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Thread: Insulin, MGF, IFGLR3, HGH in what order?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Insulin, MGF, IFGLR3, HGH in what order?

    I'm going to run all three of these together and try to put on some size before my long cut. My question in what order would this be most beneficial? My current plan is this. I workout from 7:00 pm to 8:30 5 nights a week. What I've been doing is immediately post workout (15 min) I shoot 12 i.u.'s of Novolog followed by 50 g Dextrose, 10 g creatine, 10 g glutamine. 15 minutes later I take 75 g whey protein in water. 45 minutes after that I eat 50-60 g protein/carb meal. This brings me to about 10:00 pm. I go to bed at about10:30/11:00. I do 7 i.u.'s of HGH at 1:30 am. I figure on spot injecting the IFG LR3 after I finish eating. On non workout days I will inject the IFGLR3 first thing in the morning. When would be the best time to inject the MGF? Before the insulin or after. Any reasonable variations would be appreciated.
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-22-2013 at 02:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    what i would do is keep insulin same time and the same you are running with same nutrition.. shoot HGH twice a day. one of them like urs now 3 hrs after sleep
    you wake up and shoot it. although pain in the butt to wake up and shoot it, but it should be good time to do it after the peak of your natural HGH. i did that for 2 weeks then i just moved it to before sleep
    as for IGF-LR3. take it pre workout. 15 min pre workout 50mcg on workout days. and 100mcg on non workout days.
    i did that for 4 weeks. felt pumped but im not sure if it had any positive effect on musclegain/fat loss/ strength gains

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I'm going to run all three of these together and try to put on some size before my long cut. My question in what order would this be most beneficial? My current plan is this. I workout from 7:00 pm to 8:30 5 nights a week. What I've been doing is immediately post workout (15 min) I shoot 12 i.u.'s of Novolog followed by 50 g Dextrose, 10 g creatine, 10 g glutamine. 15 minutes later I take 75 g whey protein in water. 45 minutes after that I eat 50-60 g protein/carb meal. This brings me to about 10:00 pm. I go to bed at about10:30/11:00. I do 7 i.u.'s of HGH at 1:30 am. I figure on spot injecting the IFG LR3 after I finish eating. On non workout days I will inject the IFGLR3 first thing in the morning. When would be the best time to inject the MGF? Before the insulin or after. Any reasonable variations would be appreciated.
    Gh first....If you have legit pharm grade IGF-1 you should know because blood sugar should drop...Just like taking insulin and you can go hypo from IGF-1....

    So I go...Eat, IGF-1, blood sugar drop, take in simple sugar with supps, blood sugar rise again and then back to insulin...

  4. #4
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    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Gh first....If you have legit pharm grade IGF-1 you should know because blood sugar should drop...Just like taking insulin and you can go hypo from IGF-1....

    So I go...Eat, IGF-1, blood sugar drop, take in simple sugar with supps, blood sugar rise again and then back to insulin...
    im sure he has IGF-Lr3 which is research peptide from one of those research companies... its NOT pharma grade IGF-1
    i believe you need prescription for IGF-1 . havent seen anyone has it without having a prescription for it

  5. #5
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    im sure he has IGF-Lr3 which is research peptide from one of those research companies... its NOT pharma grade IGF-1
    i believe you need prescription for IGF-1 . haven't seen anyone has it without having a prescription for it
    This is correct. I don't have Pharm grade IGF-Lr3, but I believe it's real.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2010
    Mt problem with taking HGH in the morning is I eat 70 g protein and 50 g carb (oatmeal) right away for breakfast. I read your supposed to not eat carbs 3 hours before or after GH injections.

    So my real question was when to do the MGF. It's supposed to have such a short life (10-15 minutes in the spot of injection) that it seems to me you'd want the insulin working at peak or near peak to transport the nutrients to that spot as quickly as possible. So maybe insulin, 15 minutes later MGF immediately followed by the mass amount of whey protein?

  7. #7
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    Nov 2011
    Oatmeal wont really Spike your insulin. Don't think you'll have an issue if that's all the Carbs u take in.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Oatmeal wont really Spike your insulin. Don't think you'll have an issue if that's all the Carbs u take in.
    a carb is a carb though. Slow or fast it still blunts the effect of the GH.

  9. #9
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    MGF has recently caught my eye and from what I've researched I'm going to pin around 200mcg 4 hours after my workout on lifting days and then another shot 4-6 hours later.

  10. #10
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    @Imola is it true you cant shoot HGH on empty stomach upon waking up and eat protein/carbs meal an hr after
    Titan just mentioned that it needs to be 3 hrs.
    thats confusing cuz i have been doing this for few months!!!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    a carb is a carb though. Slow or fast it still blunts the effect of the GH.
    how about straight protein meals. like 15 egg whites .no oats
    will that also blunt it ?
    i believe egg white has 0.4g of carb per egg white

  12. #12
    A hour is fine..You don't need to wait longer then a hour...Besides, it won't COMPLETELY effect gh from working just minimize it....But at an hour, you should be go to go....That is another advantage of taking gh early morning and bedtime because you aren't eating anyways....

    Gh morning, then cardio, then eat...How many iu's are you taking a day anyways?

  13. #13
    Plus, also keep in mind if you are injecting sub-q or IM....IM is going to come faster and leave faster....So maybe IM your way to go....

  14. #14
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    Titan is doing 7 iu ED in 1 shot

  15. #15
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    In the Gym, if i could
    I do igf post workout... it's insulin, but i consume a pwo and meal within 1 hour of working out.. shake on the way home.. tuna or chicken when i hit the door..

    pump lasts all day.. fuller never flat..
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  16. #16
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    In the Gym, if i could
    and when running GH i do it 5iu post workout.. good times..
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    A hour is fine..You don't need to wait longer then a hour...Besides, it won't COMPLETELY effect gh from working just minimize it....But at an hour, you should be go to go....That is another advantage of taking gh early morning and bedtime because you aren't eating anyways....

    Gh morning, then cardio, then eat...How many iu's are you taking a day anyways?
    I'm taking the GH at 7 i.u.'s, subQ, all at once at 2:00 am. I was taking the IGF 100 mcg's one hour after insulin (10 i.u.'s). I've just started taking 50 mcg at the same time as before and 50 mcg right when I wake up after 50 g whey protein and water. I take the MGF right after the insulin shot. Then dextrose, creatine, glutamine immediately followed by 75 g whey protein and water. What do you think?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    a carb is a carb though. Slow or fast it still blunts the effect of the GH.
    Kinda. Your low glycemic index stuff isn't affected much. Oatmeal digests over hours at a slow rate. Not like eating a candy bar which would require a high insulin response.

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