if you havent done one have a look!
if you havent done one have a look!
anyone try short bust cycles
I'm gonna run one in August following this 10 week prime that I'm in the middle of right now. Gonna run one compound, Test Suspension @ 100mg/day for 28 days. I want to use one compound only to see how I respond to this style of cycle, unless some experts suggest something a little different! Proper AI, HCG, PCT of course as well. I'm still up in the air on calories above baseline, as I don't want a dirty bulk. I was thinking 300-500/day extra....
If your carb sensitive then when you start introducing carbs after the prime and on day one of the short burst cycle you really need to drip feed the carbs over 2 weeks until the body gets use to them otherwise you will gain a lot of water weight/bulk. If your not really carb sensitive them just hit your bulking straight head on from day one of the bulk.
Hi Marcus...great article...!!! Not sure how to send you pm, dont see a sign of it here , so will send you a message here and will e happy if you can answer me privately...I am trying to prepare to my first comp, i am 200 lb 6'1, done quite a few cycles .... tren, test, mixes, max dose 2 gramm a week total gear , cycles for 8-10 weeks in general.... decent progress...what i want to do now is a short burst cycle that markus mentioned in his thread before..... fo r4-5 weeks, then 4-5 weeks pct and priming at the sme time and repeat... looking just for test only cycle in big doses, maybe with addition of dianabol for bulking.....what would you suggest regarding doses i should use for this short one? as i mentoned before the highest i had was 2 gr a week.... also very curious how do you use your doses and how do you manage them from cycle to cycle...thank you
^ Welcome. You can't send PM's until you have 50 posts. Marcus frequently checks this thread so he should reply to you shortly.
Enjoy your stay.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Thank you![]()
just now seen this ...great read.very informative..
Please let me know Marcus.... thinking of starting YOUR CYCLE in 3 weeks.... i do some priming for a week already....and ready to go in 3 weeks or so... just wonder how much up i should put my regular doses... thank you..M
Allow at least 6 weeks to prime. Be patient as marcus is in the UK. He will respond when he can.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Ok...is that your pictureif yes, very sexy !
FacepalmOriginally Posted by mukhtarsafarov
There is a lot what goes into designing a short burst cycle, previous cycle history, do you use hgh, previous dosages, how you responded to certain compounds, how you react to sides, which compounds produce the best gains. Then there is the pre cycle prime which is very important this needs to be ran for at least 6 weeks 8 would be better first time around.
Your better getting your post count up so your pm's get activated because even if your at the advance level for a SBC its a delicate subject seeing that there are many newbies here who would think they would try something like this.
^^^Apparently a sexy....man....lolOriginally Posted by marcus300
Great post .. Excellent one..
Something had stopped me and was astonishing even its not linked directly to the subject, and that's when u said ".... to the BB's who prefer long ester and they respond better to them"
My question is, do our bodies really respond differently to different esters , even it's the same compound we are speaking about?
My last question is.. If those cycles have less negative impact on Hpta, then does it make sense for the older folks to be cycling this way?
Edit: I just found out that this read is 4 pages, so if my questions have been answered, I apologize for repeating.
Last edited by Rida5d; 10-21-2013 at 02:32 AM.
Ok Marcus, thank you for your reply...not sure if i will have more than 4 weeks for priming this time but let's see how it's gonna work with me this way this time...i will probably just double my regular doses for 30 days use of test and see how it goes...
i wanted to fit your system to my competetive schedule so i thought maybe i will do 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off with pct and priming at the same off time/know it sounds strange but just want to experiment and see how it works this way..../
not interested in a bridge so 4 weeks off for not loosing much muscle and short priming will be good idea with my thight schedule...sure after 3-4 cycles like that in a row i will have to put up my doses as body will get used to it shortly...
Regarding HGH, i have never used it and actually never believed in a much result with it anyway....and definetly will not risk my life with insulin... HGH can be good at some point for some people but as much as i heard from my pro friends, it doesnt really help in anything that much plus you can not really separate its results from steroids as u always have to use them together for some decent action except times when u use it only for anticatabolic purposes solely.... but i guess using cycles 4 on 4 off you will not have enough time to get too catabolic, if proper pct have placed asap after each short cycle....
so this is my humble opinion, let me know if you think it could work this way...
great read, very interesting points.
sorry if this has already been answered but how long after pct completion should your next prime be started?
Would a burst cycle be okay for a newbie starting a first cycle? Lets say 700mg of sus for 5 weeks
Thanks, check out this thread for some solid information on training, diets and aas http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-l...ary%2A%2A.html
Examples of short cycles please ?
Awesome post, have been doing research for quite awhile on these types of cycles. Glad I came across this one!
I shall send a PM when getting ready for this style
Great write up Marcus and it was even better my 2nd read. I forgot about this it's been so long since I read it.
Ive ran a few short burst cycles but they were low dose because they started out as regular 12 weeks but got cut short due to life or injury. lol
Got to try one of these in the future.
I think your explanation on how the body grows in spurts is right on and seen it many times and believe the same logic can be used for dieting. That's why people tend to hit the wall or plateaus.
Can we Use Exogenous Insulin alongside AAS on a short burst cycle ? anyone has any opinion on this?
ofcourse i have done one 30 days slin cycle with outstanding results and also moderate fat gain
2x a day protocol morning/post workout 7iu each following a 60gram whey +5gcreatine +50gdextrose +20g malto and very clean diet with no fat while slin was active
slin was stacked with Test p , Anadrol .
just wanna know is it ok to start runing slin from day 5-30 ? (2x a day starting from 3iu and going to 8iu on each injection)
would prime effect the results from slin ?
i do underestand the Risk and still gathering infos reading books and stuffs for the next 4 months then to do a Short blast , but u know the infos on this is so limited and i guess over the whole internet it was only posted by you so you are the guy to ask about it and as u used it more than anyone i think u have a lot of infos and based on your articles a intelligent in BB.
just wanna know would taking slin during day 5-30 be an ok decicion ? does it effect the gains or simply not much diffrence?
as the effect of slin gonna reduce SHBG to a dramatic level i guess it would have synergetic effect on high dose of test i am planing to use but still so confused and lack a lot infos on this method .
Alright , so
i got some questions and would be glad if u could answer them
last cycle : 500 test 400 deca
stats : 85kg -4years training - 25 ys old - already on trt at 180 mg enanthate weekly-15% bf
this blast cycle : 1250 test e , 100 mg anadrol - gonna prime for 7weeks
1.are the dosages ok ? gonna jab them in 2 injections.
2.got Aromasin on hand ...when to start it and how much should i run daily ?
3.i already got alot of issues with SHBG which my body converts alot of test to shbg....is 30 mg oral winstrol enough to lower it on blast or should i go for proviron at 50mg?
4.is 40%p 40%c 20% f ok macro for these 30days? and how many calories should i run per pound of body weight on this course ? ( moderatly active- office job 5hours a day-training 6days a week a hour each session +60 mins cardio weekly )
5.should i give up on cardio on these 30 days?
Sorry for taking your time.
Last edited by major34; 01-18-2015 at 05:50 AM.
Marcus clearly states in the first post that he will not be speaking about dosages on this open forum do to the amount of newbies on here. Also everyone of ur question have been answered in this thread. Its best to read the entire thread to understand the how, when, why and where of short bursting. Good luck bro
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