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Thread: bruise like discoloration from Peptide injections dissolved in Sodium Chloride

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Question bruise like discoloration from Peptide injections dissolved in Sodium Chloride

    Hi and thanks in advance for your time,

    I'm hoping to get some advice regarding an issue I'm currently having with my peptide injections.

    I have been using Ghrp-6, Cjc-1295 WOD, IGF-1 and Melanotan2 for some time using sterile water to reconstitute the vials. I found that the injections would sting considerably and traced the issue to the sterile water rather than the peptides.

    As such I switched to sodium chloride, I initially obtained a small amount intended for injection purposes then later sourced it from pharmacies sold in sterile plastic containers intended for contact lens usage (but still in essence presumably the same thing).

    Anyway, since using the sodium chloride the pain associated with injections has almost completely subsided though I have noticed distinct discoloration appearing where ever I do my injections. Some of the marks must be at least 2-3 weeks old, I am unsure what exactly is the cause of these marks or how permanent they may be. As of 2 days ago I have been opting for a sterile water/sodium chloride blend when constituting my peptides, the pain is not present so that's good, I'm yet to determine the effect on my skin.

    For what it's worth im using 100mcg of the gh and the cjc per shot 2-3 times per day, i just ran the igf a 30 mcg once per day for 4 weeks, i have only been using the melanotan2 at about 0.5mg once a week (not getting much uv exposure atm) I mix all of the above together in the same shot when ever possible. I only started seeing the discoloration when I began using sodium chloride for reconstitution. I use 27 or 29g slin pins and rotate injection sites. All shots sub-q.

    Interestingly I don't seem to bruise when using the glute region. Abs, sieds of torso bruise considerably. Still investigating upper thies.

    Abstract : Just recently competed in b-building comp a such bf% was low, though it quickly accumulated post comp.

    I'd really appreciate some guidance on this issue.

    PS. Sorry for the lengthy post, I figured the more details I provided the better the chance of an accurate response

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Why not use bac water? It's safer anyways.

    Also, a 27g slin pin isn't necessary, I always use 30g.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Your GF's house
    One outta of every 30 pins will leave me with a bruise even with BW.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    Why not use bac water? It's safer anyways.

    Also, a 27g slin pin isn't necessary, I always use 30g.
    I don't actuality know where to get bac water here in Australia. I might try asking at a pharmacy. I wonder what legitimate uses it might have.

    As for 27g insulin pins, before I knew better that's all that the needle dispensary places would offer me, I now always ask for 29 though if I run out and take some from a friend who has picked them up himself, the3 friend often only has 27. As for 30g I'm not if I can obtain those at the places I have been attending here in Australia. I'll loom into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    One outta of every 30 pins will leave me with a bruise even with BW.
    It was pretty much happening with all of my shots

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Your GF's house
    Hmmm, not sure. I use a 30g pin, It could be the larger pin your using. That sucks to, cause at 3 pins of each a day, you probably look like a Dalmatian! LOL

  6. #6
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    Jan 2008
    i have at least a dozen small patches, some more noticeable than others. My skins not very tanned atm, as mentioned im not getting much sun and im rarely using the MT2. I assume with a bit more colour they would all be far less noticeable.

    A friend of mine has noticed a similar occurrence for himself and his girlfriend when using Melanotan2, we discussed the possibility that the problem may lie with some of the vials as opposed to what is mixed wit the vials. Considering we both purchased from the same place it's feasible for example that the freeze drying chemical they use to help preserve the peptides is to blame. I assume they use the same chemical in all their products. At the same time I switched to using sodium chloride I would have reconstituted a new vial. That vial might have been a dud so to speak.

    The only way to test the theory would be to do a shot in an area that would normally discolor and see what happens. Atm I just use the fat on my glutes as it never seems to leave a mark there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    Are you sure it's not just spots from the MT2?

    Here's a post from a little while ago that talks about it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    if you, your friend, and his gf use the same source...and are getting the same results? fine a new source. If you dig around on the net you will find hundreds of sites that offer pins and BAC water. Shit I can literally get a 30pak of BAC 20mL's for 25 bucks.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable View Post
    if you, your friend, and his gf use the same source...and are getting the same results? fine a new source. If you dig around on the net you will find hundreds of sites that offer pins and BAC water. Shit I can literally get a 30pak of BAC 20mL's for 25 bucks.
    While i see your point its a very well established source and were talking from hundreds of shots made from dozens of vials perhaps 2 or 3 suspect vials. Additionally we are from Australia and so prefer to purchase from sources who ship from with in Australia, that limits our options considerably. I'm not so sure the pins or water we use are responsible, starting to suspect the peptides are to blame. If it's the water can switch back to sterile water which is available locally, it's just unfortunate that it irritates my skin, I find it stings considerably where as sodium chloride is much more comfortable to use.

    Does anyone have any idea if BA water (which I believe is pretty much just sterile water with Benzyl Alcohol added) is less likely to cause skin irritation than sterile water alone?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    Are you sure it's not just spots from the MT2?

    Here's a post from a little while ago that talks about it.
    Marks only appear exactly where the peptide shots get done, I rotate sites in symmetrical fashion, marks appear in the exact same formation so I'd say it is unlikely to be sun spots. Additionally I have had very little sun in the places where the marks are appearing. Appreciate the alternative explanation idea though thanks.

  11. #11
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    I did take a shot today and it left a knot, has swollen a little and already bruised.

  12. #12
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    have a new possible explanation, trauma from needle going to deep and causing underlying muscle to bleed resulting in a deep long term bruise. It fits in some ways but not in others. It explains why the gule doesn't mark (more body fat) but does not explain the cluster occurrence (time wise) of the marks

  13. #13
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    Possibly. I just started my PCT with HGC and this brand doesn't burn or leave me sore like the other brand did. So who knows, LOL. But also have stopped getting any bruises from my peptide pins.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    One outta of every 30 pins will leave me with a bruise even with BW.
    I get this too!

  15. #15
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    BW is just sterile water with Benzyl Alcohol, I cant think of any logical reason why this would be any less likely to cause the discoloration than plain sterile water. If anything it seems to me that BW would be more likely to cause irritation.

  16. #16
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    If the source is totally trusted the two most logical reasons for this would be the size of your pin. 27g is a pretty big size to be using for your sub q injections. I prefer 30g, however 29g will do just fine as well. Trauma from 27g could most defiantly cause the bruising that your experiencing. The second could be the amount of body fat that you have in relation to the needle length and angle of injection. When my BF is above 13%-15% i will use 1/2inch at a 45degree angle. When it drops below I will use a shorter pin. Hope that helped.

  17. #17
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    If the source is totally trusted the two most logical reasons for this would be the size of your pin. 27g is a pretty big size to be using for your sub q injections. I prefer 30g, however 29g will do just fine as well. Trauma from 27g could most defiantly cause the bruising that your experiencing. The second could be the amount of body fat that you have in relation to the needle length and angle of injection. When my BF is above 13%-15% i will use 1/2inch at a 45degree angle and rarely at a 90degree angle. When it drops below 13% I will use a 5/16inch pin at a 90degree angle. Hope that helped.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buschlightcan View Post
    If the source is totally trusted the two most logical reasons for this would be the size of your pin. 27g is a pretty big size to be using for your sub q injections. I prefer 30g, however 29g will do just fine as well. Trauma from 27g could most defiantly cause the bruising that your experiencing. The second could be the amount of body fat that you have in relation to the needle length and angle of injection. When my BF is above 13%-15% i will use 1/2inch at a 45degree angle and rarely at a 90degree angle. When it drops below 13% I will use a 5/16inch pin at a 90degree angle. Hope that helped.

    Thanks for your thoughts, I agree to an extent though not everything seems to add up. I have since switched back to 29g using a sodium chloride/sterile water blend and no further marks have appeared. I have started injecting in to the area around my belly button which is an area of relatively high fat concentration compared to other places and again no marks left. I have also now been off the MT2 for a month or 2. Additionally all discoloration/marks are still present, it's been 6-9 weeks now I'd say since they 1st appeared.

    I can't see a logical pattern regarding the sudden appearance and cessation of the marks. They all came in a cluster and are now seemingly no longer occurring. I have a friend who has had similar marks appear using sterile water, 29g pins, so assumign it;'s the same problem the idea of sodium chloride or large pin s begin the cause seems uncertain. Additionally he carry's a lot more body fat than myself. he dd note that he felt he incurred more marks when using sodium chloride as opposed to sterile water.

    If interested find below the response I received from the supplier:

    What you have described to me is strange as in 4 years of distributing these peptides we have never heard of such a thing. The fact that you are getting the marks in some areas (abdomen) but not others, and with different types of water, indicates the issue may be with injection technique and not the peptide itself.

    When using MT2, any kinds of bruises/scratches/marks, can easily discolor (sometimes permanently). Unfortunately many people find if they use MT2 even the smallest of knicks or bumps on their skin will scar whereas they would not normally (this is intensified when MT2 is combined with UV exposure). There is something about scarring the skin when it's undergoing pigmentation changes which causes issues, it's unfortunately one of the possible negative side effects of MT2.

    My only real advice would be to steer clear of areas which are going to bruise easily (such as the abdomen) and inject into areas such as the leg/glute (may people still do this okay with an insulin syringe). Some people who inject their peptides IM (intramuscular into the biceps for example) find that they get small dark marks on their bicep from repeated injections (but only while using MT2 not when they are not).

    Any bruising type discoloration should usually always fade upon cessation of MT2 usage, it may take a few weeks/months to fully fade though. You may then wish to resume your peptide usage (without MT2) just to confirm that it is that which is causing the problem. I think you will find you are much less likely to have discolorations then.

    While I agree with the sources explanation to an extent (in fact my very 1st assumption on seeing the marks was pretty much what they suggested) there is still some loose ends especially relating to the fact that there was a period where I was using a lot of MT2 and doing many peptide shots with out sustaining any marks. While ceasing to use MT2 may reduce the likely hood of in curing any more marks I am hesitant to conclude that the MT2 in combination with trauma from the pins are solely to blame, there must be another contributing factor imo, a confounder if you like. Some possible theory's regarding this additional factor relate to the type of liquid used to constitute the vials and the manufacturing of the peptides them self.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Sorry to bump my own old post but several years later and I'm still periodically having the same problem. Has anything new emerged regarding this issue?

    I currently use 29g needles and have switched sources several times so I don't think the problem is my source or the size of the needle.

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