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Thread: LOW Hematocrit On Cylce

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    LOW Hematocrit On Cylce

    I got my mid cycle blood work done, completely expecting the have high hematocrit values and need to donate blood.

    My hematocrit values came in at 38.2%

    Pre-cycle my hematocrit count was at 43.3% (which is already on the lower end for men but a couple of months before that, it was at 43.5% so maybe it is just standard for me)

    How on earth could my hematocrit go down to 38,2% while on testosterone? Should I be worried?

    EDIT: Had another blood test with a complete blood count. See this post below.
    Last edited by mesophyte; 08-06-2014 at 04:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    What are you using?
    Any chance you're far more hydrated now than before?
    Experienced any blood loss?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    That is a bit odd. Could be the result of a few things. Possibly malnutrition such as low Iron or B12. The lower portion of the hematocrit range is 37.5%. I wouldn't be that worried because the you are still within range. You should keep an eye on it because there is a slight chance that it can be from something worse like internal bleeding.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I just came back from the lab again. I decided to get a complete blood count (rather than just hematocrit). As soon as it is available to me online I'll be able to see if my hematocrit really is low and the other aspects as well and I can post here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    What are you using?
    Any chance you're far more hydrated now than before?
    Experienced any blood loss?
    500mg of test e per week (for the first couple of weeks it was only 300mg of test p), 500 iu of HCG per week, 60mg of oxandrolone per day.

    According to Wikipedia: "Fluid overload (hypervolemia) causes decreased hemoglobin concentration and apparent anemia: General causes of hypervolemia include excessive sodium or fluid intake, sodium or water retention and fluid shift into the intravascular space."

    I suppose I could have been more hydrated. I was scheduled for a an abdominal ultrasound at the same time and that involved prep of drinking 1 litre of water 1 hour before the exam. But would that really impact my hematocrit by so much from 43% to 38%? Plus, at 500mg/week of testosterone, shouldn't it be at least slightly more elevated than usual so at the very least the 43% I've been at previously?

    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    That is a bit odd. Could be the result of a few things. Possibly malnutrition such as low Iron or B12. The lower portion of the hematocrit range is 37.5%. I wouldn't be that worried because the you are still within range. You should keep an eye on it because there is a slight chance that it can be from something worse like internal bleeding.
    I find malnourishment to be very unlikely.
    Would internal bleeding show up in an abdominal ultrasound? Because I had one yesterday and everything there was fine.
    The low value for men, according to this lab, is 40% so according to them it is out of range...

    Hopefully the complete blood count will come up normal or at least shed some light.
    Last edited by mesophyte; 08-06-2014 at 10:48 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    This lab is quick, already have the results from this morning. I did not drink a bunch of water before this test like I did yesterday and the hematocrit is still low at around 38%.

    Not sure if I translated it properly:

    Red Series
    RBC Count:4,73 millions/mm3 (range: 4,40 5,90 millions/mm3) NORMAL
    HEMOGLOBIN:12,6 g/dL (range: 13,0 to 18,0 g/dL) LOW
    HEMATOCRIT:38,8 % (range: 40,0% to 54,0% LOW
    Median Globular Volume:82,0 fL (range: 80,0 to 96,0 fL) NORMAL
    Median Globular Hemoglobin:26,6 pg (range: 27,0 to 33,0 pg) LOW
    Concentration of the Median Globular Hemoglobin:32,5 g/dL (range: 32,0 to 36,0 g/dL) NORMAL
    ANISOCITOSE Index (RDW):13,8 % (range: 11,5% to 14,5%) NORMAL

    White Series - LEUCOGRAM Absolute Values

    LEUCOCITE Count:8,3 mil/mm3 (range: 4,0 a 11,0 mil/mm3) NORMAL
    BASOFILS:0% 0 /mm3 (range: 0% to 1% 0 to 110 /mm3) NORMAL
    EOSINOFILS:4% 332 /mm3 (range: 1 to 5% - 40 to 550 /mm3) NORMAL
    NEUTROFILS MIELOCITES:0% 0 /mm3 (range: no info)
    NEUTROFILS METAMIELOCITES:0% 0 /mm3 (range: no info)
    Rods:2% 166 /mm3 (range: 1% to 7% - 40 to 770 /mm3) NORMAL
    SEGMENTED:45% 3.735 /mm3 (range: 40 to 65% - 1600 to 7150 /mm3) NORMAL
    LINFOCITES:41% 3.403 /mm3 (range: 22 to 45% - 880 to 4950 /mm3) NORMAL
    MONOCITES:8% 664 /mm3 (range: 2 to 10% - 80 to 1100 /mm3) NORMAL

    Platelet Count:435 mil/mm3 (range: 150 to 450 mil/mm3) NORMAL
    I have really no idea how to interpret this.
    I noticed that my platelet count is within range but it nearly doubled from my pre-cycle test. Some of my white blood cells are higher than they were but all in range.

    I assume anyways that this means that I should not donate blood, is that correct?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mesophyte View Post
    This lab is quick, already have the results from this morning. I did not drink a bunch of water before this test like I did yesterday and the hematocrit is still low at around 38%.

    Not sure if I translated it properly:

    I have really no idea how to interpret this.
    I noticed that my platelet count is within range but it nearly doubled from my pre-cycle test. Some of my white blood cells are higher than they were but all in range.

    I assume anyways that this means that I should not donate blood, is that correct?
    I don't know how to explain the results, but you're right in that you shouldn't donate blood. They won't let you donate in the first place if your hematocrit number is too low.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mesophyte View Post
    I assume anyways that this means that I should not donate blood, is that correct?
    You shouldn't donate blood. When you donate blood you will temporarily decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood. Until your hemoglobin has been replaced (7-10 days), your cardiovascular system will adapt by increasing your heart rate for any level of exercise.

    There are many reasons one may become anemic. Although anemic athletes most commonly suffer from iron deficiency anemia, dilutional anemia, and exertional hemolysis. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in athletes. Dilutional anemia occures when the body becomes dehydrated from exercise. The pituitary and kidneys sense this leading to fluid retention when you are able to rehydrate. This type of anemia is directly correlated to the intensity of the workout. Exertional hemolysis is most commonly affects runners but has been documented in weightlifters. Factors that can lead to exertional hemolysis are elevated temp in the working muscles, elevated acid concentration in the working muscles, variation in pressure of blood vessels, and mechanical impact or trauma.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Havr you had a metabolic panel done recently?
    (Your kidneys are responsible for secreting epo, which your bone marrow reacts to, then produces blood cells.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    iron deficiency anemia
    My iron was normal pre-cycle, could that change in 2 months? I haven't had it checked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Havr you had a metabolic panel done recently?
    (Your kidneys are responsible for secreting epo, which your bone marrow reacts to, then produces blood cells.
    I had an abdominal ultrasound on Tuesday and I was told that my kidneys look fine. In terms of blood test, here are some results from my pre-cycle blood work, it is just about 2 months old (I've left out the lipid profile and hormonal stuff since it probably isn't relevant)

    Quote Originally Posted by Excerpt of My Pre-Cycle Blood Work
    Red Series
    RBC Count:4,91 millions/mm3 (range: 4,40 5,90 millions/mm3) NORMAL
    HEMOGLOBIN:14,6 g/dL (range: 13,0 to 18,0 g/dL) NORMAL
    HEMATOCRIT:43,3 % (range: 40,0% to 54,0% NORMAL
    Median Globular Volume:88,2 fL (range: 80,0 to 96,0 fL) NORMAL
    Median Globular Hemoglobin:29,7 pg (range: 27,0 to 33,0 pg) NORMAL
    Concentration of the Median Globular Hemoglobin:33,7 g/dL (range: 32,0 to 36,0 g/dL) NORMAL
    ANISOCITOSE Index (RDW):14,1 % (range: 11,5% to 14,5%) NORMAL

    White Series - LEUCOGRAM Absolute Values

    LEUCOCITE Count: 5,9 mil/mm3 (range: 4,0 a 11,0 mil/mm3) NORMAL
    BASOFILS:0% 0 /mm3 (range: 0% to 1% 0 to 110 /mm3) NORMAL
    EOSINOFILS:7% 413 /mm3 (range: 1 to 5% - 40 to 550 /mm3) HIGH
    NEUTROFILS MIELOCITES:0% 0 /mm3 (range: no info)
    NEUTROFILS METAMIELOCITES:0% 0 /mm3 (range: no info)
    Rods:2% 118 /mm3 (range: 1% to 7% - 40 to 770 /mm3) NORMAL
    SEGMENTED:38% 2.242 /mm3 (range: 40 to 65% - 1600 to 7150 /mm3) ?
    LINFOCITES:48% 2.832 /mm3 (range: 22 to 45% - 880 to 4950 /mm3) ?
    MONOCITES:5% 295 /mm3 (range: 2 to 10% - 80 to 1100 /mm3) NORMAL

    Platelet Count:245 mil/mm3 (range: 150 to 450 mil/mm3) NORMAL

    Glucose 87mg/dL (range: 70 to 99 mg/dL) NORMAL

    UREA:45 mg/dL (range: 13 to 43 mg/dL) HIGH

    CREATININE:1,14 mg/dL (range: 0,70 to 1,30 mg/dL) NORMAL

    Uric Acid: 6,1 mg/dL (range: 3,5 to 7,2 mg/dL) NORMAL

    Iron: 127 mcg/dL (range: 59 a 160 mcg/dL) NORMAL


    Total Proteins: 7,1 g/dL (range: 6,4 a 8,2 g/dL) NORMAL
    ALT: 54 U/L (range: up to 41 U/L) HIGH
    AST: 29 U/L (range: up to 40 U/L) NORMAL
    Alkaline Phosphatase: 52 U/L (range: 40 to 129 U/L) NORMAL
    BILIRRUBIN DIRECT:0,3 mg/dL (range: up to 0,4 mg/dL) NORMAL
    BILIRRUBIN INDIRECT:0,6 mg/dL (range: up to 0,8 mg/dL) NORMAL
    BILIRRUBIN TOTAL:0,9 mg/dL (range: up to 1,2 mg/dL) NORMAL

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