HahahaOriginally Posted by Hazard
HahahaOriginally Posted by Hazard
I'm not worried about obamacare.... it's imploding already. Not even nearly the amount of young people they need have signed up. Not even in person doing the paper filing. If they don't get enough young people this whole thing is going to crumble.
Maybe we can save face before we lose a whole trillion dollars
Hillary clinton wanted this shit years ago and no one else did. It didn't work then so why does it now? because we were lied to..... it was the only way to get the law passed. "you can keep your plan....." - then 2 years later "Now that you gullable mother fvckers lost your plans..... you have access to affordable care! Which happens to be more expensive than the plans you had. I also saved 6 tons of my own shit for you all to eat..... the line starts at the lincoln memorial"
Like I said, ACA is based on a proven model. Change is never seamless and glitches are natural. Propaganda works. Hence your response. In the long term you will come to understand that this law suits your best interest relative to the past.
Tell that to the people losing their coverage and paying more now. The cancer patients who have to break the relationship with the docs who saved their lives. Propaganda does work..... it convinced you. Obamacare is failing..... it was doomed to fail to push through single payer healthcare. The people will never go for it..... and for good reason. America has an overall more succssful rate compared to europe.... we'll see how you feel when you get your way and your mother dies infront of you.
my opinion wont change. I'm in the healthcare industry..... ive formulated my own opinion and don't buy into anything people, much less the news, tell me.
It's going to be a wait and see thing Hazard. The bottom line is that it is a proven model. Yes 5% of people will have to change policy however.
It's going to be a wait and see thing Hazard. The bottom line is that it is a proven model. Yes 5% of people will have to change policy however.
Of course it's socialized medicine. The word "Socialism" has a negative meaning in the U.S. and those that support the new law do not like having the word associated with it. But that doesn't change what it is.
If you take money from one man by force to give it to another man (take money from one to give healthcare to another) and the force is mandated and controlled by the government, that's a social program.
And there are some MASSIVE differences between that MA healthcare law and the new Federal law.
1. The MA law was supported by a strong majority of the state's population. The Federal law is not supported by a majority of the nation.
2. The MA law states you have to have healthcare but if you can afford your own policy, a policy of your choosing, you do not have to enter into the state run system. The Federal law states you can have your own policy as long as it meets the federal mandates.
3. The MA law falls under the provision of states rights. The Federal law ignores state rights. Granted, the supreme court upheld the federal law, but not on a basis that had anything to do states rights but on the basis of the governments right to tax. However, no one with any sanity, left or right, contends that this was a decision based on constitutional law. It was a politically motivated decision by the court due to nothing but political pressure. And it's also important to remember, just because the court upholds something does not mean it got it right. The court has upheld many things throughout history that were later overturned because they were unjust or deemed unconstitutional by a future court after further review.
5%!? Who are you? Nancy pelosi? shes THE ONLY ONE on antional tv saying that it's going great so far.....
Dude..... theres 4.8 million people who lost their plans so far and thats just the tip of the iceberg. The government wont even tell us how many people have signed up.
Obama promised that premiums will go down..... so far they've exponentially gone up. Averaging a $2500 increase!
If romney got in and got his "Romneycare" passed we would have been better off! Why? Because atleast romney wanted to put a cap on deductables. $2000 for individual and $4000 for a familly. Obamacare has no cap! This whole thing is fvcking bananas.
Haz you have an Obama care argument going on two threads at the same time![]()
The problem is as you have also said, it's exactly what a lot of them want. Not for it to succeed but for it to fail so government can jump in when it's all falling apart to save the day with a one trick pony universal healthcare plan all run by the government where the prices we are seeing now will look good compared to what is going to happen. It's all part of a bigger plan/scheme. Socialist economics.
Simple...It's written by insurance companies for insurance companies.
Anyone who believes obamacare is a good thing is one of two things..... they are either a fvcking idiot or they are a fvcking idiot..... I mean that in the nicest way possible.
I was watching the american fox news channel. Obama was on there and he was saying sorry. Anyone see this?
Not quite JD. They're just a bit more informed than you are. You'll run into such people on occasion but you won't know it. They will. Law and ploitics is too complicated. Better to keep it simple and keep with the lifting and the reality tv.
It's not socialized medicine friend. It's capitalism for sure. Here's an article that may help clarify that for you.
Obamacare is not socialized medicine - Baltimore Democrat | Examiner.com
^ Obama voters didn't vote based on his policies ^
Lol okay.....Originally Posted by Mike Dura
There's a reason why this shit is blowing up right now. People don't want it now more than ever.
So ur assuming I'm not informed..... I've been in medical since I was 18. I've worked side by side with a top 10 doctor in the nation, I've worked with hundreds of other doctors. Let me just tell you..... Not one...... NOT ONE wanted obamacare to pass. It was a frequent topic and was never supported.
It's a shit bill that wasn't read by a congress that was exempted from it. The total dollar amount was has doubled...... Pre-existing condition funds have run out already..... It created more IRS jobs and aimed to add 10 million more people without adding one single doctor.
I'm going to mess up this thread soon.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Ill fvck up your life.....Originally Posted by austinite
Jk have at it Idc lol
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
My comnent was directed at the guy with the jeep picture. Lol. I'm not sure about the docs you talk to but I am sure that specifics matter. Give specifics. Why do you think it's a shit bill? I think it sucks too incidentally. I do think it's a step in the right direction.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
I'm going to break the page in about 2 minutes...
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Anytime BRAH :-)Originally Posted by austinite
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
My points are on 3 other threads man. I'm not typin it all on my phone againOriginally Posted by Mike Dura
Often talking about the ACA reminds me of talking about Darwin with Christians. They get all emotional over something they never understood from the get go. It's no coincidence that their intuition leads them to feel that this is a bad thing. And there's no coincidence that billions are shovelled into public relations. Often, the most passionate view is manufactured by invisible men - the practioners of persuasion on Madison avenue. It's been that way since Edward Bernays about a 100 years now.
I don't appreciate being forced to do anything. Problem is, this isn't the first thing the government has pushed down our throats.
Well because of OC im losing my insurance this coming year because of something in the bill i guess my insurance doesnt coincide with.....so much for "You can keep your plan if you like it".
Whole thing is totally unecessary. There was already a "safety net" I've banged enough dirt poor single moms to know this, and they always have some way to see a doc when their kid gets sick. We didn't need this extra obamacare. take it from someone whose banged alota single moms, like dozens here... this thing was totally not needed.
LMFAO! I laughed out Loud man hahaOriginally Posted by Shol'va
We're all ears oh wise one, please carry on with our enlightenment. It's your turn amigo tell us all about the benefits and what is good about it.
BTW.... next time you are retaliating by insulting someones intelligence and capacity for "complicated" things...... at least try to spell "politics" correctly, it moots your entire point and nullifies any credibility you were trying for.
I read it. What they describe as socialized healthcare is a single payer system full controlled by the government. However, something can still be socialized based and not be to the full extreme. For example, bullet point one states: "Tax dollars collected from all citizens to pay for health care." Obama care does this. ""Every citizen has access to health care provided by the state." Obama care provides this. And while all facilities and health care providers are not government employees, they are mandated to function as if they were government employees. Slapping the "Government" label on them would just be symbolic. If you're performing the will of the government because you're told you have to, government employee or not the outcome is the same.
The good things that are in Obama care, all of them could have been gained by single piece legislation without the need for government intervention or force. Dropping people when their health declines, one of the biggest complaints by supporters of the new law, make that against the law and the problem's solved. Another, preexisting conditions, legislate that insurance companies must offer plans for those with preexisting conditions. Problem solved. Yes, the argument is that it wouldn't work because this would force the premiums to go up, but preexisting conditions also force premiums to go up under Obama care unless you're one of the few receiving a full subsidy making it a moot argument.
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