Originally Posted by
Granovich, you put on some size since we last talked?
Bro, this is what i would do, Id take some time and sit down, go online and find a calories counter to see where all the cals are coming from.
Break them up into macros, it takes a few hours to do all the math but for the amount of effort and knowledge you are putting forth to this lifestyle I would take it one step further.
Counting is awesome, full control over physic!!
I have 7 meals as well.. but two are shakes as well..
In bulk phase i may drop to 5-6 and pack more in.
If i had to eye ball your cals I could wing a guess but its easy to be off even 100 cals a day over a week could mess up where your weight is coming from..
if it were me i dont eat many carbs after workout unless directly after. maybe pull meal 6 into 5s?
And i toss a few fats in meal 7