love checking in and seeing what you are up to time from time, always something new!
and I see a mountain dew in your fast breaking!
^^ JB wat up dude! thx for stopping by ur always welcome!
yeh the diet dew man gotta love it!
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