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Thread: Diet while on bulking cycle

  1. #1
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    Diet while on bulking cycle

    Im going to start a bulking cycle. probably part of Slingshot cycle but not sure yet
    it will be Test E, NPP, and anadrol im also on pharma grade HGH ( 8 IU ED) and will probably run Humalog start with 3 iu and build up to 7 iu or so
    im very educated with AAS so no problem there
    stats right now are 204 lbs 5'10 i would say 12-13% BF based on the pic i have with bodyfat percentages

    im thinking of diet 7 meals ( 2 are shakes )

    meal 1 : 15 egg whites + 1 cup oats + 4 oz ( 93% burger)
    meal 2 : protein shake ( 80g protein ) + 2 TBS peanut butter
    meal 3 : 12 oz chicken breast + 2 cups of rice + 1 cup vegetables
    meal 4: 12 oz steak + 1-2 cups of rice + 1 cup vegetables
    WORKOUt Followed by slin shot and the nutrition that is required for slin
    meal 5: protein shake ( 80g protein )
    meal 6: 12 oz talapia fish + 1 cup of rice ( meal with high protein and moderate carbs and minimal fat cuz its within 3 hrs of slin shot )
    meal7: 12 egg whites + casien shake ( 60g protein )

    im not sure how much calories but i have been trying this diet for a week now and im definitely always full ....
    its definitely enough protein, carbs, fats
    im taking multi vitamin, vitamin C,E,D3, fish oil, liver protection , potassium and bunch of other stuff.

    please advise me on it .

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    What are the macros?

    7 meals is a bit overkill... Do you like eating that frequently?
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    San Diego CA
    What diet would you guys recommend for bulking if i'm limited to 4-5 meals only because of my work type ?

    BTW his diet looks good but i agree 7 times is allot IMO

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    What are the macros?

    7 meals is a bit overkill... Do you like eating that frequently?
    Thank you Baseline for your comment
    I appreciate it
    Im not sure about macros
    I just try to eat alot of protein
    Keep carbs to rice and oats in morning and vegetables throughout the day
    Some fats from peanut butter
    I can reduce it if i have to
    I have big appetite
    I eat every 3 hrs
    I dont do alot of stuff whether at work or home after so i sit and wait for my next meal and i do get hungry

    But as far macros im not sure

  5. #5
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    Also 2 of them are shakes
    And meal 7 is just slow diguesting protein and some egg whites
    I actually wake up in middle of noght to eat it
    Cuz i shoot HGH ( 4-5 iu before sleep)
    And 4-5 iu upon wake up

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Granovich, you put on some size since we last talked?

    Bro, this is what i would do, Id take some time and sit down, go online and find a calories counter to see where all the cals are coming from.

    Break them up into macros, it takes a few hours to do all the math but for the amount of effort and knowledge you are putting forth to this lifestyle I would take it one step further.

    Counting is awesome, full control over physic!!

    I have 7 meals as well.. but two are shakes as well..

    In bulk phase i may drop to 5-6 and pack more in.

    If i had to eye ball your cals I could wing a guess but its easy to be off even 100 cals a day over a week could mess up where your weight is coming from..

    if it were me i dont eat many carbs after workout unless directly after. maybe pull meal 6 into 5s?

    And i toss a few fats in meal 7
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 07-29-2013 at 01:59 PM.

  8. #8
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'll be following along. The two biggest questions I have left are 1) how much to eat when cyclng and 2) how do I structure my workout. I know I will have to eat more but how much? I know I will have to lift more but again, how much? I'n only eating about 300 calories over maintenance on my lift days now and it seems hard to get it all in. I, too, would probably have to eat several meals a day vs. 5 or less... Otherwise I think I would feel way to bloated most of the day. On the other hand I've heard more than once that when on cycle you become an eating machine. lol.

  9. #9
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    My response would be on cycle or not I would base cals off your goal and the type of phase you are in.

    Base your increased/decreased cals off your new LBM as you gain/loose

    I too eat 7 a day ( 5 or 7 ) not a huge deal, see what fits and what makes you feel less hungry or bloated and adjust meal size but maintain cals for the phase.

    As for lifts that usually just comes and strength increases so will confidence and push what you can, find a partner to help you with forced reps/negatives.

    I try to push just as hard off season as I do on " in reality i dont". ( aas i consider a recovery aid as I can get back to pushing more weight faster) ( food is the tool to grow)

    I know you guys all know this it just seems to help more when I think of if this way

    I dont think there is any set numbers besides starting reference points

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'll be following along. The two biggest questions I have left are 1) how much to eat when cyclng and 2) how do I structure my workout. I know I will have to eat more but how much? I know I will have to lift more but again, how much? I'n only eating about 300 calories over maintenance on my lift days now and it seems hard to get it all in. I, too, would probably have to eat several meals a day vs. 5 or less... Otherwise I think I would feel way to bloated most of the day. On the other hand I've heard more than once that when on cycle you become an eating machine. lol.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Granovich, you put on some size since we last talked?

    Bro, this is what i would do, Id take some time and sit down, go online and find a calories counter to see where all the cals are coming from.

    Break them up into macros, it takes a few hours to do all the math but for the amount of effort and knowledge you are putting forth to this lifestyle I would take it one step further.

    Counting is awesome, full control over physic!!

    I have 7 meals as well.. but two are shakes as well..

    In bulk phase i may drop to 5-6 and pack more in.

    If i had to eye ball your cals I could wing a guess but its easy to be off even 100 cals a day over a week could mess up where your weight is coming from..

    if it were me i dont eat many carbs after workout unless directly after. maybe pull meal 6 into 5s?

    And i toss a few fats in meal 7
    thanx LTN , i really appreciate your input
    yes last cycle and HGH been great to me and im a little over 200 lbs now. same BF. i look much bigger thou
    i will do the counting thing today and post the macros
    as for meal 6 . im not sure if it will be there or instead of 4
    i might exchange 6 with 4 and remove the carbs from steak
    thing is i need the fish meal + rice cuz i will be shooting Humalog post workout ( i will make a full log with meals and pics , will be really nice )
    so post slin meal u need carbs/protein with minimal fat which Talapia fish is perfect for that
    i forgot to change the place cuz i will move my workout to around 2 pm....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'll be following along. The two biggest questions I have left are 1) how much to eat when cyclng and 2) how do I structure my workout. I know I will have to eat more but how much? I know I will have to lift more but again, how much? I'n only eating about 300 calories over maintenance on my lift days now and it seems hard to get it all in. I, too, would probably have to eat several meals a day vs. 5 or less... Otherwise I think I would feel way to bloated most of the day. On the other hand I've heard more than once that when on cycle you become an eating machine. lol.
    my last cycle been perfect and i ate 4000 calorie. i ran HGH with it at fairly high dose ( pharma grade HGH)
    and i didnt really add any fat. i went from 182 to about 198 then during PCT i kept my HGH and upped my calories a little bit and got to 202 lbs
    didnt lose a single lb. my strength kept going up during PCT. it was perfect
    i guess you need more than 300 over maintenance. i would say 500 atleast. just up your calories.. as for workout. i found that my strength did go up like crazy . maybe 10% BUT what was awesome is getting extra reps. like i would feel im done at 7 reps but you keep pushing and you end up with 12 reps.. it just gives crazy push...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Sounds good Bro! Lookn BIG!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    thanx LTN , i really appreciate your input
    yes last cycle and HGH been great to me and im a little over 200 lbs now. same BF. i look much bigger thou
    i will do the counting thing today and post the macros
    as for meal 6 . im not sure if it will be there or instead of 4
    i might exchange 6 with 4 and remove the carbs from steak
    thing is i need the fish meal + rice cuz i will be shooting Humalog post workout ( i will make a full log with meals and pics , will be really nice )
    so post slin meal u need carbs/protein with minimal fat which Talapia fish is perfect for that
    i forgot to change the place cuz i will move my workout to around 2 pm....

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