Smoked turkey legs
This just pisses me off that u can eat like that and look the way you do! Well bravo good sir!Originally Posted by kelkel
Lol shit sry Marcus. Take the sweeper to it :-pOriginally Posted by kelkel
I did chest n bis today. Zero pain in my shoulder today.
Flat dumbell presses
Incline smith presses (loved the feel today) (rest pause)
Incline dumbell flys
Cable flys drop setted to failure
Incline dumbell curls
Straight barbell curls
Concentration curls
So, show of hands here, how many ppl actually worry about glycemic index while attempting to lose bf? Is it straight whole grains and brown rice for you or not?
Kel, u sir, r excluded from this poll. U can prolly eat spoons full of sugar to get ur carbs and not get fat lol
Yeah sorry, good idea, ill drop the food talk lol
Man this thread is the ultimate motivation I love stopping by whenever and just reading through some of the pages... time to go eat another meal thanks to this thread! Keep it up guys
I just took 4 days off. I don't count calories so i.didn't realize it until yesterday (which is why i decided to take another day off, this started as 2 days off and I intended to go monday) but had I had been eating a lot as usual I was not taking in much carbohydrates. I had been loading up on proteins and fiber mostly fresh veggies and meat. I'm instinctive as you are so I don't even think about it. I just do stuff like this. Anyways, to make a short story long....
I turned it into a 4 day rest low carb break. I don't know if that has a name but I take 3d to a full week off occasionally to rest and shed some fat. Tonight I did legs and I'm stronger than last time, yet down to 219. I was 226 last week so I lost 7 lbs. I'm on a medium dose tren/test cycle so its probably a better fat loss than I would normally see off cycle. I'm starting to see veins on my lower abs again. Haven't seen that in at least 8 years.
I will gain about 10lbs back by the end of this cycle in 3 more weeks. I'll end up leaner than when I started and around 230lbs. I'm straight bulking for the rest of this. I'm still trying to recomp but I'm 15lbs heavier than I was 10yrs ago when I was at my best and almost as lean now so I'd say not bad for 10 months work.
I don't worry about it but I also don't eat a lot of carbs when I'm trying to lose fat quickly. I protein load and up my fat intake a little, drop carbs to very low. I eat lots of gummy bears though. Lol. I know it sounds antithetical to the skinny guru diets marcus rants about and odd to up the fat and 'protein load' to lose fat but that's what I respond to.
Ahh good. Inspiration. I got chest tomorrow.
Squats. Smith. Heavy.
2 warm up, ascending 1 plate x 20 then 2 plates x 20. Rest was only long enough to add the plates.
2 work sets 4 plates x 10, 4 plates x 8 + 5 shotgun half reps at the end.
I almost tried 5 plates (would be a first as a work set) but my knees have been taking a beating lately so done.
Leg Extensions
All of these sets are brought up fast, held at the top for 3 seconds then down slowly on the negative. This end up making my quads shake involuntarily by the time I'm done and burns like he'll but I love it.
Warm up, very light, x20
3 working sets. I want to fatigue my quads for hacks later.
1x12 half stack
1x10 3/4 stack
1x8 full stack, let it down for a minute then squeezed 3 more out.
I FELL when I got up... My legs gave out. Lol. Sweet.
Got a drink and caught my breath for about 5 min here. I'm continuing to increase the intensity and continue to increase my pain threshold. Failure has a new meaning than it used to and I keep pushing the bar up. I'm 43 but that doesn't mean shit. I feel 30. Kill it old man.
Hack Squats
knees no deeper than parallel to the platform on these, last set light and to the floor.
No warm up. 2 work sets.
1x10 3 plates
1x5 4 plates
1x?? Didn't count, last quad set so this is to destroy them completely. 1 plate down slow shot back up, all the way down to the sled stops.
I can barely walk and my legs are shaking uncontrollably. Neat.
rested another 5 min.
Standing 1 leg curls
1 warm up, 2 work sets
1x16 2 plates
1x9 4 plates
1x4 plus 2 sloppy cheats 4 plates + 2 25's
Fing ouch.
Lying 2 leg curls
No warm up.
2 x 3/4 stack to failure on 2nd set. Legs were toast.
Seated calf raises
Almost didn't do these but no excuses. Do it.
2 x 25 2 plates, had to do some RP to get all 25 on 2nd set. I don't gun these out like I see soooo many people doing. Slowly on the negative and fast on the positive just like any other muscle. Why do people treat calves differently? IDK.
1 x 10 3 plates.
took all but 1 plate off and fired them out quickly to burn mu calves out. Didn't count. One calf cramped up at the end. Done. Feeding time.
Legs are rubber and I'm on Jupiter with gravity. I hope I can't walk tomorrow and I will grow from this.
1 hour exactly
Last edited by Java Man; 09-19-2013 at 04:14 AM.
Well done Java! Legs day for me to. But I could only manage much less weight than you. Although mostly to my failure to.
What cape said. I must the weight so I can look at it 6 months from now and see where I've gone since. Also I think it gives a better perspective on the intensity level. Hard to illustrate what I'm doing between 10 reps and 5 reps if I don't list some reference point through the sets. It seems like you knock yourself a lot AD. Don't compare what I'm doing to you. Its a reference number. Nothing more. I'm still fat anyways so don't knock yourself lol. You look a he'll of a lot better than me.
I will say though it is a fine line. Since coming to this thread my mentality has changed. Before one of two things would happen. I had to do 3 sets @8-12 reps causing me to hold back for the next set. Or I would go so heavy my form was bad and I was just swinging weight.
Now I do one set at a time like it was the last. All the time focusing on form and contractions. I close my eyes now an literally see the muscle fibers contract and release with each rep. I can now isolate where I'm choosing to work. Big difference.
Thanks bro.
I started with smith squats too. After warm up, went as heavy as I could for 1x10. Actually only got to 8 and had to drop it on the safety stops at the bottom. Rest 2 mins, drop 10lbs each side and went to failure again, dropping it on the stops at the bottom again. Rest 2min drop 10lbs and went again. About 6 worksets like this, positive failure each set.
Leg extensions, 2worksets with double drops. 1min rest in between.
Sitting leg curls.
Lying leg curls.
Calf extensions.
1hr 10mins total.
All of what you said rings a bell with me too. This thread has changed my training approach in exactly the same way. I now use the heaviest weight that allows me to get 4 or 5 reps while maintaining good form. The mind-muscle connection is stronger now and failure has been redefined. I don't count reps on my working set while I'm doing it anymore. My muscles dictate when I've done my last full rep not my brain.
At Java. I still count reps but I go in saying for example 2 nd set I'm getting 6. Then when I stall out at 4 and dig a little deeper and fight the weight till either it goes up or I go down. The weight and I never tie anymore. Only one of us is going to win. Some reps it's me. Some it kicks my ass. But I don't thing I could have done one more when it's all said and done.
I do put on weight easy if I don't watch what I eat so I will eat clean most of the time and try and stick with the whole grain/ complex carbs but I am not as ridged as I use to be, I was like a machine for many years ago but not so much these days due to my life style being so different. I could easily see changes in my body within days of changing my food intake, its something ive learnt over the years so I am very in tune with how my body reacts that's why i can adjust daily when carb cycling or pre cycle priming. There is a tug or war going on inside everybody's body between insulin and glucagon to keep blood glucose levels in a comfortable zone, if I remember right the so called comfortable zone is between 70-110. Top levels will throw your body to attempt to reach a state of homeostasis by releasing the storage hormone insulin so depending on what your tank reserves are either full or not full, that could well be into muscle tissue or fat cells. On the other hand when sugar levels fall to the lower end levels the body releases the breakdown hormone which pulls sugar out of muscles tissue or fat cells. I try my best to confuse my body into using fat as fuel without having any major changes to the metabolism, this for me is very important that's why I never go near 7 days low carbs due to my body then adapting to the change and altering my metabolism , this is a big thing what many don't take in consideration, you need to confuse the body for short periods of time to either create the growth spurt or cut body fat while maintaining your metabolism what is running at your maintenance diet needs. Once you alter your speed of your metabolism your battling against a whole new system which your not use to and then this is the time when muscle wastage does and can occur in many.
I've been there so many times but over them last 10 years I wont let it happen again, I slowly adjust things and then make sure my metabolism doesn't change but I am confusing my body into burning fat as fuel or I am opening a growth spurt and creating a very anabolic environment for tissue to grow once the cycle starts. Once I learnt this and getting in tune with my body I could cut fat and increase tissue easy, well it wasn't easy but in time you learn things about your body and how it adapts at what times and how you can manipulate this to your advantage for the goals you require.
No not at all Tron, its very important part of building a huge muscular body and listening and reading about other peoples diets can help you greatly to understand how you can attack your body to get the goals you require. Personally ive always listened to the big muscular guys because these are the one who maintain the size and grow each year, listening to these diet guru's who have their heads stuck in a book who are 160lbs wet through is a joke and wouldn't know how to keep muscle tissue if I slapped them in the face, I know I may upset some people here but its true and if people listen to many guys and take bits from each of them you will come up with a plan for YOUR body because nothing is static in this game things evolve and change all the time. Rant over
Thanks for the feedback, by using what you wrote you should come up with an ideal plan of attack to cut fat and build further tissue and turn heads when you walk down the street. Ive shouted this all the time I turn heads when I walk down the street and that feeling is immense and keep the fires between my balls to train to hell and back, you want to turn heads and people talk about how fuking big you are you need to take yourself to the edge in training and dieting
This is a great point cape state here, it doesn't matter what weight your pushing when you going to failure, so long its within the right rep range 6-8 reps at total failure it doesn't matter what weight it is because that weight is creating a serious overload on your body and it has no alternative but to grow. If someone is pushing 130 db and your only on 60's 80's its irrelevant because that weight is exactly the same as the guy who is pushing the 130's. You take yourself to true positive failure and you all know what that means, not leaving anything in the tank to think ive got to rest pause here, or do some forced and negs or drops, its all about that taking that working set to true failure , true failure not where you go ahhh I've had enough it hurts I mean right down to half reps and your totally burnt out, then taking it beyond if your at this
Keep the info flowin re the food intake this helps us all learn something new or different. Everyday I learn something new re diet etc
Last week I had PB on shoulder day. Thought today I would beat it. No so much. Put the 100 lbs back up today but the 3 and 4 th one my legs were shaking. My eye balls were shaking. Yes Marcus my eye balls. That was 1st working do I was pissed dropped to 80's then 60's. just finished my workout. If I was alone I think I may cry. The pain and burning is so intense today I'm sick at my stomach. My point is I had PB last week and no pain. Worked my ass off today and know I tore some fibers up and will be growing. So I'm happy about that. Every day is different but it's still a chance to grow. I'm going to the car now to throw up and let a tear out. Just one mind you.
Pre exhaust HIT - not using any serious intensity like I usually do due to the prime but all movements to failure
Incline DB flyes
3 warm up sets - need to the warm up due to shoulder injury -and also to get a feel about what weight I am going to hit my working sets
2 working - 6 reps to failure then 2 forced
Incline DB press
2 feel sets - judging the weight for the working sets
2 working sets - 6 rep plus 2 forced
flat flyes
2 feel sets
2 working sets 6 reps plus 2 forced
Hammer strength flat bench - inward curve machine
2 feel sets
2 workings set 4 reps plus 3 forced
hanging leg raises
all high reps to failure
Before any working sets I think about things in my past what ignite the adrenalin and then I can fully focus on reaching that true failure zone, I kind of go deaf and only can hear my inner voice telling me things and taking me back when I in some serious situations what really set fire to my inner self, anger starts to build up and I get really in a zone, my heart start pounding away and then I get into position and perform the set. Many times the weight isn't a problem then suddenly it starts to slow down and I dig deeper in my inner self telling me to shift the weight you fuking idiot and I go to true failure, right down to half reps and quarter reps many times, then I got my partner to help me with some forced reps, but I left out the negatives due to the prime I am under.
All movements are very strict and perform very slow with concentration on the negative part and then forcing the weight up under control.
Workout lasted less than 45 mins then went home and had 2 chicken breast, spinach and 3 whole grain rice cakes and I hand full of walnuts
Awesome Cape! I think you'll see dramatic improvements in a short period of time, knowing your dedication.
@ Java. Be careful with your leg extensions and bringing them up "quick" as you stated. The start of a leg extension is the most vulnerable for you patellar tendon. Contract, then begin to push.
I agree. I believe I totally different protocol and approach needs be followed for those holding 175-195 lbm vs guys who are holding 200-225. You have more wiggle room for those will lower lbm.
When your body is holding a lot of lbm, yes we know it's a calorie burning machine but at the same time it needs calories in an abundance just to sustain all that muscle.
Kinda a rant!
Thanks for keeping myself motivated guys
Legs tonight gonna see if I can get the blood pressure high
Thanks. As my post went on I realized I was basically reiterating what you have already said numerous times. Haha
I just get tired of ppl say oh this diet worked for me etc.. when someone is 20%+ (thinking there 15%) of course it worked you have a lot to lose.
Most ppl tdee on the board is around 2500, and with your mass thats probably breakfast
Pack to thread
I will be doing shoulders and abs tonight
Shoulders will be dorain yates style video. Limited rest and pushing hard. Love the one handed cable side laterals he does. Much more effective then holding two dumbbells and raising them at the same time. Imo
This thread is picking up speed,
loads of guests and lurkers
and my pm box is full of questions, some of the questions I am going to post in here from time to time so everybody can see the answer,
107 pages long phewwwww you hardcore bastards lol
Trying to go to failure with HIT and I'm finding I am grinding the hell out of my teeth and clenching my jaw. Anyone else have this problem and what do you do? Thanks.
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