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Thread: my first cycle, please advice (long damn story! please bear with it)

  1. #1

    my first cycle, please advice (long damn story! please bear with it)

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    Last edited by daruz89; 10-28-2013 at 03:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Its good that your back to full health , now you want to start back at the gym and get straight back at it good stuff, but lets slow things down a wee bit, you should start as if you havent been at the gym and take your time get your diet in check and start a training your no where ready for any type of steriod cycle you need a good solid base at least two years training under your belt and your still young for steriods and beleve it or not oral cycles are not the way to go there are loads of threads here that will confirm this, sorry this isnt what you want to hear,theres no fast track to bodybuilding , head over to the nutrition section post your diet and start there good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpion62 View Post
    Its good that your back to full health , now you want to start back at the gym and get straight back at it good stuff, but lets slow things down a wee bit, you should start as if you havent been at the gym and take your time get your diet in check and start a training your no where ready for any type of steriod cycle you need a good solid base at least two years training under your belt and your still young for steriods and beleve it or not oral cycles are not the way to go there are loads of threads here that will confirm this, sorry this isnt what you want to hear,theres no fast track to bodybuilding , head over to the nutrition section post your diet and start there good luck
    Agree 100% with all of this plus I strongly second the oral only cycles are a terrible idea for about a million reasons. It is not even your age don’t ever run an oral only cycle no matter what age you are. Glad that you are healthy though, just suck it up, start over and get that diet in check. I bet what took you 2 years to gain last time will only take you a year or less this time. No magic tricks out there only hard work good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by drake4243

    Agree 100% with all of this plus I strongly second the oral only cycles are a terrible idea for about a million reasons. It is not even your age don’t ever run an oral only cycle no matter what age you are. Glad that you are healthy though, just suck it up, start over and get that diet in check. I bet what took you 2 years to gain last time will only take you a year or less this time. No magic tricks out there only hard work good luck.
    ^^^Agree with the above assessments. I understand your frustration, but that's life. You'll go through many "ups and downs" that will test your resilience. You'll need to push through the tough circumstances and be patient.

    Given that you were hospitalized and unable to do any strenuous activity, it makes NO sense right now to be doing steroids of any kind - and certainly not an oral only cycle. Get back into your old routine including a solid nutrition plan and let the gains come back naturally. When you've put on some size again and regained your strength, then if your health is still very good, that may be the time to e thinking about supplementing your training and nutrition with anabolics. Not now.

    Learn from the past. Don't be so impatient to be as "big as your friends". It's not their health you are affecting, but your own. Be sensible. Give yourself time to grow naturally. Anabolics are something best left for the future after you've had adequate time to be sure your health is stable.

  6. #6
    Hehe, i was kinda prepared for these answers.

    Well believe me i do know how to diet i dont have to re educate myself on that, and i know how to work out and gain weight, i know i can get it back naturally sure of course. But i simply dont have the time to wait another year for that for many reasons, and i mean come on guys, this is a steroid forum in which 90% of the people use steroids, instead of trying new people to stay away from steroids why not just give the info they ask. by the way my sickness didnt have anything to do with muscles.

    look i will do it anyway in the end so please guys give me some proper advice.
    Last edited by daruz89; 10-28-2013 at 03:49 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by daruz89
    Hehe, i was kinda prepared for these answers.

    Well believe me i do know how to diet i dont have to re educate myself on that, and i know how to work out and gain weight, i know i can get it back naturally sure of course. But i simply dont have the time to wait a year for that for many reasons, and i mean come on guys, this is a steroid forum in which 90% of the people use steroids, instead of trying new people to stay away from steroids why not just give the info they ask :P by the way my sickness didnt have anything to do with muscles.

    And another question, if i Would be able to get injections, i know it shouldnt be done without test but things ive read about test make me feel like i could be just fine with Test only?

    is there Anyone who instead of posting more messages with reasons not to start a cycle, that actually can give me a beginner cycle, names of what you'd recommend, including dosage & pct, i mean, im already aware of everything you guys posted and already read those links before you posted them

    look i will do it anyway in the end so please guys before i make a mistake cause i dont get proper informative answers to the exact question that i ask please, give me some cycle recommendations :P
    No one is going to spoon feed you. If you believe you're responsible and mature enough to cycle, read the stickies on beginner cycles.

    .....and to clarify, this forum isn't the place to condone steroid use for everyone. It's about responsible choices and education. How many people do or do not do steroids is immaterial. People do a lot of things they shouldn't. Just because other people do it, doesn't justify everyone doing it. I know you're not that naive but the comment about 90% of members using isn't a rational argument.

    Be safe brother.

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