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Thread: Mega Pump

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Mega Pump

    Does anyone else regulalry do standing barabell curls using a standard olympic bar (bar you use for squats, bench presses, deadlifts, etc....)......I cannot believe the pump that I get in my bi's off these curls. When I was 1st talked into trying them, I was very skeptical because I thought my foreams would be getting way too much work and I wouldnt get the isolation I was looking for. Personally when I do these, I prefer to go wider and sometimes even use a false grip while doing these. I've been doing these curls now for about 7-8weeks and my arms continue to get grow like they never have before (drug free at the moment by the way....never done a cycle....YET!!), and ever since I've added these curls my weight for regular dumbell curls has steadily continued to rise

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    If you like the pump now...just wait till you try some EQ. OMG! I had to stop a couple sets short because the pump was unbearable to continue.

    You're still gaining though, so stay clean until you plateua. Good job and good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Standing bar curls are the meat and potato's of bicep mass!

    I start every arm day off with olympic bar bicep curls, and Papa's

    right about the EQ for pumps!

    Hey PAPA you ever try doing 7's or 21's while on AS(holy $#&@)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I have not my good man. I LOVE drop sets with barbells though! By the time you've ran through that 2 times, your arms feel likw they are going to shit, but next run ill try it bro, we'll see. Actually. since ive been off, i seem to be able to get a better pump in my chest... I'm weird i guess, but the bicep pump has gone away.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    Ugghhhhh, your right Mallet, 21's are brutal. I've never really been able to use the Olympic bar on my curls though, they seem to make my wrists ache to much. I'm with Pa Pa on the arm bursting pumps, I've found myself stopping short on the curls because the pump was so tremendous on A/S. I'm using Winny now, and I hear that EQ feels even worse....uh I mean better?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    How about shoulder pumps Papa or Big Red?

    I tell you I can hardly raise my arms the pumps are so intense.

    Ten times the burn I get for arms.

    And chest! I can't even shower for hours after working out on chest day, because everytime I reach across to wash my opposite arm , my chest spasms!

    Can't wait till Feb?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    I’m with you on the Shoulder pumps too. Not so much on the pressing movements, but when I finish off with laterals either dumbbell, or cable, I have problems washing my hair in the shower afterwards. As for the chest, I always get great pumps when I’m doing chest, but I’m usually saving myself for a smaller muscle group afterwards (bi’s/tri’s) so I don’t usually go balls to the walls to the point where I can’t move. UNLESS… it’s pre-exhaust day, then I show my chest no mercy. I love it when I have problems changing gears in my car on the way home. That way I know that I’ve gotten my moneys worth at the gym. By the way, by the excitement in your post, I take it that you start a new cycle in February. What will be the drug(s) of choice this time? Or is that when you are currently done the one you're on?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO

    Big Red Machine

    I'm starting anew!

    gonna run:d-bol, sus,eq,prop, and either fina or winnie, with clomid and clen

    My stats now are 6'1" at 255lbs hope to tap out at around 275-280.

    Gonna post some pics. just bot the GF a digital cam for christmas!

    OHHH! My BF is around 10-12%

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I get huge pumps from 21's too. Buddie curls too when I do buddie curls I do pyramids though.

    Does anyone else get wrist pains from a curl bar. Maybe Im going too heavy? I use 45's on the last set. Too alot of you I know thats nothing but maybe it's too much for my joints.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    D-bols for breakfast, D-bols for lunch, D-bols mid morning,D-bols for brunch. Nuff said, I get severe shoulder pumps to the point of cramping and whining like a bitch!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    wrist pain

    two years ago i took a fastball on the wrist and fractured it. since then i had pain in my wrist. i have found using a wrist wrap and a little tape helps tremendously. but also, i have to do wrist curls to keep strengthening the wrist too. might want to try this out. hopefully the pain subsides.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I did actually added wrist curls. Good call Bro. Now the wrist pain is almost gone. It only come when I do really heavy close grip And its not bad anymore.

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