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Thread: My first cycle: goal 4 kg of lean body mass

  1. #1

    My first cycle: goal 4 kg of lean body mass

    Hi everybody, I was planning my first cycle, I'm 177cm, 70kg, 9 % bodyfat.
    I've been training for 5 years and my goal now is to gain at least 4 kg of lean body mass.
    I've choosen for this cycle boldenone and primobolan depot.
    I've read lots of topic and books and this would be my diamond cycle for 11 weeks:

    1 boldenone 150 mg + primobolan dep 100 mg
    2 boldenone 150 mg + primobolan dep 100 mg
    3 boldenone 200 mg + primobolan dep 200 mg
    4 boldenone 250 mg + primobolan dep 200 mg
    5 boldenone 300 mg + primobolan dep 200 mg
    6 boldenone 300 mg + primobolan dep 200 mg + novaldex 40 mg\die
    7 boldenone 200 mg + primobolan dep 100 mg + novaldex 40 mg\die
    8 boldenone 100 mg + primobolan dep 100 mg + novaldex 40 mg\die + proviron 75 mg\die
    9 boldenone 100mg + primobolan dep 100 mg + novaldex 30 mg\die + proviron 75 mg\die
    10 novaldex 20 mg\die + proviron 50 mg\die
    11 proviron 50 mg\die

    I know I'm not gonna gain so much weight and the amount of products is not so high, but my purpose is gain step by step and for my goals 4 kg are enough.
    I choose boldenone even if deca I read would be better, cause i read boldenone has less side effects like acne which i can't have for many reasons.
    So do u think this is enough for my goal?
    And do u think ma pct is good and will help me conserve my gain?
    Thank you so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    So do u think this is enough for my goal?
    And do u think ma pct is good and will help me conserve my gain?

    and no..

    where's the test?

    first cycle, test only

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Almost 5'10 and 154lbs? Your diet is way off and no amount of AAS will make up for that.

    Visit our nutrition forum and learn how to eat to gain.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 10-20-2013 at 05:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    what was your weight befor you started training 5 years ago?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I was 24 and weighed 39 kgs when I started training, I was 50 and weighed 90 kg and was a champion power lifter when I started to use steroids. What do you think you need them for. Your body is full of them, you are not eating enough or not training hard enough. How will a needle help those two issues?

    Go back to basics my friend. Diet and exercise. It works wonders. Good luck, John

  7. #7's not my very first cycle cause I used oxandrolone my first cycle but was low dosage.
    anyway before I started training my wight was 57 kg,so u can understand how small I was..
    I don't need help with diet and exercise, last summer I joined some fitness competition and I did very well, even if I used only ox and other people many different things..
    My waist and wrist are very tiny, so that's why I weight only 70gr now..I could weight more than now of course without aas, i weighted more before and I look bigger than most 80kg people!
    but i can't now,i must be in a very nice shape and stay ripped.
    I'd like to use boldenone and not test...but i can change it only with deca.
    Last edited by LucSpike; 10-20-2013 at 06:25 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Quote Originally Posted by LucSpike View Post's not my very first cycle cause I used oxandrolone my first cycle but was low dosage.
    anyway before I started training my wight was 57 kg,so u can understand how small I was..
    I don't need help with diet and exercise, last summer I joined some fitness competitions and i did very well, even if I used only ox and other people many different things..
    My waist and wrist are very tiny, so that's why I weight only 70gr now..I could weight more than now of course without aas, i weighted more before and I look bigger than most 80kg people!but i can't now,i must be in a very nice shape and stay ripped.
    I'd like to use boldenone and not test...but i can change it only with deca
    You have a tiny waist and wrists so that's why you're small?
    If you feel that you can gain more weight w/out AAS why don't you do it?
    Why do you need to be in "very nice shape and ripped"
    All in all your English is confusing me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place

    What leads you to conclude a useless compound like EQ is what you need? Moreover, your planned doses of EQ are too low for any perceivable benefit.

    If you really do believe your diet is as good as you say, list everything you ate yesterday with all the calories and macros listed and your current TDEE.

  10. #10
    I really wonder at what age you did the anavar cycle, nevertheless with your stats adding 4KG of LBM is doable without the compounds you are going to take since you probably just going to read between the lines instead of taking the vets valuable advice they trying to give you.

    How does your BW look like, maybe the anavar did more harm to you than you can imagine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post

    and no..

    where's the test?
    first cycle, test only
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    I'm not real sharp so I have a problem trying to figure and comprehend cycles written up like that. ^^ so the above.

    Also where is test. Not to flame you but even your post shows you are young and not really as informed a you should be before you cycle. As you mentioned your first wasn't correct and was no good. So now you need to get much ore informed. I agree that you should be able to gain what you are looking to gain without aas, but you seem old enough at 25 to choose and I won't say no. But I will say as I have made mention get more knowledge of what you are going to embark on. Good luck ...crazy mike

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