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Thread: IGF-1 LR3 at 21 years old?

  1. #1

    IGF-1 LR3 at 21 years old?

    Hey guys! I am a moderately experienced lifter. I have been lifting weights seriously since I was 15. Currently I sit at 5'10'' 188 pounds, roughly around 10% bf. I am curious if doing a 30 day cycle of IGF-LR3 would be a good idea at my age? I know some people will say there is no point since my GH production is through the roof at my age, but I would still like to try a cycle. I am more interested in any long term endocrine system damage or other damage to my cells that might be possible when using IGF-LR3 at my age. I just want to be sure that running a cycle of it at age 21 would be safe with no long term damage (like halting GH production) I am fairly new to the anabolic and peptide game in bodybuilding, but am very aware of the destructive power of testosterone when run at such a young age. However, I cannot find much info online regarding IGF use at a young age. I am also curious if anyone has other peptides that would be better to run at my age if IGF is not the greatest idea. I am looking to step up my game with the use of peptides and plan on cycling testosterone when I am around 25-26 years old. Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    LR3 is all hype, it does nothing what so ever and you will lose everything after you stop, that's if you gained anything at all. Learning how to train correctly and eat would be far beneficial for you at your age.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    LR3 is all hype, it does nothing what so ever and you will lose everything after you stop, that's if you gained anything at all. Learning how to train correctly and eat would be far beneficial for you at your age.
    Like I said earlier, I am fairly experienced when it comes to lifting. I am in the 1000s for the big three (squat deadlift bench) and have 6 years of lifting under my belt. At 5'10'' 188 I have a solid base built up so far. I have certainly heard good things about IGF-1 LR3 so i am not sure where you are getting your information from.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy20035 View Post
    Like I said earlier, I am fairly experienced when it comes to lifting. I am in the 1000s for the big three (squat deadlift bench) and have 6 years of lifting under my belt. At 5'10'' 188 I have a solid base built up so far. I have certainly heard good things about IGF-1 LR3 so i am not sure where you are getting your information from.
    I've spent roughly 3-5k on lr3 and it was utter rubbish. Also many of my friends did some ptos who did the same and I don't know one who still uses it. You may think your training hard enough but I doubt it. I'd also look at your diet. These 2 areas will give you far more than lr3 but if you don't believe me go ahead and try it

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I've spent roughly 3-5k on lr3 and it was utter rubbish. Also many of my friends did some ptos who did the same and I don't know one who still uses it. You may think your training hard enough but I doubt it. I'd also look at your diet. These 2 areas will give you far more than lr3 but if you don't believe me go ahead and try it
    Again, not something I have heard from anyone else reading posts online. Studies done on rats also show new muscle cell growth, something that at my age would probably be best as I could age and mature these new cells on my own. You may be right, my training might not be hard enough or my diet might not be 100% amazing, but being a college student working 20 hours a week on the side, it is a little difficult. I am still looking for anyone who has information on whether or not doing a cycle this early would damage my endocrine system.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I've spent roughly 3-5k on lr3 and it was utter rubbish. Also many of my friends did some ptos who did the same and I don't know one who still uses it. You may think your training hard enough but I doubt it. I'd also look at your diet. These 2 areas will give you far more than lr3 but if you don't believe me go ahead and try it
    Again, not something I have heard from anyone else reading posts online. Studies done on rats also show new muscle cell growth, something that at my age would probably be best as I could age and mature these new cells on my own. You may be right, my training might not be hard enough or my diet might not be 100% amazing, but being a college student working 20 hours a week on the side, it is a little difficult. I am still looking for anyone who has information on whether or not doing a cycle this early would damage my endocrine system.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy20035 View Post
    Again, not something I have heard from anyone else reading posts online. Studies done on rats also show new muscle cell growth, something that at my age would probably be best as I could age and mature these new cells on my own. You may be right, my training might not be hard enough or my diet might not be 100% amazing, but being a college student working 20 hours a week on the side, it is a little difficult. I am still looking for anyone who has information on whether or not doing a cycle this early would damage my endocrine system.
    it wont increase your gh to a level were you will increase new tissue, its all hype the results what some experience is from the aas they are using. You don't need anything at your age and trust me you don't want to be messing around with your HPTA at your age. But i'll leave your thread because its pointless in giving you my 30 yrs experience of using drugs and training. Maybe someone else will tell you what you want to know

  8. #8

    I appreciate your feedback, but I have also heard of accounts of people who run a cycle who are not on any test or aas and still see increases in size and strength. Still just looking for an answer on how running a cycle would effect my HPTA since peptide hormones are not the same as steroid hormones.

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    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy20035 View Post

    I appreciate your feedback, but I have also heard of accounts of people who run a cycle who are not on any test or aas and still see increases in size and strength. Still just looking for an answer on how running a cycle would effect my HPTA since peptide hormones are not the same as steroid hormones.
    There are totally wrong,

    There are thousands of threads, but maybe someone will tell you what you want to hear lol

    out of here..

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are totally wrong,

    There are thousands of threads, but maybe someone will tell you what you want to hear lol

    out of here..
    I am certainly not taking your opinion with a grain of salt, I appreciate your feedback from someone that is experienced as yourself. I am still wondering whether or not taking peptide hormones at my age will mess with my endocrine system in the same sense that taking steroid hormones can damage it. Like you said, at the end of the day I may or may not run a cycle regardless of your opinion, but it is something I am definitely still researching because I am not about to run something that will hurt me in the long run.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    can you name a single brand of IGF-1?

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