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Thread: Diet while on a Test only Cycle...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day

    Diet while on a Test only Cycle...

    Hey guy I need some help or just want to check my self. I just finnished up with week two on my first cycle. Looking to gain some mass.

    started at 216 now about 219 always weigh on monday. So 219 is rough est. right around 13-14% BF at the lowest..

    I did my TDEE and it comes to around 3100 cals

    So if i was bulking I would need right around 3600 cals right? Or wrong? I hav been trying to get around 4000 but damg thats hard.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    My goal is to get up to 228-230 but try and keep the same size pants. Just get bigger. Thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Bump. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Getting bigger will cause you to need bigger pants lol, unless you don't train legs.. 500 above maintenance is good, should allow you to stay relatively lean, and add a pound a week, 10 weeks left in the cycle (I'm guessing) so thats 10lb - and the goal weight is hit

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Getting bigger will cause you to need bigger pants lol, unless you don't train legs.. 500 above maintenance is good, should allow you to stay relatively lean, and add a pound a week, 10 weeks left in the cycle (I'm guessing) so thats 10lb - and the goal weight is hit
    Thanks for the reply man. Its a lot harder to eat that much then what I thought. But I am giving it 100%.

    Anyone else?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Its a lot harder to eat that much then what I thought.
    Just make sure it happens (IMO) don't be afraid to slip on your diet to hit your macros.

  7. #7
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    Chicken All Day
    weighed in at 221, 3 weeks in. I am up 5 lbs in 3 weeks. I know its pretty much water weight. How much does someone gain over a weeks time while on cycle? I am guessing its more than the 1 lb per week deal. I have tried to eat as clean as you can. Its harder then what I ever thought it was going to be to get 3800 cals heck I am shooting for 36 I would be happy. I was damn near starving my self before I started to count my cals.

    Sodium I try to keep around 2300-2400mg a day. Whats the idea on this?? Trying to keep it low because of the water weight.
    I eat when I am not hungey and eat more. The wife says I have eaten 400 dollars in food over the last few weeks and I have done killed a chicken farm. lol..

    Thanks all the help and input please good or bad.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    weighed in at 221, 3 weeks in. I am up 5 lbs in 3 weeks. I know its pretty much water weight. How much does someone gain over a weeks time while on cycle? I am guessing its more than the 1 lb per week deal. I have tried to eat as clean as you can. Its harder then what I ever thought it was going to be to get 3800 cals heck I am shooting for 36 I would be happy. I was damn near starving my self before I started to count my cals.

    Sodium I try to keep around 2300-2400mg a day. Whats the idea on this?? Trying to keep it low because of the water weight.
    I eat when I am not hungey and eat more. The wife says I have eaten 400 dollars in food over the last few weeks and I have done killed a chicken farm. lol..

    Thanks all the help and input please good or bad.
    A pound of muscle in a weeks time is ALOT. If you do everything right you should be more than happy with a pound of muscle a week.

    Sounds like you should have waited to sort out your diet before you started.

    Ideal amount of sodium is between 2-4k, it's not evil like the propaganda will have you think.

    $100 a week on food is pretty average, when I eat 3500 cals a day, and dinner is free, I still go though atleast $60 a week, that's buying the cheapest stuff possible.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    A pound of muscle in a weeks time is ALOT. If you do everything right you should be more than happy with a pound of muscle a week.

    Sounds like you should have waited to sort out your diet before you started.

    Ideal amount of sodium is between 2-4k, it's not evil like the propaganda will have you think.

    $100 a week on food is pretty average, when I eat 3500 cals a day, and dinner is free, I still go though atleast $60 a week, that's buying the cheapest stuff possible.
    I got the diet part figured out ... Its the eating the part that I don't.

    Yea I agree a pound of MUSCLE is ALOT. But we all know a pound of muscle a week, is hard stuff.

    I mean for start of 3rd week is 5 lbs about right or to much not enough or ect???

    Thanks for your help and input Khamzima

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    I got the diet part figured out ... Its the eating the part that I don't.
    Your diet = what/how you eat. What I mean is you should have adapted to eating high calories first, especially since your appetite is going to go down during PCT and it's going to be even harder to eat enough to maintain the muscle you built.

    5lb is plenty for the first 3 weeks, especially if you're using something like test e some it's not taking full effect yet.

    No worries man

  11. #11
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    Do note that its not just muscle you'll be putting on, so as Khazima said if you manage to put on 5lb in 3 weeks thats pretty darn good, it's like newbie gains all over again.

    And eating wise you can afford to eat more protein as the synthesis is enhanced due to the nature of increased test.

    Add some peanut butter to your meals for an easy 100-200 calorie bump up too.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhit View Post
    Add some peanut butter to your meals for an easy 100-200 calorie bump up too.
    Great tip! Little things like this will help a lot, I always put peanut butter in with my oats, extra 200 calories, then maltodextrin with my shakes, extra 200 calories per scoop, and more calorically dense sauces with my meals.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Your diet = what/how you eat. What I mean is you should have adapted to eating high calories first, especially since your appetite is going to go down during PCT and it's going to be even harder to eat enough to maintain the muscle you built.

    5lb is plenty for the first 3 weeks, especially if you're using something like test e some it's not taking full effect yet.

    No worries man
    Thanks man. Ill get it. I want it to bad not to.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhit View Post
    Do note that its not just muscle you'll be putting on, so as Khazima said if you manage to put on 5lb in 3 weeks thats pretty darn good, it's like newbie gains all over again.

    And eating wise you can afford to eat more protein as the synthesis is enhanced due to the nature of increased test.

    Add some peanut butter to your meals for an easy 100-200 calorie bump up too.

    Thanks for the info.

  15. #15
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    Eating enough each day is crucial to mass gains. The only thing I can is to pre-prepare your foods, so that it is easy to eat/grab and go. I am at work for 8 hours a day, so I bring 4 prepared meals with me to work. I may be in and out of the office all day, so eating every 2 hours can be challenging, but not impossible. Also, for the first few weeks, I had to measure out my food, but now I can eye it. My weight has fluctuated by 2lbs as I have added. My new minimum weight as of week 3 of my cycle is 193lbs. I started at 181. It is not all muscle, but as already mentioned, the protein intake is there for maximum muscle gain. I am taking in about 3400 calories per day. The peanut butter does help with the extra 200 calories per day.

  16. #16
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    to gain one pound of lean, it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 3500 cals spread out over a reasonable amount of time, (in excess of TDEE). This is a VERY ROUGH guideline, and for some reason, for me, it's closer to 6000 cals. So anyways, if you go 500 cals/day above TDEE, in theory, you should be able to gain a pound a week. This means, again, in general, TDEE+500 over a 12 week cycle, one should be able to pick up 12 pounds of lean.

    The above is something you will have to play around with. It's not true for me. At TDEE + 500/day, I gain about 1/2 pound a week. But there are other variables to consider, of which I don't have a good handle on a formula yet. But Age is one variable, and I am 52, which could explain my sluggish response.

  17. #17
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    Chicken All Day
    Thats for all the info guys.

    That TR, did you say if I am reading it right you eat 6000 cals a day? Holy ....

    I am trying to eat it clean I can cheat and get it easy. Don't really wanna do that not just yet anyways. I am only on start of week 3. Trying my best to make this cycle (1st) the best I can.

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