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Thread: Police Shoot and kill black teen in Missouri Town

  1. #81
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hey DocD187123, I know you like donuts. You bastard.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  2. #82
    Lmao. I've had personal experiences with cops many times. I distrust them as a whole but do know a very select few who are actually decent. My cousin is married to a cop and he's a hypocritical prick at times .

    Yes I love donuts and bacon....NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM.

  3. #83
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Lmao. I've had personal experiences with cops many times. I distrust them as a whole but do know a very select few who are actually decent. My cousin is married to a cop and he's a hypocritical prick at times .

    Yes I love donuts and bacon....NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM.
    I bet I could DB press more than your cousin's cop mate. While eating donuts.


    When are you coming over? Call me.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #84
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    out there
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    If your definition of police corruption, is giving their daughters a little leeway when they take the car without a license, or speeding without having a reason. You're the one that's a fool.
    Honestly if you dont think real corrupt shit goes to the highest of ranks in some police forces your a fool. I wish I could enlighten you to what I know. Just know absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2iron View Post
    Honestly if you dont think real corrupt shit goes to the highest of ranks in some police forces your a fool. I wish I could enlighten you to what I know. Just know absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    I'm not oblivious to what goes on as i've stated before. What you're saying is not what the argument was about at that time though. So you can't quote me on something that answered a different question than you pose.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    If your definition of police corruption, is giving their daughters a little leeway when they take the car without a license, or speeding without having a reason. You're the one that's a fool.
    A reason make breaking the law suddenly acceptable? Hey my best friends neighbors dogs brothers owner just sharted himself so I was speeding to help wipe his ass. Please don't give me a ticket officer. I'll even give you a handie in the back seat. No more ticket

    Being a police officers child also gives you special rights no normal citizen has the right to? Fukk, why was I born to a mechanic and a baker and not a cop. All those damn tickets I have would have been never even written.

    Look, there are few good cops out there. The vast majority are hypocritical assholes whether you'll ever admit it or not. Just like a soldier has sworn to uphold the constitution from end miss foreign and DOMESTIC, a cop is under oath of duty and obligation to uphold the law of the land regardless of who the recipient of his actions is. Whether it's someone that sucked up to him or not shouldn't be a consideration. Whether it's his kid or not shouldn't be either. They are sworn to protect the law no matter what.

    Here's the oath many departments to by. Please point me to the part where exceptions can be made for family members or those who brown nose a cop? I'll wait patiently in the corner while eating the donut Austin gave me.

    A public affirmation of adhering to an Oath of Honor is a powerful vehicle demonstrating ethical standards. To be successful at enhancing integrity within an organization, leaders must ensure the oath is recited frequently and displayed throughout the organization as well as ensuring ethical mentoring and role modeling are consistent, frequent and visible. The following Law Enforcement Oath of Honor is recommended as by the International Association of Chiefs of Police as symbolic statement of commitment to ethical behavior:

    On my honor,
    I will never betray my badge1,
    my integrity, my character,
    or the public trust.
    I will always have
    the courage to hold myself
    and others accountable for our actions.
    I will always uphold the constitution2
    my community3 and the agency I serve.

    Before any officer takes the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor, it is important that he/she understands what it means. An oath is a solemn pledge someone makes when he/she sincerely intends to do what he/she says.

    Honor means that one's word is given as a guarantee.
    Betray is defined as breaking faith with the public trust.
    Badge is the symbol of your office.
    Integrity is being the same person in both private and public life.
    Character means the qualities that distinguish an individual.
    Public trust is a charge of duty imposed in faith toward those you serve.
    Courage is having the strength to withstand unethical pressure, fear or danger.
    Accountability means that you are answerable and responsible to your oath of office.
    Community is the jurisdiction and citizens served.

    The Oath of Honor's brevity allows it to be constantly referred to and reinforced during conversations and ceremonies.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    I'm not oblivious to what goes on as i've stated before. What you're saying is not what the argument was about at that time though. So you can't quote me on something that answered a different question than you pose.
    You're saying not all cops are bad. Some are but most aren't. What you're not understanding is that any cop who speeds without lights and sirens while heading to a call or in pursuit is breaking the same law he has SWORN to uphold. Thus he has become no better than the criminal he sought to apprehend/ticket/fine/etc. Knowing that many officers do this, most actually, means that most cops are crooked. And since most are now crooked, we can also generalize them as a whole bc an overwhelming majority do indeed break laws they give their word to protect.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    You're saying not all cops are bad. Some are but most aren't. What you're not understanding is that any cop who speeds without lights and sirens while heading to a call or in pursuit is breaking the same law he has SWORN to uphold. Thus he has become no better than the criminal he sought to apprehend/ticket/fine/etc. Knowing that many officers do this, most actually, means that most cops are crooked. And since most are now crooked, we can also generalize them as a whole bc an overwhelming majority do indeed break laws they give their word to protect.

    So since we can hold them to the same standard. You're basically saying that it's okay to hold someone who's in jail for public intoxication to the same standard as someone that's in for committing a murder?

  9. #89
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    You're saying not all cops are bad. Some are but most aren't. What you're not understanding is that any cop who speeds without lights and sirens while heading to a call or in pursuit is breaking the same law he has SWORN to uphold. Thus he has become no better than the criminal he sought to apprehend/ticket/fine/etc. Knowing that many officers do this, most actually, means that most cops are crooked. And since most are now crooked, we can also generalize them as a whole bc an overwhelming majority do indeed break laws they give their word to protect.
    He won't understand, Doc. Aphasia, if you will.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    So since we can hold them to the same standard. You're basically saying that it's okay to hold someone who's in jail for public intoxication to the same standard as someone that's in for committing a murder?
    Reading comprehension. I meant when the cop breaks the same law that he has arrested someone for or drive over the speed limit like the person he wrote the ticket to....he is no better than that person. He is not fit for duty. I said nothing of comparing one crime to a different crime. Re-read my post.

  11. #91
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    The king of making things up strikes again

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Reading comprehension. I meant when the cop breaks the same law that he has arrested someone for or drive over the speed limit like the person he wrote the ticket to....he is no better than that person. He is not fit for duty. I said nothing of comparing one crime to a different crime. Re-read my post.

    That's one way to look at it. I've already said that i have no problem with that as long as the cop is saving my life at the end of the day. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion and neither of us are going to change the law regardless of what we think. Just because another person is siding with you doesn't mean you're correct either.

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    He won't understand, Doc. Aphasia, if you will.
    It is past Doc's bedtime. I leave you all to deal with the youth or blind devotion. Maybe after some rest I'll be better prepared to deal with it.

    Until then, you and I have feast of Lebanese and BBQ food. Just don't tell Kel bc I fear his wrath

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    It is past Doc's bedtime. I leave you all to deal with the youth or blind devotion. Maybe after some rest I'll be better prepared to deal with it.

    Until then, you and I have feast of Lebanese and BBQ food. Just don't tell Kel bc I fear his wrath
    Naa. Not worth it. Bedtime for Bonzo here too.

    Agreed. Lebanese and BBQ sounds phenomenal. And yes, let's keep Kel out of it.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    That's one way to look at it. I've already said that i have no problem with that as long as the cop is saving my life at the end of the day. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion and neither of us are going to change the law regardless of what we think. Just because another person is siding with you doesn't mean you're correct either.
    So your life is more important than the law of the land? That's the definition of anti-American if I ever heard one lol. What happened to the land of the ppl, for the ppl, and by the ppl? Now it's just a Gestapo.

    We've established it's ok for a cop to break the law if it means saving your ass. Does this apply to young children? The elderly? Immigrants? Illegal aliens? Only you? You're to judge when it's ok to break the law and when it's not?

    I'm not looking to change the law. I've long since accepted my voice and that of the normal citizenry will never be heard. I could care less who agrees with me. How the hell do you come up with the argument that I'm all of a sudden correct bc somebody agreed with me? How dare you put words in my mouth. You think you're a special case and deserve to live even when it means breaking the law by the ppl who you are fighting for when it's their job NOT to break the law;, I think of myself as no better than my fellow human being. I shouldn't be given special treatment bc I'm a cops kid nor should it be given me bc I wanted to kiss his ass that day. The law is meant to be there to enforce order. How is it order if the law gets twisted to suit every oerosn's needs?

  16. #96
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Reading comprehension. I meant when the cop breaks the same law that he has arrested someone for or drive over the speed limit like the person he wrote the ticket to....he is no better than that person. He is not fit for duty. I said nothing of comparing one crime to a different crime. Re-read my post.
    and the thing is it goes WAY farther than speeding and extends way past just what they do. Its friends family and so on.
    People say it takes a special kind of person to be a cop, I agree it takes a special kind of hypocritical jerk off to arrest people and put them in jail, their families though metal, financial and emotional duress for doing the same things they themselves do and have done with no penalty. Extra special kind of character lacking jerk off that can do so and live with themselves and sleep well at night. Knowingly letting people go and getting passes for the same or worse offenses based on relationship or position. Character? Bravery? Serve? Protect? Yeah those arent the adjectives that come to my mind. then I love the only its only a small %- kiss my ass where did you go to school because you can bet your ass the % of cops based o the things I mentioned is ohhh around 100.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 08-12-2014 at 10:44 PM.

  17. #97
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    Cops are not what they use to be. They use to be to serve and protect. Now they are another form of crowd control and an armed militia. The police are not out there making any friends, getting to know anyone they are collecting revenue (speeding tickets) and working a job they just want to go home after. The recruiting for police has changed a lot over the years where now it's more about force, control and intimidation instead of working for the citizens and trying to make them/us feel more at ease.

  18. #98
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    It's because cops used to be able to pull a kid aside when he did something and give them a smack and tell him that they'll **** him up if he ever did something again. But now, parents will complain etc. and sue so they have to be extremely careful with how they treat people and can't make friends because of how everyone like you guys is looking for one small thing for them to do wrong so that you can call them corrupt.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Cops are not what they use to be. They use to be to serve and protect. Now they are another form of crowd control and an armed militia. The police are not out there making any friends, getting to know anyone they are collecting revenue (speeding tickets) and working a job they just want to go home after. The recruiting for police has changed a lot over the years where now it's more about force, control and intimidation instead of working for the citizens and trying to make them/us feel more at ease.
    lmao cops were never there to serve & protect well maybe if you were white middle class citizen but since day one cops have been brutalizing,killing etc minorities.Lol shit half of the LE in the south during the civil rights movement were in the kkk

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    It's because cops used to be able to pull a kid aside when he did something and give them a smack and tell him that they'll **** him up if he ever did something again. But now, parents will complain etc. and sue so they have to be extremely careful with how they treat people and can't make friends because of how everyone like you guys is looking for one small thing for them to do wrong so that you can call them corrupt.
    So you're admitting a cop is now allowed to threaten a kid? Did you go full blown retarded? That same kid's parents have no right to threaten to fukk up their child. It's called child abuse, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    So you're admitting a cop is now allowed to threaten a kid? Did you go full blown retarded? That same kid's parents have no right to threaten to fukk up their child. It's called child abuse, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc.
    Well that could be a big part of the reason he is no longer with us. Sorry but I got my ass whopped more than once and it did teach me to not do stupid things like shop lift because I had the fear of not being able to sit down for a week if I got caught and the good thing is I'm still here to be able to talk about it.

    Threatening a kid and a good ass whooping is perfectly acceptable and is even legal and is not child abuse. Yes it can go to far but those people who would cross that line are going to anyways no mater what the law says you can and cant do.

    I know people are going to have different perceptions on this especially due to personal experiences. Sorry to those who were abused but the law didnt make it OK or not, that was the abusive parents fault. I got spankings from both my mother and father and neither of them ever abused me.

  22. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well that could be a big part of the reason he is no longer with us. Sorry but I got my ass whopped more than once and it did teach me to not do stupid things like shop lift because I had the fear of not being able to sit down for a week if I got caught and the good thing is I'm still here to be able to talk about it.

    Threatening a kid and a good ass whooping is perfectly acceptable and is even legal and is not child abuse. Yes it can go to far but those people who would cross that line are going to anyways no mater what the law says you can and cant do.

    I know people are going to have different perceptions on this especially due to personal experiences. Sorry to those who were abused but the law didnt make it OK or not, that was the abusive parents fault. I got spankings from both my mother and father and neither of them ever abused me.
    Discipline /= 'fukking them up"

    You're lucky you're still here to talk about it. Others have not had your luck. I've been spanked and beaten myself. It did jack towards making me who I am today. I'd misbehave just to get hit again and see how much I could take. Then beatings stopped working and other resorts had to be taken. Again, it didn't do anything and was actually counter productive by making me want to do it more.

    In general, the NJ definition for physical child abuse states that a parent’s punishment of a child would need to lead to a serious injury to be classified as child abuse, so the court’s actual decision isn’t the story.
    However, the court’s comment that the act is “hardly admirable” is important for two reasons.
    First, research overwhelmingly shows that there are alternatives to spanking (or in this case “slapping a child in the face”) that are more effective in raising and disciplining a child — which is the point.
    Striking a child has been shown to increase negative behaviors, including aggression, in children. When someone is hit, whether it’s an adult or a child, a natural reaction is hostility, fear, anger, and resentment. There is research that points out that children experience these same emotions and it affects their future behavior and attitudes — the same as it would an adult.
    Second, research also shows that hitting a child as a disciplinary measure simply doesn’t work. It may change an immediate behavior due to the child’s fear of being hit again, but research shows that children who are hit are more likely to be misbehave after five years than children who weren’t hit.

  23. #103
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    Didnt someone mention donuts? Its a cop thread, there has to be donuts. Doc I think you were supposed to be bringing ?

  24. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Didnt someone mention donuts? Its a cop thread, there has to be donuts. Doc I think you were supposed to be bringing ?
    I have 10 dozen fresh donuts but Austin is bringing the bacon

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Naa. Not worth it. Bedtime for Bonzo here too.

    Agreed. Lebanese and BBQ sounds phenomenal. And yes, let's keep Kel out of it.
    Lebanese food is incredible.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Naa. Not worth it. Bedtime for Bonzo here too. Agreed. Lebanese and BBQ sounds phenomenal. And yes, let's keep Kel out of it.
    Reported to Kel!

  27. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Lebanese food is incredible.
    Austin wants me to cook for him In a maid's outfit. I protested and he told me to "STFU and cook you slut"

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Austin wants me to cook for him In a maid's outfit. I protested and he told me to "STFU and cook you slut"
    Are you lebanese?

    There is a place in Queens that we go to. The owner is Lebanese and started making her food in this really small place and the business just went through the roof. Got a small little restaurant but people come from all over NYC to eat there. When people leave Manhattan to come to queens for your food it says a lot.

  29. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Are you lebanese?

    There is a place in Queens that we go to. The owner is Lebanese and started making her food in this really small place and the business just went through the roof. Got a small little restaurant but people come from all over NYC to eat there. When people leave Manhattan to come to queens for your food it says a lot.
    I am mainly Lebanese but with a little bit of Turkish and other mixes in there.

    One of my exes and I used to frequent Cafe Fayrouz over on Steinway St in Qns back in the day. Weekends would have live Lebanese music, belly dancers, hookahs, and great Lebanese food. Went with my current gf around a month ago and the place is half the size, play hip hop music which I like but was hoping for Arabic music, and no dancers lol .

    Two of my favorite spots are Ilili restaurant and Byblos restaurant. Former on 5th Ave and latter on Madison but about 2 blocks from each other. Both had good food and service last time I went.

    I agree, if a manhattanite leaves to go to Qns to eat it does say a lot. I'm interested since I don't live far from the city and the girl is from BK we are always around there. What's the place if you don't mind sharing? If you like Spanish food I could put you on a few really good hole in the walls lol.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I am mainly Lebanese but with a little bit of Turkish and other mixes in there.

    One of my exes and I used to frequent Cafe Fayrouz over on Steinway St in Qns back in the day. Weekends would have live Lebanese music, belly dancers, hookahs, and great Lebanese food. Went with my current gf around a month ago and the place is half the size, play hip hop music which I like but was hoping for Arabic music, and no dancers lol .

    Two of my favorite spots are Ilili restaurant and Byblos restaurant. Former on 5th Ave and latter on Madison but about 2 blocks from each other. Both had good food and service last time I went.

    I agree, if a manhattanite leaves to go to Qns to eat it does say a lot. I'm interested since I don't live far from the city and the girl is from BK we are always around there. What's the place if you don't mind sharing? If you like Spanish food I could put you on a few really good hole in the walls lol.
    Wafa's is the name of the place. Its on met ave in forest hills. Its a no frills place but the food is excellent. She makes everything herself. The owner that is. Look on Yelp she has tons of reviews.

    Send me a Turkish place in Brooklyn if you have one. I ate Turkish in Brighton Beach awhile back and the food was awesome but I never searched out a place since then. I grew up on Long Island so I didn't have much interaction with middle Eastern people or their food and I never realized how freaking good it is. Or how god damn hot the women are.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    So you're admitting a cop is now allowed to threaten a kid? Did you go full blown retarded? That same kid's parents have no right to threaten to fukk up their child. It's called child abuse, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc.

    Exactly. So next time don't ask why cops are weary of people and don't act like a dumbass and wonder why they're cautious with people. Because they can't win with people like you, you're looking for them to do anything out of the ordinary so you can complain to someone but yet you expect sympathy and to be treated like a king when you're incarcerated. I suppose you think they should let the people take their own things out of their pocket too when they're arrested so the police aren't "invading their personal space.

    It's not a matter of me admitting anything because i don't make the rules. I'm just saying how it was. Cops were MUCH MORE lenient years ago

  32. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Wafa's is the name of the place. Its on met ave in forest hills. Its a no frills place but the food is excellent. She makes everything herself. The owner that is. Look on Yelp she has tons of reviews.

    Send me a Turkish place in Brooklyn if you have one. I ate Turkish in Brighton Beach awhile back and the food was awesome but I never searched out a place since then. I grew up on Long Island so I didn't have much interaction with middle Eastern people or their food and I never realized how freaking good it is. Or how god damn hot the women are.
    Wow what a coincidence lol. I take the J Robinson Pkwy to get down there and it's not far from where she lives. I'll be checking that place out for sure.

    Sahara restaurant Brooklyn. Been there twice and food is amazing. Ask to be seated outdoors. Tables are not as fancy but they have an outdoor garden which is amazing when taking the wife or gf. On Coney Island Ave between Avenue S and avenue U.

    Another one is Horus grill on Kings Highway but that's more of a hookah lounge with food.

    Thank you for the tip

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post

    Discipline /= 'fukking them up"

    You're lucky you're still here to talk about it. Others have not had your luck. I've been spanked and beaten myself. It did jack towards making me who I am today. I'd misbehave just to get hit again and see how much I could take. Then beatings stopped working and other resorts had to be taken. Again, it didn't do anything and was actually counter productive by making me want to do it more.
    But see you are the exception to the rule and you were abused. That does not mean everyone who gets a spanking or even most are abused. Were talking maybe 1% and it works for most kids.

    Doing nothing or having no consensus typically leads to criminal behavior.

  34. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Exactly. So next time don't ask why cops are weary of people and don't act like a dumbass and wonder why they're cautious with people. Because they can't win with people like you, you're looking for them to do anything out of the ordinary so you can complain to someone but yet you expect sympathy and to be treated like a king when you're incarcerated. I suppose you think they should let the people take their own things out of their pocket too when they're arrested so the police aren't "invading their personal space.

    It's not a matter of me admitting anything because i don't make the rules. I'm just saying how it was. Cops were MUCH MORE lenient years ago
    They aren't cautious with ppl. They're overly aggressive with them. I'm looking for them to be beholden to the same laws I am, the same laws they swore to serve and enforce which just doesn't happen.

    I've been in jail before. I expect no sympathy from anybody let alone the piggies. But when they robbed me twice don't expect them to get my sympathy. When they give me a ticket for going 7mph over the limit and they pull off in a cloud of smoke easily doubling the limit don't expect me to sympathize with them. When they beat me with a baton for talking back and questioning their authority don't expect me to have sympathy for them.

    Last time I was pulled over they actually allowed me to empty my own pockets. Of course they checked afterwards but woohoo my civil liberties are intact now that I could empty my own pockets.

    No you don't make the rules and neither do I but you damn sure don't seem to question them when they break those rules and have no problem talking shit about the civilians that do.

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    I am mainly Lebanese but with a little bit of Turkish and other mixes in there. One of my exes and I used to frequent Cafe Fayrouz over on Steinway St in Qns back in the day. Weekends would have live Lebanese music, belly dancers, hookahs, and great Lebanese food. Went with my current gf around a month ago and the place is half the size, play hip hop music which I like but was hoping for Arabic music, and no dancers lol . Two of my favorite spots are Ilili restaurant and Byblos restaurant. Former on 5th Ave and latter on Madison but about 2 blocks from each other. Both had good food and service last time I went. I agree, if a manhattanite leaves to go to Qns to eat it does say a lot. I'm interested since I don't live far from the city and the girl is from BK we are always around there. What's the place if you don't mind sharing? If you like Spanish food I could put you on a few really good hole in the walls lol.
    I love Lebanonese tea, especially the pine nuts!

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    I love Lebanonese tea, especially the pine nuts!
    you like nuts. Haha. I'm telling everyone.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    you like nuts. Haha. I'm telling everyone.
    It's cuz I'm nutz!

  38. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    I love Lebanonese tea, especially the pine nuts!
    It's good stuff. I don't drink much tea but my mom makes it whenever I stop over.

    Pine nuts to great with rice. Put a bit of butter and some line nuts in a pan on low/medium heat. When they brown a little bit to ahead and make rice as you normally would. We also use almonds in the rice as well.

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    It's good stuff. I don't drink much tea but my mom makes it whenever I stop over. Pine nuts to great with rice. Put a bit of butter and some line nuts in a pan on low/medium heat. When they brown a little bit to ahead and make rice as you normally would. We also use almonds in the rice as well.
    I eat them all the time in my couscous.

    The tea/lemonade has pine nuts in it. Only place I have had is in Baton Rouge. Went to some Lebanese places in Texas, asked for the tea, they immediately asked me if I was from Louisiana. Haha

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