So apparently this stuff is legal to buy at any Walmart and I got curious. Now
I'm aware that insulin will make you extremely sensitive to fat storage in its active window, which in this case is 3-4 hours.
So, one would not eat any fats after injecting for that time period, correct?
As far as carbs go, what is a good range to not achieve an over abundance resulting in fat storage, for someone who is rather sensitive to carbs in general?
I'm assuming Low GI carbs are optimal for their slow release, but high GI for immediate PWO intake after the shot.
I'm just looking into the stuff being that its legal, easily accessible, and the most anabolic hormone in the body and my friend used it got fat as shit LOL.
Could you shoot before a workout and bring a large gatorade and drink periodically through the lifts to suppress the catabolic hormones that arise during high intensity lifts such as cortisol, don't bug if that's a dumb question.
If I were to ever use slin it would PWO only. This stuff has really got me attention after seeing someone get so chubby so quickly.
I am aware that you need to have food, carb based, on hand to prevent dizzy spells and passing out, but humulin r is a slower acting slin and thus a bit safer, although I believe most slin isn't very dangerous unless you have no idea what the hell your doing.
Not going to going to touch the shit until my diet is down PAT (so like a few years at least). Taking a food science and nutrition class next semester, so I'll see how that goes and if I learn anything pertinent to bodybuilding what so ever.
Thought I knew a lot about nutrition but I have a fat chunk to learn, no pun intended.
Just curious and have no other questions for these forums really (GH usually equals bunk or is way out my $ price range, IGF too is not worth the $ at this point). I just like to learn and I can't seem to get help with my diet.
Think what you may, but I at this point I would be buying an OTC fat gainer and I'm aware. I'd rather just eat 7 pizzas, but knowledge is power, both in and out of the gym.