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Thread: Second Cycle No Results - Advice Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Second Cycle No Results - Advice Needed

    I need some help as I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with my body.

    So I am a skinny guy (5'11, 75kg) and after some months training naturally I was advised to start a cycle by my PT. I did a 5 week cycle but this has absolutely no effect on me in terms of mass/weight gain. Strength did improve but then that could have been because I was eating a high protein diet and my diet was better overall. My libido quite literally died after week 2 which was bad.

    My PT then consulted his supplier who said because I'm vegetarian another cycle would be better for me. I'm on week 2 of that cycle - libido is 'normal-low' tbh and Ive not gained strength, mass, weight or anything. I'm still struggling on the same weights I was on my first cycle (but they are way better then what I do naturally).

    I'm beginning to think something is wrong. Here's what I can think of.

    1. The stuff is fake. I find this hard to believe as my PT takes them too and he's gained 10kg or so in the same time frame as me. Also the prices being charged are the same as Internet prices so I don't think a rip off is going on. But who knows...

    2. My body does not react to these things and I'm doomed with a skinny body for life. I don't seem to have any side effects eg balding, acne, sweating in sleep etc.

    3. My diet is crap. But I have been eating a high protein low fat diet and carbs are spot on what my PT told me to eat. I have stuck to it 100%. Calories are 100% as what my PT told me to take too. I don't feel hungry with the new diet (but do if I eat less) so clearly it's a good diet...

    4. I'm not lifting heavy enough. Since I'm with a PT I do lift very heavy to the point in sweating my *** off lol. Once the workout is over I am sore and feel my muscles have expanded. 5-10 mins later I'm back to the shape I originally was.

    Is there something wrong with me? I feel like I'm just throwing money away ATM. What shall I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    What 'cycle' did you run for five weeks...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr View Post
    I need some help as I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with my body.

    So I am a skinny guy (5'11, 75kg) and after some months training naturally I was advised to start a cycle by my PT. I did a 5 week cycle but this has absolutely no effect on me in terms of mass/weight gain. Strength did improve but then that could have been because I was eating a high protein diet and my diet was better overall. My libido quite literally died after week 2 which was bad.

    My PT then consulted his supplier who said because I'm vegetarian another cycle would be better for me. I'm on week 2 of that cycle - libido is 'normal-low' tbh and Ive not gained strength, mass, weight or anything. I'm still struggling on the same weights I was on my first cycle (but they are way better then what I do naturally).

    I'm beginning to think something is wrong. Here's what I can think of.

    1. The stuff is fake. I find this hard to believe as my PT takes them too and he's gained 10kg or so in the same time frame as me. Also the prices being charged are the same as Internet prices so I don't think a rip off is going on. But who knows...

    2. My body does not react to these things and I'm doomed with a skinny body for life. I don't seem to have any side effects eg balding, acne, sweating in sleep etc.

    3. My diet is crap. But I have been eating a high protein low fat diet and carbs are spot on what my PT told me to eat. I have stuck to it 100%. Calories are 100% as what my PT told me to take too. I don't feel hungry with the new diet (but do if I eat less) so clearly it's a good diet...

    4. I'm not lifting heavy enough. Since I'm with a PT I do lift very heavy to the point in sweating my *** off lol. Once the workout is over I am sore and feel my muscles have expanded. 5-10 mins later I'm back to the shape I originally was.

    Is there something wrong with me? I feel like I'm just throwing money away ATM. What shall I do?
    first of all your pt is a full of crap u did a some months of training and he advice to juice great hes jus making bucks from u ONE AS YOUR PT OTHER FROM HIS COMMISION FROM SUPPLIER JUST DROP HIM AND GET A NEW PT WHOS WELL EXPERIENCED AND KNOWS HIS THING .SECOND U NEED A 4-5 YEAR TRAINING TO START USING AAS FOR A SOLID BASE

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Post your diet with your full stats in nutrition forum there are alot of knowledgeable guys who can help you out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    and i highly doubt you are from INDIA

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Haha your PT is probably a dealer and ripped you! That's f'n funny..Ha!

    Sorry man, but you deserved it. I have no sympathy for those that act like sheep. Get yourself on the right path and you'll look back on this and laugh.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Yeah, a lot of PT's are dealers. They're just in it for the money...who cares if you get bunk gear. "Bro, you didnt try hard enough" and you'll blame yourself because you trust them

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    But I checked the prices on the Internet and he doesn't take extra. It's the same as the prices I see on the Internet.

    As for the first cycle:
    Bold and Test Cyp injections. 2x a week. 1ml of each.
    Tamoxifen 1 tablet per day.

    The new cycle:
    Avanar tablets 50mg x 2 a day
    Tamoxifen x 1 a day
    Same injections as cycle 1 but a higher dose.

    2 scoop whey shake with almonds and milk and some special flour which has protein (forgot the name ATM) (100g protein)
    Egg protein with milk (90g protein)
    Humapro tablets (100g protein)
    Rest is carbs/low fat stuff - about 250/280g carbs and 80g ish fat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr
    But I checked the prices on the Internet and he doesn't take extra. It's the same as the prices I see on the Internet.

    As for the first cycle:
    Bold and Test Cyp injections. 2x a week. 1ml of each.
    Tamoxifen 1 tablet per day.

    The new cycle:
    Avanar tablets 50mg x 2 a day
    Tamoxifen x 1 a day
    Same injections as cycle 1 but a higher dose.

    2 scoop whey shake with almonds and milk and some special flour which has protein (forgot the name ATM) (100g protein)
    Egg protein with milk (90g protein)
    Humapro tablets (100g protein)
    Rest is carbs/low fat stuff - about 250/280g carbs and 80g ish fat.
    Hey man!

    Your diet is off!!! Almost non REAL FOOD!!!

    75kg taking 250g of protein? WAY TOO MUCH BUDDY!!!

    Cycle of cyp and EQ for 5weeks??? Your PT is FAKE and has no idea what is he saying!!!


    And most important thing dump your PT!!!!
    Last edited by Gaspaco; 04-27-2013 at 04:47 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    And most important thing dump your PT!!!!
    Oh I eat real food - this was just my main protein sources because I cant get much protein from 'real food' because I'm a vege :S
    The cycle is bad? What do you suggest? I'm way too skinny and am trying so hard to bulk but I'm not getting anywhere I eat extra protein as I thought it will help me grow?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr View Post
    Oh I eat real food - this was just my main protein sources because I cant get much protein from 'real food' because I'm a vege :S
    The cycle is bad? What do you suggest? I'm way too skinny and am trying so hard to bulk but I'm not getting anywhere I eat extra protein as I thought it will help me grow?
    Like Gaspaco said, you seriously need to educate yourself on how to eat properly and WHAT to eat. Eating protein wont make you big. Your diet must be balanced with the proper amount of fats and carbs include too.

    Bottom line is the Nutrition Forum to do two things.

    1. Determine your TDEE (LBMX15)

    2. Develop a diet that will promote weight gain, along with a suitable exercise routine.

    Good luck.

    Dieting 101: Lean Bulking

    ***Dieting 101: Lean Bulking***

    Hard Gainers - Gaining Weight

    Hardgainer? Can't gain weight? READ THIS!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    the cycle won't do a shit, in 5 weeks, maybe your libido is low because Anavar just killed it and test did not kick in or its even fake/underdosed.
    you won't have results in 5 weeks because test and EQ will start to act by week 4-5... go off that crap, tell your PT he's dumb, and start learning and researching.
    Your taking meds, its a serious crap, and if your libido is low, pray for getting your libido back to normal.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I only started Avanar this week... and libido is ok now vs before.

    I did calculate the calories i need inc fat/protein/carbs and I've been eating that :S (well a bit more protein just to make sure i had enough). Its been at least 8 weeks now... I'm not seeing changes.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr
    I only started Avanar this week... and libido is ok now vs before.

    I did calculate the calories i need inc fat/protein/carbs and I've been eating that :S (well a bit more protein just to make sure i had enough). Its been at least 8 weeks now... I'm not seeing changes.
    You may have a thyroid problem?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    There is so much wrong here I don't know where to start. advice was to forget about AAS and learn how to diet.

    And give up the vegetarian crap. You need MEAT to grow muscle tissue.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr View Post
    I only started Avanar this week... and libido is ok now vs before.

    I did calculate the calories i need inc fat/protein/carbs and I've been eating that :S (well a bit more protein just to make sure i had enough). Its been at least 8 weeks now... I'm not seeing changes.
    Post up everything you ate yesterday including macros.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You shouldnt be cycling. I`m sure you did no pct last time either.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    There is so much wrong here I don't know where to start. advice was to forget about AAS and learn how to diet.

    [B]And give up the vegetarian crap. You need MEAT to grow muscle tissue[\B].
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	292484_383639875029441_1453249428_n.jpg 
Views:	1910 
Size:	57.4 KB 
ID:	137877Click image for larger version. 

Name:	img_70381317418072.jpg 
Views:	943 
Size:	81.3 KB 
ID:	137878 THIS GUY IS PURE VEG AND HE IS COMPETING AS A PRO LEVEL Off Season Weight: 300 Lbs. / 136 Kg.

    Competition Weight: 270 Lbs. / 122 Kg.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	292484_383639875029441_1453249428_n.jpg 
Views:	1910 
Size:	57.4 KB 
ID:	137877Click image for larger version. 

Name:	img_70381317418072.jpg 
Views:	943 
Size:	81.3 KB 
ID:	137878 THIS GUY IS PURE VEG AND HE IS COMPETING AS A PRO LEVEL Off Season Weight: 300 Lbs. / 136 Kg.

    Competition Weight: 270 Lbs. / 122 Kg.
    So he claims. Those muscle are shaped weird. I bet he's a synthrol guy.

    Vegetarians will be fighting a loosing battle all the way, the amino acid profile in ANY veg source is crap at best. Meat will always yield better results.

    This guy is a good example, he's cycling with no growth, why do you think that is?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    So he claims. Those muscle are shaped weird. I bet he's a synthrol guy.

    Vegetarians will be fighting a loosing battle all the way, the amino acid profile in ANY veg source is crap at best. Meat will always yield better results.

    This guy is a good example, he's cycling with no growth, why do you think that is?
    he is i know him personally .Click image for larger version. 

Name:	varinder-singh-ghuman2.jpg 
Views:	16580 
Size:	73.1 KB 
ID:	137894Click image for larger version. 

Name:	150270_454780631248698_559775555_n.jpg 
Views:	16274 
Size:	25.7 KB 
ID:	137895 here are some more pics i dn see synthol.i agree with rest

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Fort Nelson, BC
    Lots of good advice in this thread in the replys! Sounds like you need to go back to the basics, from what you posted you are missing alot of very key begginer type information with diet and training and supplements, it sound slike you are trying to just jump right into things and get the quick fix which is not something you can just get or buy in a very short period of time. If you are sore and tired after your routine you are surely over training yourself which can actually burn the muscle fibers you have and make you smaller, take a step back and maybe take a bit of time off training and just do bodyweigth type exercises to develop a base to build upon, just a few comments dont want to make it too long.

    Post a topic in the Lifting and Training Techniques forum with your routine and the exercises reps/sets you do and we can all give tips or advice since this is not the forum for it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Impatience is probably the number 1 cause of all AAS related failures for new users.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hmm I don't think being vege matters. I drink milk, I have eggs. Only thing is I dont have meat but then I eat BCAAs and Creatine etc like whats found in meat so I 'should' be ok. I am lifting nearly double what I started off with. I'm clearly getting stronger. The issue is the results don't 'stick'. I only grow in the gym. Then its all gone. I get 300g protein min a day.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

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