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Thread: My GF wants fake boobs

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    My GF wants fake boobs

    So I`m having a dilema here my married gf wants to get breast implants but I really dont want her to. She really doesnt need them but she is possibly getting them this week suddenly. I`m flying down next Sunday to drive her home from Florida but she may already have this done by then. Any tips on talking her out of this? or am I insane for not wanting her to?

  2. #2
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    What does her husband think and is he paying.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    So I`m having a dilema here my married gf wants to get breast implants but I really dont want her to. She really doesnt need them but she is possibly getting them this week suddenly. I`m flying down next Sunday to drive her home from Florida but she may already have this done by then. Any tips on talking her out of this? or am I insane for not wanting her to?
    You are nuts. I love fake ones!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    You are nuts. I love fake ones!
    I think they are cool

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fake tits is the last thing you have to worry about bro.

  6. #6
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    I personally don't like fake tits at all. It pretty much destroyed me and my Exs relationship , over disagreeing on her getting them.

  7. #7
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    What does her husband think and is he paying.
    Yes he would be paying not me. She already gets way too much attention as is, shes easily a 9/10 I guess she figures the boobs will put her over the top but I mean its just sounding like a headache for me. I dont want to be knocking dudes out, I found the best way to deal with her being flirty was to do the same lol she immediately moves her attention.
    Fake tits is the last thing you have to worry about bro.
    I know in the grand scheme of things its a minor thing I guess but I heard you arent supposed to get pregnant for a while after. I was planning on knocking her up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Some day you are going to figure out.She is going to do wat she wants! She is making it sound like she is asking.But she already knows she is getting them.So if you want to try and play smart.Agree with her or her hubby will be the only one touching them

  9. #9
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    Some day you are going to figure out.She is going to do wat she wants! She is making it sound like she is asking.But she already knows she is getting them.So if you want to try and play smart.Agree with her or her hubby will be the only one touching them
    we'll see this might workout where he pays and never touches them lol. I`ll be with her by next Sunday.

  10. #10
    If you care about her, fake tits it is! If ya don't, then who cares.

  11. #11
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    If you care about her, fake tits it is! If ya don't, then who cares.
    I want to marry this girl!

  12. #12
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    Remember that her current husband once said that too.

  13. #13
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    She’s getting a divorce from her husband and breast implants. Has anything else changed in your relationship, or in her behavior?

  14. #14
    Uhhh, I hate fake tits....just my opinion.

    If you hate them too, tell her and see if she cares.

  15. #15
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    Redz...this is past due! You're an idiot! Nothing more need be said!

  16. #16
    austinite's Avatar
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    Has she expressed any concerns regarding your desire to enhance your physique beyond it's natural capability?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  17. #17
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    Remember what goes around comes around. "Assuming the husband doesn't know about you" yet..... So it will be all fun and games for a while, maybe you 2 get married. Then she cons you into buying her something that she takes with her, you never get to play with, and the guy that she will most likely cheat on you with will get to enjoy. Moral of the story is dont mess with someone's wife.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I want to marry this girl!
    Are you going to be cool with it when she cheats on you like she does her husband? If she was willing to cheat on him, she'll do the same to you too.

    But back to her tits, I tell you what. You send her over to my house and I'll inspect them to make sure they still look good.

    How are they going to insert the implants? And are they going to be silicone? or saline? All of those factors make a big difference in how her new tits are going to look/feel. Also, tell her you're going to take her around to multiple doctors. You don't want to go cheap and/or to the first doctor you see for the surgery. There is a world of difference between a good doctor's work and a bad ones. Those doctors are more artist than they are doctor.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 04-20-2013 at 11:45 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Yes he would be paying not me. She already gets way too much attention as is, shes easily a 9/10 I guess she figures the boobs will put her over the top but I mean its just sounding like a headache for me. I dont want to be knocking dudes out, I found the best way to deal with her being flirty was to do the same lol she immediately moves her attention.
    I know in the grand scheme of things its a minor thing I guess but I heard you arent supposed to get pregnant for a while after. I was planning on knocking her up.
    Umm. Let me get that straight. I really banging a chick that has a husband. He is paying for these implants and you really worried that your "gifl friend " will get more attention. Reality check buddy you really her **** buddy and if u disagree she will find someone else so if I was u I will keep my mouth shut and enjoy the free ride

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I want to marry this girl!
    U r stupider then I thought

  21. #21
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    You find a woman who is married and you have a continued affair while she is married. Then you want her to divorce and marry you. This all sounds like a perfect plan!
    As said above enjoy the free ride while u can. And try to keep your emotions out of it

  22. #22
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    Well this ended differently than redz I think redz would have thought when he posted the thread

  23. #23
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    We need pictures of her current breast so we can make a educated opinion.

  24. #24
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    You know I dont think anyone could make up a better story/example of how stupid guys can be and what not to do than the last several post by redz.

    I really hope in the long run this turns out to be a big joke. Personally if it's not I could not imagine posting most any or this on a message board or anywhere especially where I was respected at one time. I would be hesitant to even tell some of my closest friends most of the stuff that you have been sharing.

    Ive made my share of stupid decisions but I would like to think they were not so blatant in your face obliviously wrong and I never did have anyone of my firends in person or online tell me it was wrong. After the fact everyone was surprised I had put up with so much and say they could not have but it's one of those things you never really know just how much you can deal with until you are in it.

    That being said, EVERYONE here is telling you this is wrong so you have no excuse when it fails and you are burned or worse. I cant imagine any of your friends or family are supportive of the situation if they know even 1/2 of what we do.

    Again, I hope this turns out to be some long drawn out joke on your part.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Redz...this is past due! You're an idiot! Nothing more need be said!

  26. #26
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    I like fakes boobs...If she wants them, is her decision. let her get them and just play with them.

  27. #27
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    I don't know if some of you generally think Redz is stupid or if the majority of you just hate women.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I don't know if some of you generally think Redz is stupid or if the majority of you just hate women.
    If anyone has followed along with this soap opera then the above in bold is the only conclusion one could draw!

  29. #29
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    Buy her a nice kitchen apron.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    If anyone has followed along with this soap opera then the above in bold is the only conclusion one could draw!
    I'm still hoping it's just a long drawn out joke and he is trying to fools us all because the only other option is just to hard to believe anyone could be that gullible especially with 100s of guys telling him he is dead wrong and to run.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I'm still hoping it's just a long drawn out joke and he is trying to fools us all because the only other option is just to hard to believe anyone could be that gullible especially with 100s of guys telling him he is dead wrong and to run.
    If it's a great one.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    If it's a great one.
    Agreed, he is holding out a LOT longer than I could and if it's not he is putting up with a LOT more sh*t than I would ever hence I would not be admitting anything to anyone after the initial post a few weeks ago. Thats what is making me start to think it's all a big joke. Who in their right mind would continue telling us stuff like this when they know all good and well what we are going to say. There is no one in their right mind after all the other back lash could think that this is somehow different.

    Maybe it's a full month long April fools???

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Agreed, he is holding out a LOT longer than I could and if it's not he is putting up with a LOT more sh*t than I would ever hence I would not be admitting anything to anyone after the initial post a few weeks ago. Thats what is making me start to think it's all a big joke. Who in their right mind would continue telling us stuff like this when they know all good and well what we are going to say. There is no one in their right mind after all the other back lash could think that this is somehow different.

    Maybe it's a full month long April fools???
    Maybe public ridicule is a fetish of Redz'

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Maybe public ridicule is a fetish of Redz'
    Ok I was not saying anything but since the thread has gotten deeper I will open up. In the 80's I traveled with the Corporate in and out of classy places and hotels. The women came to me. I went with it while my wife and three kids were at home. Now I am ashamed we are in our 34th year, yep but so many funny and way out stories and experiences that I can't share with my one and only. Problems but I love her. How could I. What about this situation, I think it should not be advertised. I think we ( I think) as a whole don't like it. Sorry that's the way I feel. Take this adventure and keep it to yourself please. AND I AM NOT OLD FASHIONED. ...crazy mike

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Ok I was not saying anything but since the thread has gotten deeper I will open up. In the 80's I traveled with the Corporate in and out of classy places and hotels. The women came to me. I went with it while my wife and three kids were at home. Now I am ashamed we are in our 34th year, yep but so many funny and way out stories and experiences that I can't share with my one and only. Problems but I love her. How could I. What about this situation, I think it should not be advertised. I think we ( I think) as a whole don't like it. Sorry that's the way I feel. Take this adventure and keep it to yourself please. AND I AM NOT OLD FASHIONED. ...crazy mike
    Makes you a douche bag.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Makes you a douche bag.
    Maybe you didn't catch my admit ion to being ashamed and knowing it was bad, cruel, no loving and breaking my vows to the one I love. Knowing now that it was selfish and self-centered. I was honest enough to use myself as an example to how it is not a good thing and through my experience I know better. It is not a good thing. It is a bad thing. So being done and not changeable and in this I really need to be chastised. I appreciate that and I'll be ready to share the attitude. ...crazy mike

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    Yes he would be paying not me. She already gets way too much attention as is, shes easily a 9/10 I guess she figures the boobs will put her over the top but I mean its just sounding like a headache for me. I dont want to be knocking dudes out, I found the best way to deal with her being flirty was to do the same lol she immediately moves her attention.
    I know in the grand scheme of things its a minor thing I guess but I heard you arent supposed to get pregnant for a while after. I was planning on knocking her up.
    Ive been away for a bit so there is probably a really good story behind this, but i have to ask 1 thing. You would knock guys out for looking at your girlfriends tits that her husband bought her?? Hmmm.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Maybe you didn't catch my admit ion to being ashamed and knowing it was bad, cruel, no loving and breaking my vows to the one I love. Knowing now that it was selfish and self-centered. I was honest enough to use myself as an example to how it is not a good thing and through my experience I know better. It is not a good thing. It is a bad thing. So being done and not changeable and in this I really need to be chastised. I appreciate that and I'll be ready to share the attitude. ...crazy mike

    Have you ever confessed it to her? How could you hold onto that your entire life/marriage? Looking into her eyes every day knowing you betrayed her love?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Have you ever confessed it to her? How could you hold onto that your entire life/marriage? Looking into her eyes every day knowing you betrayed her love?
    That's not always a good idea and typically leads to more problems like divorce. 2 wrongs dont make a right and most of the time confession is more for the person who did the bad dead than for the person it was done to. Especially now there would be nothing to gain from admitting what happened. Like most women she probably knows or has strong suspicions and if she wanted to know she would be still asking if she ever did.

    Instead of criticizing another admitted wrong doer lets try to save the current one from making a lifetime of mistakes.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Have you ever confessed it to her? How could you hold onto that your entire life/marriage? Looking into her eyes every day knowing you betrayed her love?
    I will expound for your sake. This is the truth, believe me or not this is what went down. I was in shape a competitor, in my prime 30's, not a bad looing guy. So when I was out the women picked me up. I never had to look. So for tow (2) years it was 3, 4, 5 women a week. Now that's fvcked up ( aids wasn't a problem at hand then ) This was cruel to my wife we agree. I thought I fell in love with a women and my wife found out. It was so sad, so bad and not her anger, her heart was broken ( self-centered/selfish , me) the kids suffered by not knowing but the way it was for a time. Now I think and I've been counseled long ago and as current as when I got sober 1yr 5 months ago to not tell her about ALL the others too spare her the pain. Some times we tell, and sometimes we have to discern what good could come of it. What could be gained to tell her about the numbers of them. The night before coming home to her. So should I continue to be selfish and think about my own piece of mind, or should I be kind and spare her heart again. See my shame, my learning experience might help Redz to think about the other side. His cross to bear, but maybe my testimony of how bad for everyone, as well, again for the people on the forum who don't want to hear, spare the details, they are less then commendable. So it would just kill her, it have broken us up, no purpose for her to be hurt. I'm getting redundant now so I'll close. I will advise that when you hear a heart full confession, don't rub the sh!t in the confessor's face. It is more fuel to an old fire and only serves to hurt. To those like you who judged me when you don't know all what took place 26 years ago, I say look in the mirror and judge yourself as to your MOTIVES as the comment "Makes you a douche bag" what was that for. Once a douche bag always a douche bag. Are you not forgiven for your sins, does your father keep telling you that you remain a douche and you will never redeem yourself, I think not. And I will tell you your comment served to be mean, nasty and cruel. I'm the receiver of the comment and that's where you took me. Ya think ?? ....crazy mike

    PS this thread was not about me and I apologize to OP for running down this trail, Please accept.

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