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Thread: Need a routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Need a routine

    45 year old.. been going to the gym for about 5 months straight... started out going 5 nights a week... after pulling a hamstring and bicep cut back to 3 nights a week (Mon - Wed- Fri)
    I have a bad left should and bad left knee. I have been using the machines trying to strengthen both. Started adding free weights and cable machines into my routine.

    I can do most free weights now (although I can knock myself out pretty easy if the should lets go) - let's hope that doesn't happen again...

    I need a strength routine.. I am very concerned about squats... knee is really bad (clicks when I walk and seated leg press makes my knee act funny when I am done)... I will give it a try though..

    Like I said, I need a 3 day a week strength routine..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    There are millions of routines online man.

    With all your health issues best thing you can do is go light until you fully recover.

    Don't let ego overpower recovery.

    I have always preferred free weights over machines as they recruit and strengthen the small stabilizer muscles associated with the movement. Only time I think machines have advantage is if you want to do pinpoint target particular muscle.

    I do this split:
    Day1: chest/shoulders/arms
    Day2: legs
    Day3: back
    Day4: legs


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    If you are looking for a solid 3x a week strength routine check out Starting Strength or Stronglift 5x5 (tried posting links, but I'm new) both will do full-body workouts 3x a week. I highly suggest the book and DVD as well for Starting Strength as it focuses a lot on the nuances of form. If you're worried about your squat take your time with it and practice with a broomstick in front of a mirror. If you start feeling pain in a certain area that doesn't feel like good pain (muscle soreness) then take the time to google it and look through forums to figure out what it is. For example I was having a lot of pain in my hip flexors on squats and I found out it was because I wasn't activating my glutes enough. I started focusing on squeezing them on my squats and within a week the pain was gone.

    Also note that these are strength routines not aesthetic routines. If you want to mix in aesthetics you'll have to do some accessory work on the side.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Don't let bad knees scare you away from doing squats. Surprisingly, one of the best things you can do for you knees is squats, AS LONG AS YOU DO THEM CORRECTLY.

  5. #5
    MensHealth has a 3 day routine called; 3-DAY MEGA-VOLUME AND INTENSITY ROUTINE. Check it out.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Hrothgar View Post
    If you are looking for a solid 3x a week strength routine check out Starting Strength or Stronglift 5x5 (tried posting links, but I'm new) both will do full-body workouts 3x a week. I highly suggest the book and DVD as well for Starting Strength as it focuses a lot on the nuances of form. If you're worried about your squat take your time with it and practice with a broomstick in front of a mirror. If you start feeling pain in a certain area that doesn't feel like good pain (muscle soreness) then take the time to google it and look through forums to figure out what it is. For example I was having a lot of pain in my hip flexors on squats and I found out it was because I wasn't activating my glutes enough. I started focusing on squeezing them on my squats and within a week the pain was gone.

    Also note that these are strength routines not aesthetic routines. If you want to mix in aesthetics you'll have to do some accessory work on the side.

    Quote Originally Posted by dredlifter View Post
    Don't let bad knees scare you away from doing squats. Surprisingly, one of the best things you can do for you knees is squats, AS LONG AS YOU DO THEM CORRECTLY.

  7. #7
    Most of my patients with bad knees I have them do some form of squats. I'd suggest starting with body weight squats, focusing on form, and see how your body reacts. There is a triangle of 3 connecting points that can help OA and stability in the knee....bone structure, inert tissue, and contractile tissue. The only thing you have a power to control is contractile tissue. Strengthening the muscles that act upon the knee joint can help stabilize the knee and will benefit you in the long run. Correct form is essential otherwise you will just be making the pain worse. Don't start heavy, start with a lighter acclamation phase with higher reps. Also try beginner yoga or pilates 1x/week, its great for focusing on stabilizing muscles that often are neglected from weight lifting and will most likely help strengthen your knee and shoulder joints.

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